A Template for Teaching 21st Century Technologies of the Self

2017, JOurnal of Humanities Therapy

Technologies of the self, a termed coined by Michel Foucault, refers to the practices and strategies by which individuals represent to themselves their own ethical self-understanding, and through which they are enabled to become the subject of their lives. On their own, or with the help of others, they act upon their bodies, souls, thoughts and conduct in order to transform themselves and to attain a certain state of perfection or happiness. Within Greco-Roman philosophy, these practices fell under the general rubric of knowing and taking care of oneself. They were among the main rules for social and personal conduct. Western philosophy died out in the beginning of the Christian era. When it made its reappearance in the late Middle Ages, it did so within the confines of the university and without the technologies of the self it once had. If western philosophy wishes to be of practical value once again, it must restore its original technologies and adapt them to 21st century man. Western philosophy students must be taught these practices so they can go out into the world and offer historically and philosophically grounded ways for people to know themselves and to care for themselves and their souls. The aim of this paper is to offer a pedagogy to support technologies borrowed from the Ancients and adapted for use by the modern person, as well as to present a model for teaching some of these technologies.