Section two : Gilbert Harman ’ s Argument for Moral Relativism



This study examines the long-standing dispute between the moral relativist and moral Universalist. Relativism is recent years has been in the ascendancy in intellectual circles and has been associated with the intellectual fashions of different discipline in philosophy. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the nature of moral judgment and its application to present metropolitan world. In this scenario modern moral relativist Gilbert Harman made an excellence contributes to develop and clarify the concept of moral relativism. According to him, it has no a single true morality. There are a variety of possible moralities or moral frames of reference, and whether something is morally right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust, etc. is a relative matterrelative to one or another morality or moral frame of reference. Something can be morally right relative to one moral frame of reference and morally wrong relative to another. David B Wong argues that a relativist theory can account f...