Konglish: Awareness and Audience

2005, KOTESOL Daegu workshop

This study analyzed how Korean university students altered the editing of English text after being informed of their incorrect Korean -English usage, or "Konglish". Test subjects were approximately 220 freshmen at a private university in Seoul, who were enrolled in compulsory first-year English conversation courses in the fall term. Classes ranged from 25-30 students, assigned to one of four instructors. Research was conducted in three phases over a three-month term. Part I had students describing pictures, and instructors creating text from those descriptions, including in particular the most common student errors. Part II was a matching activity in which students had to match common "Konglish" terms with their English definition or counterpart. In Part Three, students were given the text including "Konglish", and worked in groups to modify it for a university magazine written in standard English. Findings showed that students edited differently depending upon their perception of the reading audience.