The Idea of Christianity in Hobbes's "Leviathan



This essay expounds Hobbes's idea of Christianity based on a reading of Leviathan as a whole. Among the conclusions are these: First, that Hobbes was profoundly concerned with the religious questions spawned by the Reformation from start to finish in Leviathan, and there pro vides his most extended, elaborate commentary on Christian belief. The common neglect of the third and fourth parts of Leviathan is a mistake, not only because Hobbes himself believed them of fundamental importance to his theorizing of the conditions for civil peace and spiritual repose, but be cause the themes of the latter two parts are present in the first two parts per sistently. Leviathan may be seen as a religious treatise and not only a work of political philosophy. Second, in Leviathan Hobbes has worked out a detailed version of re formed Christianity that is his own, based on his own reading and interpreta tion of the Scriptures but also informed by his familiarity with the major theo logical issues...