A família Poaceae no Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil



The family Poaceae in Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). A floristic survey of the family Poaceae (Gramineae) in Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was carried out. The work was based on intensive field collections and revision of herbaria. A hundred and twenty-four species were confirmed, distributed in eight subfamilies and 54 genera. The studied area contains near a quarter of the estimated grass diversity for the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Panicoideae (65 species) is the most representative subfamily, including over half of the species. The other species are divided among the subfamilies Pooideae (28), Chloridoideae (18), Aristidoideae (seven), Bambusoideae (two), Ehrhartoideae (two), Danthonioideae and Pharoideae (one species each). A hundred and thirteen species are native (91%) and 11 are exotic (9%). Morro Santana contains great grass richness and it is a very important area for conservation in the city of Porto Alegre. A checklist of the confirmed species, a...