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The accurate automated classification of variable stars into their respective sub-types is difficult. Machine learning based solutions often fall foul of the imbalanced learning problem, which causes poor generalisation performance in practice, especially on rare variable star sub-types. In previous work, we attempted to overcome such deficiencies via the development of a hierarchical machine learning classifier. This 'algorithm-level' approach to tackling imbalance, yielded promising results on Catalina Real-Time Survey (CRTS) data, outperforming the binary and multi-class classification schemes previously applied in this area. In this work, we attempt to further improve hierarchical classification performance by applying 'data-level' approaches to directly augment the training data so that they better describe under-represented classes. We apply and report results for three data augmentation methods in particular: $\textit{R}$andomly $\textit{A}$ugmented $\textit{S...
The accurate automated classification of variable stars into their respective subtypes is difficult. Machine learning based solutions often fall foul of the imbalanced learning problem, which causes poor generalisation performance in practice, especially on rare variable star sub-types. We attempted to overcome such deficiencies via the development of a hierarchical machine learning classifier. This ‘algorithmlevel’ approach to tackling imbalance, yielded promising results on Catalina RealTime Survey (CRTS) data. We attempt to further improve hierarchical classification performance by applying ‘data-level’ approaches to directly augment the training data so that they better describe under-represented classes. We apply and report results for three data augmentation methods in particular: Randomly Augmented Sampled Light curves from magnitude Error (RASLE), augmenting light curves with Gaussian Process modelling (GpFit) and the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). When ...
Upcoming synoptic surveys are set to generate an unprecedented amount of data. This requires an automatic framework that can quickly and efficiently provide classification labels for several new object classification challenges. Using data describing 11 types of variable stars from the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS), we illustrate how to capture the most important information from computed features and describe detailed methods of how to robustly use information theory for feature selection and evaluation. We apply three machine learning algorithms and demonstrate how to optimize these classifiers via cross-validation techniques. For the CRTS data set, we find that the random forest classifier performs best in terms of balanced accuracy and geometric means. We demonstrate substantially improved classification results by converting the multiclass problem into a binary classification task, achieving a balanced-accuracy rate of ∼99 per cent for the classification of δ Scuti...
The Astrophysical Journal, 2017
Machine learning techniques have been successfully used to classify variable stars on widely studied astronomical surveys. These data sets have been available to astronomers long enough, thus allowing them to perform deep analysis over several variable sources and generating useful catalogs with identified variable stars. The products of these studies are labeled data that enable supervised learning models to be trained successfully. However, when these models are blindly applied to data from new sky surveys, their performance drops significantly. Furthermore, unlabeled data become available at a much higher rate than their labeled counterpart, since labeling is a manual and time-consuming effort. Domain adaptation techniques aim to learn from a domain where labeled data are available, the source domain, and through some adaptation perform well on a different domain, the target domain. We propose a full probabilistic model that represents the joint distribution of features from two surveys, as well as a probabilistic transformation of the features from one survey to the other. This allows us to transfer labeled data to a study where they are not available and to effectively run a variable star classification model in a new survey. Our model represents the features of each domain as a Gaussian mixture and models the transformation as a translation, rotation, and scaling of each separate component. We perform tests using three different variability catalogs, EROS, MACHO, and HiTS, presenting differences among them, such as the number of observations per star, cadence, observational time, and optical bands observed, among others.
One fundamental pre-processing step in the analysis of the data sets produced by astronomical surveys is the classification of objects. We classify a set of visually selected variable sources from the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey into variability types using a supervised machine learning algorithm, Random Forest (Breiman, 2001). An important limitation was the absence of a sufficiently well-known training set in LINEAR, which prompted us to use data from the Hipparcos satellite survey. The different characteristics of the two surveys induce biases between regions occupied by the same variability types in the attribute space, unequal occurrence of types, different aliases that influence the period recovery, and bad coverage in the attribute space. We present the classification scheme, some simple strategies to avoid the effects of sample selection and attribute bias, and show our results on the class regions in the attribute space. We present a few examples for the different types of variable stars found in LINEAR.
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2016
The aim of classification in machine learning is to utilize knowledge gained from applying learning algorithms on a given data so as determine what class an unlabelled data having same pattern belongs to. However, algorithms do not learn properly when a massive difference in size between data classes exist. This classification problem exists in many real world application domains and has been a popular area of focus by machine learning and data mining researchers. The class imbalance problem is further made complex with the presence of associative data difficult factors. The duo have proven to greatly deteriorate classification performance. This paper introduces a two-phased data level approach for binary classes which entails the temporary re-labelling of classes. The proposed approach takes advantage of the local neighbourhood of the minority instances to identify and treat difficult examples belonging to both classes. Its outcome was satisfactory when compared against various data-level methods using datasets extracted from KEEL and UCI datasets repository.
New Astronomy
With the advent of digital astronomy, new benefits and new problems have been presented to the modern day astronomer. While data can be captured in a more efficient and accurate manor using digital means, the efficiency of data retrieval has led to an overload of scientific data for processing and storage. This paper will focus on the construction and application of a supervised pattern classification algorithm for the identification of variable stars. Given the reduction of a survey of stars into a standard feature space, the problem of using prior patterns to identify new observed patterns can be reduced to time tested classification methodologies and algorithms. Such supervised methods, so called because the user trains the algorithms prior to application using patterns with known classes or labels, provide a means to probabilistically determine the estimated class type of new observations. This paper will demonstrate the construction and application of a supervised classification algorithm on variable star data. The classifier is applied to a set of 192,744 LINEAR data points. Of the original samples, 34,451 unique stars were classified with high confidence (high level of probability of being the true class).
The Astronomical Journal
Automatic classification methods applied to sky surveys have revolutionized the astronomical target selection process. Most surveys generate a vast amount of time series, or "lightcurves", that represent the brightness variability of stellar objects in time. Unfortunately, lightcurves' observations take several years to be completed, producing truncated time series that generally remain without the application of automatic classifiers until they are finished. This happens because state of the art methods rely on a variety of statistical descriptors or features that present an increasing degree of dispersion when the number of observations decreases, which reduces their precision. In this paper we propose a novel method that increases the performance of automatic classifiers of variable stars by incorporating the deviations that scarcity of observations produces. Our method uses Gaussian Process Regression to form a probabilistic model of each lightcurve's observations. Then, based on this model, bootstrapped samples of the time series features are generated. Finally a bagging approach is used to improve the overall performance of the classification. We perform tests on the MACHO and OGLE catalogs, results show that our method classifies effectively some variability classes using a small fraction of the original observations. For example, we found that RR Lyrae stars can be classified with around 80% of accuracy just by observing the first 5% of the whole lightcurves' observations in MACHO and OGLE catalogs. We believe these results prove that, when studying lightcurves, it is important to consider the features' error and how the measurement process impacts it.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2013
The domain of radio astronomy is currently facing significant computational challenges, foremost amongst which are those posed by the development of the world's largest radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Preliminary specifications for this instrument suggest that the final design will incorporate between 2000 and 3000 individual 15 metre receiving dishes, which together can be expected to produce a data rate of many TB/s. Given such a high data rate, it becomes crucial to consider how this information will be processed and stored to maximise its scientific utility. In this paper, we consider one possible data processing scenario for the SKA, for the purposes of an all-sky pulsar survey. In particular we treat the selection of promising signals from the SKA processing pipeline as a data stream classification problem. We consider the feasibility of classifying signals that arrive via an unlabelled and heavily class imbalanced data stream, using currently available algorithms and frameworks. Our results indicate that existing stream learners exhibit unacceptably low recall on real astronomical data when used in standard configuration; however, good false positive performance and comparable accuracy to static learners, suggests they have definite potential as an on-line solution to this particular big data challenge.
We present an automatic classification method for astronomical catalogs with missing data. We use Bayesian networks, a probabilistic graphical model, that allows us to perform inference to pre-dict missing values given observed data and dependency relationships between variables. To learn a Bayesian network from incomplete data, we use an iterative algorithm that utilises sampling methods and expectation maximization to estimate the distributions and probabilistic dependencies of variables from data with missing values. To test our model we use three catalogs with missing data (SAGE, 2MASS and UBVI) and one complete catalog (MACHO). We examine how classification accuracy changes when information from missing data catalogs is included, how our method compares to tra-ditional missing data approaches and at what computational cost. Integrating these catalogs with missing data we find that classification of variable objects improves by few percent and by 15 % for quasar detection while ...
There are many occasions when one does not have complete information in order to classify objects into different classes, and yet it is important to do the best one can since other decisions depend on that. In astronomy, especially time-domain astronomy, this situation is common when a transient is detected and one wishes to determine what it is in order to decide if one must follow it. We propose to use the Difference Boosting Neural Network (DBNN) which can boost differences between feature vectors of different objects in order to differentiate between them. We apply it to the publicly available data of the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS) and present preliminary results. We also describe another use with a stellar spectral library to identify spectra based on a few features. The technique itself is more general and can be applied to a varied class of problems.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2016
The need for the development of automatic tools to explore astronomical databases has been recognized since the inception of CCDs and modern computers. Astronomers already have developed solutions to tackle several science problems, such as automatic classification of stellar objects, outlier detection, and globular clusters identification, among others. New scientific problems emerge, and it is critical to be able to reuse the models learned before, without rebuilding everything from the beginning when the sciencientific problem changes. In this paper, we propose a new meta-model that automatically integrates existing classification models of variable stars. The proposed meta-model incorporates existing models that are trained in a different context, answering different questions and using different representations of data. A conventional mixture of expert algorithms in machine learning literature cannot be used since each expert (model) uses different inputs. We also consider the computational complexity of the model by using the most expensive models only when it is necessary. We test our model with EROS-2 and MACHO data sets, and we show that we solve most of the classification challenges only by training a meta-model to learn how to integrate the previous experts.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2012
With growing data volumes from synoptic surveys, astronomers necessarily must become more abstracted from the discovery and introspection processes. Given the scarcity of follow-up resources, there is a particularly sharp onus on the frameworks that replace these human roles to provide accurate and wellcalibrated probabilistic classification catalogs. Such catalogs inform the subsequent follow-up, allowing consumers to optimize the selection of specific sources for further study and permitting rigorous treatment of purities and efficiencies for population studies. Here, we describe a process to produce a probabilistic classification catalog of variability with machine learning from a multi-epoch photometric survey. In addition to producing accurate classifications, we show how to estimate calibrated class probabilities, and motivate the importance of probability calibration. We also introduce a methodology for feature-based anomaly detection, which allows discovery of objects in the survey that do not fit within the predefined class taxonomy. Finally, we apply these methods to sources observed by the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS), and unveil the Machine-learned ASAS Classification Catalog (MACC), which is a 28-class probabilistic classification catalog of 50,124 ASAS sources. We estimate that MACC achieves a sub-20% classification error rate, and demonstrate that the class posterior probabilities are reasonably calibrated. MACC classifications compare favorably to the classifications of several previous domain-specific ASAS papers and to the
The Astrophysical Journal, 2011
With the coming data deluge from synoptic surveys, there is a growing need for frameworks that can quickly and automatically produce calibrated classification probabilities for newly-observed variables based on a small number of time-series measurements. In this paper, we introduce a methodology for variable-star classification, drawing from modern machine-learning techniques. We describe how to homogenize the information gleaned from light curves by selection and computation of real-numbered metrics (features), detail methods to robustly estimate periodic light-curve features, introduce treeensemble methods for accurate variable star classification, and show how to rigorously evaluate the classification results using cross validation. On a 25-class data set of 1542 well-studied variable stars, we achieve a 22.8% overall classification error using the random forest classifier; this represents a 24% improvement over the best previous classifier on these data. This methodology is effective for identifying samples of specific science classes: for pulsational variables used in Milky Way tomography we obtain a discovery efficiency of 98.2% and for eclipsing systems we find an efficiency of 99.1%, both at 95% purity. We show that the random forest (RF) classifier is superior to other machine-learned methods in terms of accuracy, speed, and relative immunity to features with no useful class information; the RF classifier can also be used to estimate the importance of each feature in classification. Additionally, we present the first astronomical use of hierarchical classification methods to incorporate a known class taxonomy in the classifier, which further reduces the catastrophic error rate to 7.8%. Excluding low-amplitude sources, our overall error rate improves to 14%, with a catastrophic error rate of 3.5%. 5 High-precision photometry missions (Kepler, MOST, CoRoT, etc.) are already challenging the theoretical understanding of the origin of variability and the connection of some specific sources to established classes of variables. 6 General Catalog of Variable Stars, 7 Not discussed herein are the challenges associated with discovery of variability. See Shin et al. (2009) for a review.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2012
Despite the great promise of machine-learning algorithms to classify and predict astrophysical parameters for the vast numbers of astrophysical sources and transients observed in large-scale surveys, the peculiarities of the training data often manifest as strongly biased predictions on the data of interest. Typically, training sets are derived from historical surveys of brighter, more nearby objects than those from more extensive, deeper surveys (testing data). This sample selection bias can cause catastrophic errors in predictions on the testing data because a) standard assumptions for machine-learned model selection procedures break down and b) dense regions of testing space might be completely devoid of training data. We explore possible remedies to sample selection bias, including importance weighting (IW), co-training (CT), and active learning (AL). We argue that AL-where the data whose inclusion in the training set would most improve predictions on the testing set are queried for manual follow-up-is an effective approach and is appropriate for many astronomical applications. For a variable star classification problem on a well-studied set of stars from Hipparcos and OGLE, AL is the optimal method in terms of error rate on the testing data, beating the off-the-shelf classifier by 3.4% and the other proposed methods by at least 3.0%. To aid with manual labeling of variable stars, we developed a web interface which allows for easy light curve visualization and querying of external databases. Finally, we apply active learning to classify variable stars in the ASAS survey, finding dramatic improvement in our agreement with the ACVS -2catalog, from 65.5% to 79.5%, and a significant increase in the classifier's average confidence for the testing set, from 14.6% to 42.9%, after a few AL iterations.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019
ABSTRACTIn the last years, automatic classification of variable stars has received substantial attention. Using machine learning techniques for this task has proven to be quite useful. Typically, machine learning classifiers used for this task require to have a fixed training set, and the training process is performed offline. Upcoming surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will generate new observations daily, where an automatic classification system able to create alerts online will be mandatory. A system with those characteristics must be able to update itself incrementally. Unfortunately, after training, most machine learning classifiers do not support the inclusion of new observations in light curves, they need to re-train from scratch. Naively re-training from scratch is not an option in streaming settings, mainly because of the expensive pre-processing routines required to obtain a vector representation of light curves (features) each time we include new observat...
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009
Context. The CoRoT space mission has two main scientific goals: exoplanet searches, and asteroseismology. Detecting planets using the occultation (or transit) method requires continuous monitoring of several thousand stars for a long period and with high photometric precision. As an important consequence, many high-quality light curves are obtained. Among this sample, a large fraction of variable stars is present, most of them previously unknown. This work describes the supervised classification of those newly measured variables, using automated methods. The methods were developed in the framework of the CoRoT mission, but they can easily be applied to other databases. Aims. In this work, we describe the pipeline for the fast supervised classification of light curves observed by the CoRoT exoplanet CCDs. We present the classification results obtained for the first four measured fields, which represent a one-year in-orbit operation. Methods. The basis of the adopted supervised classification methodology has been described in detail in a previous paper, as is its application to the OGLE database. Here, we present the modifications of the algorithms and of the training set, to optimize the performance when applied to the CoRoT data. Results. Classification results are presented for the observed fields IRa01, SRc01, LRc01, and LRa01 of the CoRoT mission. Statistics on the number of variables and the number of objects per class are given and typical light curves of high-probability candidates are shown. We also report on new stellar variability types discovered in the CoRoT data. The full classification results are publicly available.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017
During the past 10 years, a considerable amount of effort has been made to develop algorithms for automatic classification of variable stars. That has been primarily achieved by applying machine learning methods to photometric data sets where objects are represented as light curves. Classifiers require training sets to learn the underlying patterns that allow the separation among classes. Unfortunately, building training sets is an expensive process that demands a lot of human efforts. Every time data come from new surveys; the only available training instances are the ones that have a cross-match with previously labelled objects, consequently generating insufficient training sets compared with the large amounts of unlabelled sources. In this work, we present an algorithm that performs unsupervised classification of variable stars, relying only on the similarity among light curves. We tackle the unsupervised classification problem by proposing an untraditional approach. Instead of trying to match classes of stars with clusters found by a clustering algorithm, we propose a query-based method where astronomers can find groups of variable stars ranked by similarity. We also develop a fast similarity function specific for light curves, based on a novel data structure that allows scaling the search over the entire data set of unlabelled objects. Experiments show that our unsupervised model achieves high accuracy in the classification of different types of variable stars and that the proposed algorithm scales up to massive amounts of light curves.
arXiv: Astrophysics of Galaxies, 2019
We present a star/galaxy classification for the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS), based on a Machine Learning approach: the Random Forest algorithm. We train the algorithm using the S-PLUS optical photometry up to $r$=21, matched to SDSS/DR13, and morphological parameters. The metric of importance is defined as the relative decrease of the initial accuracy when all correlations related to a certain feature is vanished. In general, the broad photometric bands presented higher importance when compared to narrow ones. The influence of the morphological parameters has been evaluated training the RF with and without the inclusion of morphological parameters, presenting accuracy values of 95.0\% and 88.1\%, respectively. Particularly, the morphological parameter {\rm FWHM/PSF} performed the highest importance over all features to distinguish between stars and galaxies, indicating that it is crucial to classify objects into stars and galaxies. We investigate the misclass...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
In this paper we present an experimental study of the performance of six machine learning algorithms applied to morphological galaxy classification. We also address the learning approach from imbalanced data sets, inherent to many real-world applications, such as astronomical data analysis problems. We used two over-sampling techniques: SMOTE and Resampling, and we vary the amount of generated instances for classification. Our experimental results show that the learning method Random Forest with Resampling obtain the best results for three, five and seven galaxy types, with a F-measure about .99 for all cases.
Machine learning has achieved an important role in the automatic classification of variable stars, and several classifiers have been proposed over the last decade. These classifiers have achieved impressive performance in several astronomical catalogues. However, some scientific articles have also shown that the training data therein contain multiple sources of bias. Hence, the performance of those classifiers on objects not belonging to the training data is uncertain, potentially resulting in the selection of incorrect models. Besides, it gives rise to the deployment of misleading classifiers. An example of the latter is the creation of open-source labelled catalogues with biased predictions. In this paper, we develop a method based on an informative marginal likelihood to evaluate variable star classifiers. We collect de-terministic rules that are based on physical descriptors of RR Lyrae stars, and then, to mitigate the biases, we introduce those rules into the marginal likelihood estimation. We perform experiments with a set of Bayesian Logistic Regressions, which are trained to classify RR Lyraes, and we found that our method outperforms traditional non-informative cross-validation strategies, even when penalized models are assessed. Our methodology provides a more rigorous alternative to assess machine learning models using astronomical knowledge. From this approach, applications to other classes of variable stars and algorithmic improvements can be developed.
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