Ritual Between Anthropology and the Science of Religion



Ritual is a representative topos of both disciplines. We do not understand it as a text but a way of life in which the realization of Beauty and Good is leading to the Truthful. In this transformative process one experiences "being struck by the abyss", experience of giving to the Unknown, allowing being taken by it. In this "being-in" is the evidence of the ritual; "being-out" of it is the presumption of possibility to articulate it. Talking "happens" always from the position of the one "standing out". Therefore, the ritual as a text appears to us as a "reading without the Other", con-versing without a collocutor. To converse without a collocutor is a mere sounding of the Unessential. The momentariness of ritual encounter as the deepest dimension of "showing itself" is also a dimension of its disappearing. Attempt in catching it means its death. Only in the death of the ritual, anthropology and science of religio...