Queer Stories of Europe Queer Stories of Europe


Gay and Lesbian Literature as a Historical and Geographical Phenomenon Many books have been written about what gay and lesbian literature is. 1 Now, in the second decade of the 21 st century, the question of where gay and lesbian literature is becomes more relevant. In my opinion the centre for gay and lesbian literature is not in Paris or New York anymore, instead this centre is now in cities like Budapest or Riga. What I mean by that is that I do not understand gay and lesbian literature (GLL) as a category of literary aesthetics, but rather as a category of literary sociology and anthropology. GLL is an example of "community literature," or more precisely, it is one of the types of literature cultivated by subcultures in modern and post-modern society. These "community literatures" are not primarily driven by aesthetics, but by a function of community building and of representing the community in the cultural mainstream. In some cases this type of representation can take on a rather missionary accent, in other cases it can take on more of a selfdefensive tone, or a combination of both.