New Results on Quadratic Minimization


In this paper we present several new results on minimizing an indefinite quadratic function under quadratic/linear constraints. The emphasis is placed on the case where the constraints are two quadratic inequalities. This formulation is termed the extended trust region subproblem in this paper, to distinguish it from the ordinary trust region subproblem where the constraint is a single ellipsoid. The computational complexity of the extended trust region subproblem in general is still unknown. In this paper we consider several interesting cases related to this problem and show that for those cases the corresponding SDP relaxation admits no gap with the true optimal value, and consequently we obtain polynomial time procedures for solving those special cases of quadratic optimization. For the extended trust region subproblem itself, we introduce a parameterized problem and prove the existence of a trajectory which will lead to an optimal solution. Combining with a result obtained in the first part of the paper, we propose a polynomial-time solution procedure for the extended trust region subproblem arising from solving nonlinear programs with a single equality constraint.