Jurnal Matkul FIX


The aims of this reseach are to know marketing margin and to analyse the effect of some changes: productivity, tradeable input price, the price of chili, the labor wage and the exchange rate of rupiah toward comparative advantage of chili commodity. Village Sukoanyar-Wajak and Village Bocek-Karangploso is chosen as the research location due to they are the production center of big chili in Malang regency. The analysis used in this study are market margin and sensitivity analysis. The results of this study show: (1). In distribution margin, the retailer gaines the biggest proportion (38,89%) and the collector merchant gaines 12,50% of the marketing institution's total profit. The price difference among consumer (household) and producer (farmer) is 1.800,00 IDR per Kg. (2). The sensitivity analysis of input-output change toward comparative advantage: by the assumption of one variable changes and the other one is constant are as follows: (a). Big chili productivity and social output price have positive correlation with the comparative advantage (b). Tradeable input social price change and labor cost have negative correlation with DRC and DRCR (c). Sensitivity of shadow exchange rate has positive correlation with DRC and DRCR. By assuming 3 variables (input social price, output social price, and labor cost) increase in wholly coincide, they have positive correlation with the comparative advantage.