Psychology and Human Development

2021, MSSE 701 - Psychology and Human Development


Psychological development is the outcome of biosocial interactions in deaf education (Skyer, 2021). The design of this curriculum will expose you to a research corpus that focuses the extreme diversity of research related to deaf psychology and deaf human development. The course will elucidate two main goals: (1) how to understand the factors that enable and inhibit positive deaf developmental trajectories in education and civic life, and (2) how to apply research-supported teaching practices and develop effective pedagogic repertoires that foster healthy deaf development via biosocial interactions. Owning in part to the profusion of psychological research (with or without deaf people), this course takes a somewhat narrow view and only explores research that directly links human development with observable or manipulable phenomena, including the body, the physical environment of the classroom, and teaching methods that are comprehensible for deaf people. As such, the specific themes we will explore are: exploring and applying theories of developmental play and human (biosocial) bodies which overarch the themes shown in the textbooks and other course readings.