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1985, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE …
This thesis investigates technical issues concerning the automated generation of highly regular VLSI circuit layouts (e.g. RAMs, PLAs, systolic arrays) that are crucial to the designability and realizability of large VLSI systems. The key is to determine the most profitable level of abstraction, which is accomplished by the introduction of true macro abstraction, interface inheritance, delayed binding, and the complete decoupling of procedural and graphical design information. These abstraction mechanisms are implemented in the Regular Structure Generator, an operational layout generator with significant advantages over first generation layout tools. Its advantages are demonstrated by a pipelined array multiplier layout example. A leaf cell compactor that can make the RSG technology transportable is also investigated.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1983
In this paper, we present a new methodology for custom VLSI layout which aims at a low turnaround time and a high quality of design. VLSI circuits are highly complex, and to speed up the design process we exploit the hierarchical structure of a design, splitting the problem domain into several levels. The process of layout at each level is divided into steps such as placement of rectangular blocks, determining block dimensions, determining interconnection paths, etc. In order to obtain high quality designs, we have systematically analyzed the relationship among the parameters being computed at various steps and have accordingly organized the flow of data and control through these steps. There are two novel features in our scheme. First, we do not follow the usual pure top-down or pure bottom-up approach, so as to take into account the infl.uence of design decisions at the higher levels on design decisions made at the lower levels, as well as vice versa. For example, we determine the geomehy of a block taking into consideration the context in which it is placed, as well as the geometries of the lower level blocks it encloses. Second, we perform a look-ahead operation when the values of some. parameters are needed before they are actually deterministically computable by the process. For example, at the ,time of placement, the area required for routing is estimated statistically (before doing the actual routing) so that a more routable placement can be obtained, thereby avoiding some unnecessary iterations.
Design Automation Conference, 1988
This paper presents a data structure for representing the structure of VLSI circuits and basic operations for manipulating this data structure. Its features include conceptual integrity, rich expressive power, and high extensibility. It forms the nucleus of a design analysis and synthesis system which has been used to design several major chips.
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015, 2015
Recently, the requirement of shortened design cycles has led to rapid development of High Level Synthesis (HLS) tools that convert system level descriptions in a high level language into efficient hardware designs. Due to the high level of abstraction, HLS tools can easily provide multiple hardware designs from the same behavioral description. Therefore, they allow designers to explore various architectural options for different design objectives. However, such exploration has exponential complexity, making it practically impossible to explore the entire design space. The conventional approaches to reduce the design space exploration (DSE) complexity do not analyze the structure of the design space to limit the number of design points. To fill such a gap, we explore the structure of the design space by analyzing the dependencies between loops and arrays. We represent these dependencies as a graph that is used to reduce the dimensions of the design space. Moreover, we also examine the access pattern of the array and utilize it to find the efficient partition of arrays for each loop optimization parameter set. The experimental results show that our approach provides almost the same quality of result as the exhaustive DSE approach while significantly reducing the exploration time with an average of speed-up of 14x.
| A genetic algorithm for the physical design of VLSI-chips is presented. The algorithm simultaneously optimizes the placement of the cells with the total routing. During the placement the detailed routing is done, while the global routes are optimized by the genetic algorithm. This is just opposed to the usual serial approach, where the computation of the detailed routing is the last step in the layout-design.
Proceedings Sixteenth Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, 1995
We present a recursive method for generating layout for VLSI chips which combines the flexibility of gate array and standard cell layout with the control and density of custom layout. The method allows seamless integration of hand-drawn and synthesized layout, so that hand layout need only be used where the increase in density is justified. Layout is generated automatically with predictable results; small changes in the source result in small changes of the overall layout. The system is versatile enough to build dense VLSI microprocessor chips automatically.
Computer-Aided Design, 1984
When designing systems-on-a-chip (SoCs), a unique opportunity exists to generate custom FPGA architectures that are specific to the application domain in which the device will be used.
Regular layout is a fundamental concept in VLSI design which can have a p p l ications in custom design for submicron technologies, designing new architectures for ne-grain Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGAs and Electrically Programmable Logic Devices EPLDs, and minimization of logic functions for existing FPGAs. PLAs are well-known examples of regular layouts. Lattice diagrams are another type of regular layouts that have b e e n r e c e n tly introduced for layoutdriven logic synthesis 14. In this paper we extend and combine these two ideas, by i n troducing the multi-level PLA-like structures, composed from multi-output pseudosymmetrical lattice planes and other planesmulti-input, multi-output r e gular blocks. The main idea is to decompose a non-symmetric general function to planes, in order to realize as much as possible of the functionwith totally symmetric and regularly connected planes.
International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 2011
Development of VLSI is a unique era in microelectronics, more precisely in integrated circuit industry. VLSI is the field which involves packing more and more logic devices into smaller areas combining thousands or many more than that of transistors into a single chip. But the design of very large scale integrated circuit is far beyond human ability. Therefore, Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools are heavily involved in the design process. This is highly expensive and technological at the same time. Unfortunately 3rd world countries are lagging far behind in this arena. This study represents a brief demonstration on one of the VLSI designing CAD tools known as MAGIC. The study includes a brief and precise direction from the software installation to the way of IC fabrication with a design of CMOS inverter and its simulation as example. It also includes why MAGIC should be the choice in academic purpose as well as industrial especially in 3rd world countries, along with its limitations and superiority.
Computer Sciences Forum (Honeywell), 1984
This article describes a chip planning tool called SPIDER (Spatial Planning and Interactive Environment for Research) for planning the layout of custom VLSI circuits. Some of the algorithms used are technology independent while others are specific to ISL (integrated Schottky Logic) technology. Thus, in the case of ISL, a close match between the layout tool, the design style and the technology is possible. The ISL dependent portions of SPIDER are insulated from the technology independent portions. The planning tool provides estimates of the chip area, the interconnection wiring space between the function blocks and a floor plan indicating the relative placement of the function blocks. An overview of SPIDER which outlines the overall philosophy and the various tasks in chip planning, is given. Some experiments in chip planning with SPIDER are then described. Finally extensions to the scope of the planning tool are discussed. (With Raja S. Ramnarayan, PhD)
When designing systems-on-a-chip (SoCs), a unique opportunity exists to generate custom FPGA architectures that are specific to the application domain in which the device will be used. The inclusion of such devices provides an efficient compromise between the flexibility of software and the performance of hardware, while at the same time allowing for postfabrication modification of the SoC. To automate the layout of reconfigurable subsystems for systems-on-a-chip, we present three alternative methods, namely Template Reduction, Circuit Generator, and Standard Cell methods. Template Reduction begins with a full-custom layout as a template that is a superset of the required resources, and removes those resources that are not needed by a given application domain. Circuit Generator takes advantage of the regularity that exists in FPGAs by using circuit generators to create the custom reconfigurable devices. Finally, Standard Cell automates the creation of circuits by using a standard cell library that has been optimized for reconfigurable devices. This paper presents algorithms for each of these approaches, and quantifies the relative quality in terms of area and delay.
We introduce a concept in VLSI layout which can nd applications in submicron design, quantum devices, and designing new ne-grain FPGAs. This concept is called Lattice Structure and it extends the concepts from 8] and 1, . In the regular arrangement of cells, every cell is connected to 4, 6 or 8 neighbors and to vertical, horizontal and diagonal buses. Methods for expanding arbitrary binary and multi-valued combinational functions to this layout are illustrated.
Abstract There are two prominent problems with technology scaling: increasing design complexity and more challenges with interconnect design, including routability. High-level synthesis has been proposed to solve the complexity problem by raising the abstraction level. In this paper, we share our vision that high-level synthesis can potentially help the routability problem as well.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1994
Folding or topological compaction of array-based VLSI layouts is an important optimization step that is carried out after logic synthesis. In this paper, a new approach to two-dimensional multiple folding of array-based VLSI layouts is presented. From the specification of the problem a pair of intersection gruphs is created. We show that any pair of interval graphs that contain the intersection graphs as spanning subgraphs corresponds to a set of feasible foldings. Next, a complete and exact characterization of the folding problem is presented. In particular, it is shown that the set of all feasible foldings associated with a given pair of interval graphs corresponds to the set of independent colorings of a pair of compatibility graphs. The compatibility graphs are derived from a pair of interval graphs that contain the intersection graphs as spanning subgraphs. Thus, minimizing the area of a layout is tantamount to finding a pair of compatibility graphs such that the product of their chromatic numbers is minimum. As important as minimizing the area of a layout is, the ability to rapidly generate compact layouts over a wide range of aspect ratios is often equally, if not more, important. The interval graphbased formulation of the folding problem permits a controlled and systematic generation of compact layouts with varying aspect ratios. Efficient and provably correct algorithms to generate compact layouts that have a given number of rows or a given number of columns within their minimum and maximum possible values are given. The basic theory and methods are extended to include U 0 and other types of constraints. Finally, the results of experiments that were carried out on a large number of benchmark problems are given. These results are compared with those obtained by previously reported methods. I. INTRODUCTION TRUCTURED LOGIC refers to logic forms that exhibit S a high degree of regularity in their layout and interconnections. The use of such regular structures makes it possible to automatically generate the layout from an abstract specification. The most widely used regular structure is the Programmable Logic Array (PLA). In addition, a variety of other regular structures have been proposed over the past two decades. Examples include Doubly Folded Transistor Matrix [19], Metal-Metal Matrix (M 3) [12], Flexible Transistor Matrix (FTM) [8], and Gate Matrix [21]. All these forms have a two-dimensional structure consisting of an array of row and column elements. An element can be as simple as a single transistor or as complex as a small network of transistors. When used in their most basic form, the advantage Manuscript
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 1995
System-level design involves making major design decisions without having accurate information on the eventual system characteristics. This paper presents a novel constraintdriven methodology to support system-level design. The software assists a designer or a tool in partitioning behavioral specifications onto multiple VLSI chips and in system design while satisfying hard constraints such as individual chip areas, chip pin counts, system throughput (inverse of system initiation interval) and system latency (delay). The software uses search and estimation techniques to perform comprehensive design-space exploration and evaluates partitions supplied by the user or by other synthesis software. The technique determines what design characteristics each partition must possess in order to satisfy area, pin, throughput and latency constraints. The paper also includes results of extensive experiments with the methodology.
Proceedings of MELECON '94. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 1994
In this paper we present a complete design and implementation of a CMOS cell library which supports a formal high level synthesis framework. The library contains the logic level models and VLSI layouts of all primitive functions of the Realization Specification Language (RSL) [l] as well as some commonly used functions which are also built using these basic functions. Modular design methodology is employed to support the expandibility of the basic cells. Example of a formal matrix-matrix multiplier is presented to illustrate the application of the cell library.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2001
To implement high-performance global interconnect without impacting the placement and performance of existing blocks, the use of buffer blocks is becoming increasingly popular in structured-custom and block-based application specified integrated circuit methodologies. Recent works by Cong et al. (1999) and give algorithms to solve the buffer block planning problem. In this paper, we address the problem of how to perform the buffering of global multiterminal nets given an existing buffer block plan. We give provably good and heuristic algorithms for this problem based on a recent approach of Garg and Könemann (1998)
Proc. 9th VLSI Design …, 2005
Today's VLSI technology allows us to construct large, complex systems with million transistors on a single chip. Most of the existing high level synthesis systems give more priority to optimization of area, power, resource and time steps compared to interconnection cost, whereas the later becomes predominant with the technology scaling and increase in complexity. Further, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are now becoming attractive platform for prototyping. Programmable devices tend to have limited wiring resources between the data path elements. This work is concerned with the development of a CAD tool for HLS named, "Structured Architecture Synthesis Tool (SAST)", which incorporates structured architecture generation with special emphasis on optimization of interconnect area. The too takes a behavioral description written in 3-address form and generates synthesizable RTL codes with scripts for compliance with standard design tools like Synopsys, Magma etc.
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