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O ver the past 10 years of teaching courses on research methods and feminist approaches to methodologies and epistemologies, a recurring question from our students concerns the distinctiveness of feminist approaches to methods, methodologies, and epistemologies. This key question is posed in different ways: Is there a specifically feminist method? Are there feminist methodologies and epistemologies, or simply feminist approaches to these? Given diversity and debates in feminist theory, how can there be a consensus on what constitutes "feminist" methodologies and epistemologies?
O ver the past 10 years of teaching courses on research methods and feminist approaches to methodologies and epistemologies, a recurring question from our students concerns the distinctiveness of feminist approaches to methods, methodologies, and epistemologies. This key question is posed in different ways: Is there a specifically feminist method? Are there feminist methodologies and epistemologies, or simply feminist approaches to these? Given diversity and debates in feminist theory, how can there be a consensus on what constitutes "feminist" methodologies and epistemologies?
Sociological Inquiry, 1986
This analysis focuses on feminist methodology in the field of sociology by surveying the techniques used in recent research concerning gender-related topics as well as feminist analyses of epistemological assumptions underlying the conduct of inquiry. In addition to the critique and reformulation of standard research practice, feminist methodology involves the development of innovative methodological approaches, including visual techniques, conversational and textual analysis, and analysis of spontaneous events. Linked to the development of innovation is the feminist analysis of the epistemological assumptions which underlie different ways of knowing. These principles of feminist knowledge include (1) the necessity of continuously and reflexively attending to the significance of gender relations as a basic feature of all social life, including the conduct of research; (2) the centrality of consciousness-raising as a specific methodological tool and as a “way of seeing;” (3) the need to challenge the norm of “objectivity” that assumes a dichotomy between the subject and object of research; (4) the concern for the ethical implications of research; and (5) an emphasis on the transformation of patriarchy and the empowerment of women.
SAGE Publications, Inc. eBooks, 2012
Sharlene nagy heSSe-BiBer Feminist Voices and Visions across the centuries This Handbook begins with voices, visions, and experiences of feminist activists, scholars, and researchers, speaking to us across the decades of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. They provide a legacy of feminist research, praxis, and activism. There lies within these voices a feminist consciousness that opens up intellectual and emotional spaces for all women to articulate their relations to one another and the wider society-spaces where the personal transforms into the political. I do earnestly desire to arouse the women of the North to a realizing sense of the condition of two millions of women at the South, still in bondage, suffering what I suffered, and most of them far worse. I want to add my testimony to that of abler pens to convince the people of the Free States what Slavery really is. Only by experience can anyone realize how deep, and dark, and foul is that pit of abominations. May the blessing of God rest on this imperfect effort in behalf of my persecuted people! (Harriet Jacobs, 1861/1987, pp. 1-2) Author's Note: Much appreciation and gratitude to Alicia Johnson, Hilary Flowers, Abigail Brooks, and Deborah Piatelli, who contributed their academic insights and skillful editing and editorial advice.
SAGE Research Methods Foundations, 2020
The debate about feminist methods emerged within Western academia in the 1970s in the context of feminist critiques of science. The discovery of androcentric biases at the heart of scientific and social scientific research undermined its claim to objectivity and led feminists to explore "feminist methods" of producing knowledge as alternatives to traditional positivist science and social science. A key question that has dominated these debates is whether there is a distinctive feminist method of inquiry. Sandra Harding (1987) noted the difficulty in answering this question because of confusion over the term feminist method, and its use to refer to epistemology-"a theory of knowledge" (Harding, 1987, p. 3), methodology-"a theory of how research is done or should proceed" (Harding, 1987, p. 3), and method-"a technique for (or way of proceeding in) gathering evidence" (Harding, 1987, p. 2). argues that while there are no distinctive feminist methods or techniques, there are feminist epistemologies and methodologies. She identified three feminist epistemologies: feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint, and feminist postmodernism. She also suggested that feminist methodologies were characterised by three key features: using women's experiences as empirical and theoretical resources, producing knowledge with emancipatory purposes, and locating the researcher in the same critical plane as the overt subject matter.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 2000
Much like the field of community psychology, feminist scholarship is defined by its values and process. Informed by the political ideologies of the 1970s women's movement (liberal, radical, socialist feminism, and womanism), feminist scholars reinterpreted classic concepts in philosophy of science to create feminist epistemologies and methodologies. Feminist epistemologies, such as feminist empiricism, standpoint theory, and postmodernism, recognize women's lived experiences as legitimate sources of knowledge. Feminist methodologies attempt to eradicate sexist bias in research and find ways to capture women's voices that are consistent with feminist ideals. Practically, the process of feminist research is characterized by four primary features:
Irish Journal of Sociology, 1993
This paper has three central components. One, it examines the basic tenets of feminist research methodologies — the commitment to making visible women's lived experiences, to gender and gender relations as socially constructed and historicially specific, to reflexivity and the inclusion of the researcher and the research process as researchable topics, and to the emancipation of women —and argues that they constitute feminist research methodologies as a separate paradigm. Two, by describing the methodological choices made for my study of Israeli daughters of Holocaust survivors, it examines the discontents of feminist research methodologies and how we can address them. Three, by asking why so few published studies by Irish feminist sociologists and Women's Studies scholars have adhered to feminist research methodologies, it hopes to launch a debate about feminist research methodologies in Ireland.
Australian Social Work, 2019
Feminism and feminist movement in the 70's aimed at ending the subordination and suffering of women. Its endeavor was to emancipate women and bring gender equality in various fields including that of theory and research. The feminist critique of research in general and of social science research in particular has emerged as a legitimate, relevant and popular research model against the male bias prevalent in the existing theory and research. With the rise of the feminist movement many feminist scholars argued that traditional social sciences reflected a deep rooted male centric, sexist and patriarchal representation of society in theory and knowledge. This approach was condemned for neglecting or ignoring the standpoint of women, her values and experiences in the society. Hence with the advent of critical theoretical approach* and strong feminist movements, a model was introduced which aimed to "serve the interests of
Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 2017
The objective of this article2 is to reflect on the potential for creating subversive scientific discourses through the application of feminist research methodology and its posterior diffraction. We start out from our collective experiences within the framework of SIMReF, which includes our participation in various research projects, training and exchange. Based on these experiences, we reflect on distinct possibilities and limitations for the development of a feminist research agenda in the academic and institutional environment of the Spanish State, which has been reluctant to value and incorporate feminist epistemological and methodological viewpoints. Grounded in an understanding of feminist methodology as a practice that is political, processual and discursive, we conclude by presenting a series of concerns about how these limitations also constitute a condition of possibility for the collective construction of a feminist methodology from ‘within’ yet also ‘against’ academic ‘normality’. 1-16 Available at
Sociology, 2011
As British sociology seeks to overcome a historical distaste for quantitative research methods, one of the discipline's most dynamic sub-fields may prove troublesome. Feminist research thrives both within and outside sociology. As such it provides new insights and enriches the discipline, something recognized by the 2010 Benchmarking Review of Sociology. Yet feminist research has long been associated with an antipathy towards quantitative methods. This article explores the extent to which this persists. Methodological patterns in articles from 19 journals in the interdisciplinary field of 'women's studies' are analysed. Perhaps surprisingly, a large proportion of articles employed quantitative methods. Those engaged with feminist literature or epistemologies were, however, unlikely to be quantitative. This article also highlights the importance of national contexts, suggesting perhaps we should not ask why UK research is so qualitative, but why US research is so quantitative. Sociology 45(4) 570-586
Review of Development and Change, 2010
We are greatful to Rukmini Sen and S. Anandhi for sharing their notes on the workshop.
The objective of this article 2 is to reflect on the potential for creating subversive scientific discourses through the application of feminist research methodology and its posterior diffraction. We start out from our collective experiences within the framework of SIMReF, which includes our participation in various research projects, training and exchange. Based on these experiences, we reflect on distinct possibilities and limitations for the development of a feminist research agenda in the academic and institutional environment of the Spanish State, which has been reluctant to value and incorporate feminist epistemological and methodological viewpoints. Grounded in an understanding of feminist methodology as a practice that is political, processual and discursive, we conclude by presenting a series of concerns about how these limitations also constitute a condition of possibility for the collective construction of a feminist methodology from 'within' yet also 'against...
Women's Studies International Forum, 1983
Synopsis-This paper examines principles of feminist research and discusses the authors' attempts to use these principles in a systematic way in their own research. Three principles of feminist research are identified: research should contribute to women's liberation through producing knowledge that can be used by women themselves; should use methods of gaining knowledge that are not oppressive; should continually develop a feminist critical perspective that questions dominant intellectual traditions and can reflect on its own development. Consciously applying these principles in a research study of the relation between changes in consciousness and the changes in the structural situation of individuals raised several methodological issues and dilemmas. These include the impossibility of creating a research process that completely erases the contradictions in the relationship between the researcher and the researched; the difficulties in analysing change as a process; the tension between the necessity of organizing the data and producing an analysis which reveals the totality of women's lives; and problems of validity, particularly those raised when the research process becomes part of the process of change.
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Revista Investigaciones Feministas , 2020
Se han escrito muchas páginas acerca de un tema tan necesario y complejo como es el de las metodologías feministas, y en muchas ocasiones se han plasmado esas aportaciones en esta misma revista. Hay varios factores importantes que contribuyen a que se siga prestando atención a este tema desde hace ya décadas. En primer lugar, las metodologías feministas han recibido atención teórica y aplicaciones prácticas en la mayoría de los campos de investigación, tales como la medicina, el derecho, las ciencias políticas, la historia, la sociología, la lingüística, los estudios cinematográficos y de medios de comunicación, entre muchos otros. En segundo lugar, la labor desarrollada en el terreno de la investigación y del conocimiento feministas han transformado las principales disciplinas académicas, desplazando la atención hacia temas anteriormente infravalorados o descuidados, y cambiando las prioridades y los enfoques en aquellos que ya se habían estudiado anteriormente. La investigación feminista ha alterado de manera decisiva nuestra comprensión del mundo, y ha influido en los propios procedimientos a través de los cuales se aborda la investigación. Esto ha sido así no solo en el campo del feminismo, sino entre quienes investigan desde el rigor académico y siguen los dictados del estado del arte y quieren estar al día en los avances en sus respectivos campos de estudio están necesariamente al tanto de las metodologías feministas. Una tercera razón muy significativa para la atención prestada a los métodos feministas es que las investigadoras y los investigadores que se dedican a este tipo de trabajo mantienen un fuerte compromiso que se materializa en un esfuerzo continuo para ampliar los límites y definiciones de valores tales como la igualdad, la interseccionalidad, el cambio social y los desafíos éticos encaminados a promover la justicia social, particularmente en lo referente al mantenimiento de los privilegios y las relaciones de poder. A partir del compromiso orientado a investigar las voces y experiencias de las mujeres y cuestionar las dicotomías de género, los métodos feministas han ido más allá de estas prioridades iniciales para ir avanzando al ampliar los límites de significado que estos conceptos e ideas sugieren.
The paper examines issues within feminist or gender research; thus it examines feminist research methods; the difference that exists between general research methods and feminist research and the challenge (s) of methodology in feminist research.
Mneme-Revista de Humanidades, 2010
Os termos epistemologia e feminismo são apliacados a um heterogéneo grupo de estudos e perspectivas metodológicas. Todos eles advocam não ser possível determinar uma teoria do conhecimento, se forem ignorados os contextos sociais e políticos desse conhecimento. Neste manuscrito, discutimos o carácter ideológico e político das epistemologias feministas. Focamos a nossa atenção nas suas fraquezas, através da inexistência de uma demarcação filosófica particular do género, com métodos e teorias genuinamente científicas, que sustentam cada um dos paradigmas epistémicos.
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