Design & Analysis of Optimal Coin-tossing: New Techniques

2020, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.


Collective coin-tossing allows n processors with private randomness sources to agree on a common public coin. Without loss of generality, one can assume that the output is in the set {0, 1}, and the expected output of a coin-tossing protocol is X. The objective of a coin-tossing protocol is to be robust to adversarial interventions. In this paper, we study Byzantine adversaries who can arbitrarily set the messages of the corrupted processors. Historically, the study of coin-tossing protocols, with the introduction of even the mildest of variations in its setting, tends to yield surprising and exciting outcomes. We know several optimal or asymptotically optimal protocols like tribes, baton passing, and threshold protocols. Incidentally, there are several variants of coin-tossing where the majority protocol (or, more generally, the threshold protocols) turn out to be asymptotically optimal. In this work, we consider coin-tossing protocols in two security models and study the susceptib...