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In this research work, the effect of Xenon poisoning in a Canadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactor for different load cycles has been examined. The three load cycles that have been analyzed are 100%-70% full power, 100%-60% Full Power (FP), and 100%-50% FP. It is considered that the CANDU reactor has operated for a full week on a particular load cycle and the maximum excess of Xenon reactivity that accumulated in the reactor during the load cycle has been estimated. After calculating the excess Xenon reactivity in a load cycle, it has been analyzed whether it is within given reactivity limit (-18 to +7 mk) provided by devices which include liquid zone controllers, absorbers and adjusters in a CANDU reactor. Further it has been also mentioned as to what are options of controlling the reactor power if this excess reactivity exceeds the limit supplied by adjusters, absorbers and liquid zone controllers. With the results of the mathematical analysis of Xenon and Iodine concentration the optimized load cycle on which the CANDU reactor should be operated has been estimated. The impact of all the three power cycles on the uranium fuel is also studied.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2000
The xenon transient in a CANDU-6 reactor loaded with DUPIC fuel has been studied. This study utilized WIMS-AECL to generate xenon properties for the RFSP code to calculate the xenon load. The xenon property generation method by WIMS-AECL was validated for a natural uranium CANDU-6 core. The validation calculation has shown that the xenon load predicted by WIMS-AECL and RFSP is within 2% of the reference value obtained by the design codes POWDERPUFS-V and RFSP. The xenon load of the DUPIC fuel core was calculated for various reactor conditions such as shutdown, startup and power level change; and the results were compared with those of a natural uranium core. This study has shown that the xenon load of CANDU-6 reactor loaded with DUPIC fuel is much lower than that of the natural uranium core; however, the xenon transients are stabilized in both cores.
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2000
The performance of reactivity devices for a Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) 6 reactor loaded with Direct Use of Spent Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel In CANDU reactors (DUPIC) fuel is assessed. The reactivity devices studied are the zone controller units, the adjuster rods, and the mechanical control absorbers. For the zone controller system, the bulk reactivity control, spatial power control, and damping capability for spatial oscillation are investigated. For the adjusters, the xenon override, restart after a poison-out, shim operation, and power step-back capabilities are confirmed. The mechanical control absorber is assessed for the function of compensating temperature reactivity feedback following a power reduction. This study shows that the current reactivity device system of a CANDU 6 reactor is compatible with DUPIC fuel for normal and transient operations.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2000
The instability induced by xenon spatial oscillation of a CANDU-6 reactor with DUPIC fuel has been assessed for three important harmonic perturbations: top-to-bottom, side-to-side and front-to-back oscillations. For each oscillation, the instability index of the DUPIC fuel core has been calculated and compared with that of the natural uranium core. Parametric calculations have also been performed to analyze the effect of the power level and axial power shape on the xenon oscillation. This study has shown that the instability due to xenon oscillation increases for the DUPIC fuel core compared with the natural uranium core. However, this study has also shown that the current reactivity device system suppresses the xenon oscillation completely for both the natural uranium and the DUPIC fuel cores.
In the process of exploring the thorium fuel application in CANDU reactors, it is important to consider the proliferation resistance level as a parameter for comparison with current natural uranium fuel. The concept of a whole fuel cycle was introduced to show the variations in the proliferation resistance level as the material is flowing through the cycle. The depletion and decay histories were simulated with SCALE 6.1 code and the results such as isotopes composition, decay heat, and radioactivity were used to analyze the material attractiveness of pure heavy metal for weapon production. They also served as the intrinsic features during the proliferation resistance level calculation. The Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis (MAUA) method developed by Chalton was used to compare different CANDU fuel cycles with quantified values (PR) from the viewpoint of proliferation resistance. To improve the biased MAUA results that gave a PR of 0.76 to CANDU while 0.93 to PWR, the attributes of si...
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2007
A joint study on the technical feasibility of using 0.9% slightly enriched uranium (SEU) fuel in the Embalse CANDU reactor was performed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. (NASA). The feasibility study focused on the following technical areas: reactor physics and fuel management, fuel performance, and safety. Part of the safety assessment involved detailed thermalhydraulics analyses of three accident scenarios for a full core of SEU fuel bundles: (i) slow loss-of-reactivity control (LORC) event, (ii) large-break loss-ofcoolant accident (LBLOCA) with emergency core cooling system (ECCS) available, and (iii) end-fitting failure. Other accident scenarios possibly encountered during the demonstration irradiation exercise or transition core have also been examined. It is concluded that introducing SEU fuel into the Embalse CANDU reactor is feasible. Clear advantages (e.g., fuel cost saving, increase in fuel exit burnup, and reduction in spent fuel volume) have been identified. The reduction in maximum bundle powers and the shift of the maximum bundle-power location to the inlet of the channel for the SEU fuel improve operating and safety margins. These margins are higher with the CANFLEX SEU fuel than the 37-element SEU fuel, due to lower linear powers and improved thermalhydraulic design.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2006
The paper presents the behavior and properties analysis of the low enriched uranium fuel, which will be loaded in the Romanian TRIGA 14 MW steady state research reactor compared with the original high enriched uranium fuel. The high and low enriched uranium fuels have similar thermal properties, but different nuclear properties. The research reactor core was modeled with both fuel materials and the reactor behavior was studied during a reactivity insertion accident. The thermal hydraulic analysis results are compared with that obtained from the safety analysis report for high enriched uranium fuel core. The low enriched uranium fuel shows a good behavior during reactivity insertion accident and a revised safety analysis report will be made for the low enriched uranium fuel core.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2006
Three-dimensional neutronics analyses were performed to find the reactivity feedback coefficients and control margins under normal and presumed accidental conditions for the novel proliferation resistant, safer and economical natural uranium fueled and heavy water moderated nuclear research reactor cores [Annals of Nuclear Energy 31 (2004) 1331e1356 & 32 (2005) 612e620, Progress in Nuclear Energy (2006a,b) in press]. The results were compared with the reference core similar in design to National Experimental Reactor (NRX) and Canadian Indian Reactor (CIR). Standard reactor physics simulation codes WIMS-D/4 and CITATION were employed for this study. It was found that as opposed to the reference design, the new proposed cores are inherently stable as far as temperature reactivity feedback is concerned. Voids formation (loss of coolant) adds positive reactivity in all the cores. However, in the case of proposed cores, the reactivity added would be about 10% of that added in the reference core for loss of a given fraction of coolant. Moreover, as opposed to the NRX/CIR core, the shut-off rods, under the one stuck rod criterion, can shutdown and maintain the proposed cores subcritical in the accidental conditions.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2001
Equilibrium fuel cycle characteristics of a light water reactor (LWR) with enriched uranium supply were evaluated. In this study, ®ve kinds of fuel cycles of 3000 MWt pressurized water reactor (PWR) were investigated, and a method to determine the uranium enrichment in order to achieve their criticality was presented. The results show that the enrichment decreases considerably with increasing number of con®ned heavy nuclides when U is discharged from the reactor. The required natural uranium was also evaluated for two dierent enrichment processes. The amount of required natural uranium also decreases as well. On the other hand, when U is totally con®ned, the enrichment becomes unacceptably high. Furthermore, Pu and minor actinides (MA) con®ning seem eective to incinerate the discharged radio-toxic wastes. #
European Journal of Control, 2011
A simple dynamic model of a nuclear reactor with temperature dependent reactivity and six groups of neutron emitting nuclei is developed in this paper based on first engineering principles. The proposed model contains the possible minimal number of differential equations and it is capable of describing important dynamic phenomena such as load change transients between day and night periods. Because the model is nonlinear in its parameters, an optimizationbased parameter estimation procedure has been applied by using the Nelder-Mead algorithm and measured data from the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. The estimated parameter values fall into physically meaningful ranges and the response of the constructed reactor model shows a good fit to the measurement data.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2012
Large quantities of nuclear waste plutonium and minor actinides (MAs) have been accumulated in the civilian light water reactors (LWRs) and CANDU reactors. These trans uranium (TRU) elements are all fissionable, and thus can be considered as fissile fuel materials in form of mixed fuel with thorium or naturanium in the latter. CANDU fuel compacts made of tristructural-isotropic (TRISO) type pellets would withstand very high burn ups without fuel change. As carbide fuels allow higher fissile material density than oxide fuels, following fuel compositions have been selected for investigations: ① 90% nat-UC þ 10% TRUC, ② 70% nat-UC þ 30% TRUC and ③ 50% nat-UC þ 50% TRUC. Higher TRUC charge leads to longer power plant operation periods without fuel change. The behavior of the criticality k N and the burn up values of the reactor have been pursued by full power operation for > w12 years. For these selected fuel compositions, the reactor criticality starts by k N ¼ 1.4443, 1.4872 and 1.5238, where corresponding reactor operation times and burn up values have been calculated as 2.8 years, 8 years and 12.5 years, and 62, 430 MW.D/MT, 176,000 and 280,000 MW.D/ MT, with fuel consumption rates of w16, 5.68 and 3.57 g/MW.D respectively. These high burn ups would reduce the nuclear waste mass per unit energy output drastically. The study has show clearly that TRU in form of TRISO fuel pellets will provide sufficient criticality as well as reasonable burn up for CANDU reactors in order to justify their consideration as alternative fuel.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005
The regional overpower protection (ROP) system of a Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactor was assessed for the direct use of spent pressurized water reactor fuel in CANDU reactors (DUPIC), including the validation of the Winfrith improved multigroup scheme (WIMS)/reactor fuelling simulation program (RFSP)/reduction power (ROVER) code system used for the calculation of the ROP trip setpoint (TSP). Comparative calculations showed that the WIMS/RFSP/ROVER code system produced results consistent with the current design code system for estimating the ROP TSP of the standard natural uranium CANDU reactor. For the DUPIC fuel CANDU core, the ROP TSP was estimated to be 123.4%, which was almost the same as that of the standard natural uranium core. The extra margin of the ROP TSP for the DUPIC fuel system was enhanced by the flattened axial channel power distribution as well as the reduced refueling ripple of the channel power. This study has shown that the DUPIC fuel does not deteriorate the current ROP TSP designed for the natural uranium CANDU reactor.
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2011
In these studies the isotopic inventories and corresponding activities of important nuclides for different fuel cycles of a CANDU reactor have been compared. The calculations have been performed using the computer code WIMSD4. The isotopic inventories and activities have been calculated versus the fuel burn-up for the natural UO 2 fuel, 1.2% enriched UO 2 fuel and for the 0.45% PuO 2-UO 2 fuel. It is found that 1.2% enriched uranium fuel has the lowest activity as compared to other two fuel cycles and vice versa for the 0.45% PuO 2-UO 2 fuel.
Fusion Technology, 1992
Radioactivity induced in a typical fusion power reactor was calculated for all elements with atomic number Z < 84 and for different irradiation times. It was shown that the shutdown activity varies widely with the duration of the irradiation time. In general, the activity induced by radionuclides with halflives that are significantly longer than the period of irradiation increases with increasing the irradiation time. On the other hand, the level of activity generated by any radionuclide with a half-life which is significantly shorter than the reactor lifetime reaches a peak early during irradiation and then may starts to drop to lower value before the end of irradiation. The severity of this peaking is determined by the destruction rate of the parent element The activities generated by long-lived nuclides (important for waste management) in any fusion reactor with life time in the order of 30 years reach their peak values at end-of-life. In the mean time, using the activity and decay heat values generated by short and intermediate-lived radionuclides at the end of reactor life to represent the worst case values used in safety analyses related to a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and accidental release of radioactive inventory might lead to a substantial underestimation of the results.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2006
Weapon grade plutonium is used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThO 2 /PuO 2 fuel in a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) fuel bundle in order to assure the initial criticality at startup. Two different fuel compositions have been used: (1) 97% thoria (ThO 2) + 3%PuO 2 and (2) 92% ThO 2 + 5% UO 2 + 3% PuO 2. The latter is used to denaturize the new 233 U fuel with 238 U. The temporal variation of the criticality k ∞ and the burn-up values of the reactor have been calculated by full power operation for a period of 20 years. The criticality starts by k ∞ = ∼1.48 for both fuel compositions. A sharp decrease of the criticality has been observed in the first year as a consequence of rapid plutonium burnout. The criticality becomes quasi constant after the second year and remains above k ∞ > 1.06 for ∼20 years. After the second year, the CANDU reactor begins to operate practically as a thorium burner. Very high burn up could be achieved with the same fuel material (up to 500,000 MW•D/T), provided that the fuel rod claddings would be replaced periodically (after every 50,000 or 100,000 MW•D/T). The reactor criticality will be sufficient until a great fraction of the thorium fuel is burnt up. This would reduce fuel fabrication costs and nuclear waste mass for final disposal per unit energy drastically.
To Ann xiv Preface removes any drudgery that might otherwise be entailed. Selected problems require the use of one of the earlier mentioned high level computing languages for the solution of transcendental or differential equations. These are marked with an asterisk. The preparation of this text would have been immensely more difficult if not impossible without the help and encouragement of many friends, colleagues, and students. Advice and assistance from the staff of the Nuclear Engineering Division of Argonne National Laboratory have been invaluable in the text's preparation. Won Sik Yang, in particular, has provided advice, reactor parameters, graphical illustrations, and more as well-taking the time to proofread the draft manuscript in its entirety.
Journal of Engineering, 2013
This paper looks at the existing challenges with steady-state Liquid Zone control at some CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) stations, where—contrary to expectations for equilibrium flow—Liquid Zone Control Valve oscillations have proven to be a chronic, unanticipated challenge. Currently, the exact causes of this behaviour are not fully understood, although it is confirmed that the Control Valve oscillations are not due to automatic power adjustment requests or zone level changes due to process leaks. This phenomenon was analysed based on a case study of one domestic nuclear power station to determine whether it could be attributed to inherent controller properties. Next, a proposal is made in an attempt to improve current performance with minimal changes to the existing system hardware and logic using conventional technologies. Finally, a proposal was made to consider Model Predictive Control-based technology to minimize the undesirable Control Valve oscillations at steady state bas...
International Journal of Energy Research, 2016
Spent nuclear fuel out of conventional light water reactors contains significant amount of even plutonium isotopes, so called reactor grade plutonium. Excellent neutron economy of Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactors can further burn reactor grade plutonium, which has been used as a booster fissile fuel material in form of mixed ThO 2 /PuO 2 fuel in a CANDU fuel bundle in order to assure reactor criticality. The paper investigates incineration of nuclear waste and the prospects of exploitation of rich world thorium reserves in CANDU reactors. In the present work, the criticality calculations have been performed with 3-D geometrical modeling of a CANDU reactor, where the structure of all fuel rods and bundles is represented individually. In the course of time calculations, nuclear transformation and radioactive decay of all actinide elements as well as fission products are considered. Four different fuel compositions have been selected for investigations: ① 95% thoria (ThO 2) + 5% PuO 2 , ② 90% ThO 2 + 10% PuO 2 , ③ 85% ThO 2 + 15% PuO 2 and ④ 80% ThO 2 + 20% PuO 2. The latter is used for the purpose of denaturing the new 233 U fuel with 238 U. The behavior of the criticality k ∞ and the burnup values of the reactor have been pursued by full power operation for~10 years. Among the investigated four modes, 90% ThO 2 + 10% PuO 2 seems a reasonable choice. This mixed fuel would continue make possible extensive exploitation of thorium resources with respect to reactor criticality. Reactor will run with the same fuel charge for~7 years and allow a fuel burnup~55 GWd/t.
Energy Conversion and Management, 2004
A neutronic analysis has been performed to assess a prospective utilization of light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel in Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactors mixed with thoria (ThO 2 ). The study is conducted for mixture grades with 50%, 60% and 100% LWR spent fuel and 50%, 40% and 0% thoria, respectively.
ICONE28, 2020
One sees eerie similarities here in Canada to the incestuous, cozy relationship between regulator and utilities in pre-Fukushima Japan. This has created conditions that are ripe for a nuclear disaster. Operating reactors have barely seen any substantive risk reduction upgrades seven eight years after Fukushima, hoopla around some minor improvements and closure of regulatory 'Fukushima Action Items' notwithstanding .notwithstanding. At less than 0.7 atm(g) design pressure and design leakage ~500 times the 0.1%/day norm in newer PWRs, the multi unit CANDU reactors sport some of the weakest containments; have high steam and air oxidation potential in 10km of low carbon steel feeder piping and twice the Zircaloy of LWRs. Combustible gas detection and mitigation systems are unfortunately designed for Hydrogen instead of Deuterium gas in these PHWRs. With no reactor pressure vessel to isolate the overheating core debris, the leaky containments become immediate recipients for copious quantities of combustible Deuterium and fission products. Reactor geometries and interconnected reactors promote combustible gas explosion potential. The pressure relief systems in cooling and moderating systems are dangerously inadequate, resulting likely in containment bypass and vessel failures. Even more dangerous are the unsubstantiated claims being made of near impossibility of off-site releases by clueless, irresponsible management without nay a challenge by the regulators, eager to rubber stamp all industry requests. The life management issues of ageing, elongating, thinning, hydriding, embrittling and deforming pressure tubes is yet to be resolved but these obsolete reactors keep getting ever longer license extensions (over 50% beyond original Pickering pressure tube design life). Proposed engineering fixes that can be undertaken to overcome some critical vulnerabilities are groundlessly rejected in ingrained obdurate industry intransigence against changes. Emergency preparedness by civil authorities has been conditioned for smallest source terms and available response time for mitigation measures irresponsibly exaggerated. A number of early mitigation measures, common to all PWRs, will not work due to an unusually low, below core, placement of Pressurizer that will divert much primary coolant in detriment of potential fuel cooling restoration by re-flooded boilers inducing natural circulation flows. These are signs of impending implosions in Canadian nuclear industry that has avoided resilience engineering. Not likely, but perhaps disaster can be avoided by a return to the principles, and not mere slogans, of 'safety first'. Right now, an unmitigated station blackout in a CANDU multi-unit station will make Fukushima disaster look like a walk in the park.
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