The Elephant in the Room: Religion as a Subject of Inquiry



he initial enthusiasm for the scientific study of religion and other religions (also known as comparative religion) during the 19th century almost evaporated during the 20th century for two reasons. Firstly, it became clear that scholars of comparative religion had allowed presuppositions and assumptions to influence their research. Secondly, the horrors of the world wars disproved the scientific theory regarding the gradual evolution of religions. Eventually, two groups of scholars of comparative religion emerged. One group wanted to continue their research using the scientific method. The other group felt that comparative religion should make a more significant contribution to society. This article concludes that, firstly, scholars of religion must remain wary of the presuppositions and subjective bias they bring to the study of religion. Secondly, scholars of religion could abandon the exclusivist approach to the truth of other religions so as to foster a deeper engagement among ...