Large Graph Algorithms for Massively Multithreaded Architectures



The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) provide high computation power at a low cost and is an important compute accelerator with a massively multithreaded architecture. In this paper, we present fast implementations of common graph operations like breadth-first search, st-connectivity, single-source shortest path, all-pairs shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow for undirected graphs on the GPU using the CUDA programming model. Our implementations exhibit high performance, especially on large graphs. We use two data-parallel programming methodologies for these algorithms. One is an iterative, mask-based approach that processes valid data elements like vertices and edges using independent threads for each. The other is a divide-and-conquer approach that reduces the problem into smaller problems that are handled later using the same approach. Parallel algorithms for such problems have been reported in the literature before, especially on supercomputers. The massively mul...