Coin Tossing with Lazy Defense: Hardness of Computation Results



There is a significant interest in securely computing functionalities with guaranteed output delivery, a.k.a., fair computation. For example, consider a 2-party n-round coin-tossing protocol in the information-theoretic setting. Even if one party aborts during the protocol execution, the other party has to receive her outcome. Towards this objective, every round, the sender of that round’s message, preemptively prepares a defense coin, which is her output if the other party aborts prematurely. Cleve and Impagliazzo (1993), Beimel, Haitner, Makriyannis, and Omri (2018), and Khorasgani, Maji, and Mukherjee (2019) show that a fail-stop adversary can alter the distribution of the outcome by Ω(1/ √ n). This hardness of computation result for the representative coin-tossing functionality (using a partition argument) extends to the fair evaluation of any functionality whose output is not apriori fixed and honest parties are not in the majority. However, there are natural scenarios in the d...