Influence of friction and fault geometry on earthquake rupture

2000, Journal of Geophysical Research

We investigate the impact of variations in the friction and geometry on models of fault dynamics. We focus primarily on a three-dimensional continuum model with scalar displacements. Slip occurs on an embedded two-dimensional planar interface. Friction is characterized by a two-parameter rate and state law, incorporating a characteristic length for weakening, a characteristic time for healing, and a velocity-weakening steady state. As the friction parameters are varied, there is a crossover from narrow, self-healing slip pulses to crack-like solutions that heal in response to edge effects. For repeated ruptures the crack-like regime exhibits periodic or aperiodic systemwide events. The self-healing regime exhibits dynamical complexity and a broad distribution of rupture areas. The behavior can also change from periodicity or quasi-periodicity to dynamical complexity as the total fault size or the length-to-width ratio is increased. Our results for the continuum model agree qualitatively with analogous results obtained for a one-dimensional Burridõe-Knopoff model in which radiation effects are approximated by viscous dissipation. context of a three-dimensional continuum model and a one-dimensional Burridge-Knopoff model. In our studies, dynamical complexity refers to observations of a