Eternal canary of the west, endless parties, Greek style


Only a new ‗heresy'represented at this moment by Syrizacan save what is worth saving of the European legacy: democracy, trust in people, egalitarian solidarity etc. -Slavoj Žižek i We don't believe that a government, even if it is this left, can deal with this [crisis]. -Eliana Kanaveli ii …I would not die without delivering a stroke, or die ingloriously, but in some action memorable to men. -Homer iii For its heroic pride, Greece suffered the pains of giving birth to, and experimenting with Democracy, Morality, and Courageous War. Today, Greece is still the European Canary, both for its seemingly impassable economic crisis, and the myriad ways that Greeks have adapted, from developing barter networks to self-sustaining, direct-democratic assemblages. The upcoming elections in May may prove to be more telling for the future of the EU than European Central Bank Technocratic policy. Perhaps the question is not whether the Greeks are following the German Neoliberal model, but rather, whether the rest of Europe will wind up following Greece.