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Catálogo editorial
This collaborative publishing project was built following those trends; it embraced the participation of diverse international authors, whose perception, rationale and research development helped signify the interest and need for an in-depth approach in consumer cultural studies to provide perspectives to tackle the market’s influence over popular culture, its diverse identity resources and intersections between influential analytical categories, such as surroundings, organizations and circulation and distribution of tangible and intangible products
Publishing a book on consumer culture studies originates from the need to review research conducted on this subject. Among the expectations of Politecnico Grancolombiano Institucion Universitaria, and as a result of reviews on the subject, this opportunity was identified within scientific literature. This book intends to be useful for readers by identifying international research trends in this field. It also aims to support the deci sion- making of marketing managers, with respect to consumers, and to have important input that fosters future research. To do so, the institution introduces the structure of this editorial project, which first identified relevant authors and made an initial call to authors based on an ap proach to the state of the art by implementing a systematic literature review (SLR) (Kitchenham, 2004). The call made in August 2017 proposed that a select group of authors participate in the project with a chapter of its structure, given that they have indicated thei...
The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture is a one-stop resource for scholars and students of consumption, where the key dimensions of consumer culture are critically discussed. The editors have organised contributions from a global and interdisciplinary team of scholars into six key sections: Part 1: Sociology of Consumption Part 2: Geographies of Consumer Culture Part 3: Consumer Culture Studies in Marketing Part 4: Consumer Culture in Media and Cultural Studies Part 5: Material Cultures of Consumption Part 6: The Politics of Consumer Culture
Reviewed by John F. Sherry, Jr. Freakonomics, meet brandthropology. In this concise volume (a companion to his watershed 1998 effort) of articulate introspection and insightful ethnographic essays, the author exhorts anthropologists to take back their culture. This reclamation requires more than merely wresting control from the pundits, critics, and celebrities of the contemporary cultural scene. It demands a plumbing of the ontological status of consumer culture before engaging in reflexive critique. Such a project should be close to the heart of every museologist and material culture specialist.[1] Grant McCracken, a former curator, active industry consultant, and peripatetic professor, is an unrivalled stylist. His conversational eloquence, self-deprecating humor (he is, he admits, Canadian), and incisive wit engage the reader throughout the book. He has structured the volume to rock the reader from the intensely personal to the analytically universal. He anticipates the themes of his elegant interpretations-many reprinted from other sources-in his autobiographical musings as an active participant in consumer culture. It is little wonder that Business Week has recommended his blog ( to anyone who would comprehend contemporary consumer behavior. While Culture and Consumption II is not as intellectually dense as its predecessor, it is a more immediately accessible work that will reinvigorate interest in the original.
Arts and the Market
article-type="back-matter" dtd-version="1.1d1" xml:lang="en"><front id="meta-hdr"><journal-meta><journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">AAM</journal-id><journal-id journal-id-type="doi">10.1108/AAM</journal-id><journal-title-group><journal-title>Arts and the Market</journal-title><abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="publisher">AAM</abbrevjournal-title></journal-title-group><issn publication-format="print">2056-4945</issn><publisher><publisher-name>Emerald Publishing Limited</publisher-name></publisher></journal-meta><article-meta id="art-meta"><article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">674790</article-id><article-id pub-id-type="
ACR North American Advances, 2005
Journal of consumer research, 1986
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Marketing Theory, 2014
The special issue of Marketing Theory (2013) on Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) updates and restates the main aims and controversies in CCT as well as offering a number of novel interpretations on the history and possible future direction of the movement. While the anchor paper from Thompson et al. (2013) is notable for the invocation of Bakhtin's concept of Heteroglossia, its main significance is as a reply to ongoing critiques of the CCT project. In this commentary article we highlight the common tendency among critics to emphasise the paradigmatic and institutional basis for CCT as residing in the context of academic discourse. These accounts utilise what Coskuner-Balli (2013) discusses as the mobilization of cultural myths. One consequence of this process of retelling the CCT creation narrative is that it diverts and obscures other ideological readings of CCT. We highlight what we understand as the underlying neoliberal sentiment at the centre of the CCT project. A neoliberal perspective repositions some of the main criticisms of CCT, especially those regarding the overemphasis on consumer subjectivities.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion , 2020
Consumer culture is a concept that defines our contemporary societies by highlighting the importance of consumption as a dominant social ethos—that is, as a system of dispositions that orients and structures actors’ conduct and thus shapes relations to the self, others, community, society, and the world. It is intimately linked to the concept of consumerism, which emphasizes the ideological, normative, and encompassing dimensions that are constitutive of consumption in industrial and postindustrial economies. The concept posits the novelty and distinctive nature of modern consumption. Although modern consumption emerged in the West, the last wave of globalization has extended the penetration of consumerism to virtually all non-Western societies, and to an increasing spectrum of social classes, to the extent that the concept of consumer culture is now a powerful definer of life in the global age. This entry follows the trajectory of consumer culture and its global dissemination, with particular attention to its manifestations in the realm of the religious and spiritual dimensions of the self, as discussed in the work of a number of scholars specializing in the sociology of religion. (...)
This article provides a synthesizing overview of the past 20 yr. of consumer research addressing the soclocultural, experiential, symbolic, and ideological aspects of consumption. Our aim is to provide a viable disciplinary brand for this research tradition that we call consumer culture theory (CCT). We propose that CCT has fulfilled recurrent calls for developing a distinctive body of theoretical knowledge about consumption and marketplace behaviors. In developing this argument, we redress three enduring misconceptions about the nature and analytic orientation of CCT. We then assess how CCT has contributed to consumer research by illuminating the cultural dimensions of the consumption cycle and by developing novel theorizations concerning four thematic domains of research interest.
International Series on Consumer Science, 2018
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture
Globalization is often linked to hybridity. This is a world 'where reggae emerges from the slums of Kingston, and mixes with hundreds of other local musical styles,
Qualitative Market Research, 2019
Purpose – This paper aims to illuminate the characteristics of Analytic and Continental scholarship to generate a deeper appreciation for both writing styles in the consumer culture theory (CCT) community. Design/methodology/approach – Two CCT researchers discuss the merits of Analytic and Continental scholarship in an accessible dialogical format. Findings – Analytic ideals of scholarship, espoused by elite academic journals, include conceptual rigor, logical claims, theoretical coherence, researcher agnosticism and broad generalizability. Continental ideals of scholarship, more likely to be espoused by niche and/or critical journals, include creative writing, holistic interpretation, intellectual imagination, political provocation and deep contextualization. Originality/value – This dialogue may build more understanding across variously oriented scholars, literatures, and journals in the CCT community.
The study of Jewish consumer culture has been steadily gaining momentum in the consumer behavior, tourism, and consumer culture theory literature of the past two decades. However, as Nils Roemer and Gideon Reuveni state in Longing, Belonging, and the Making of Jewish Consumer Culture, very little has been written about Jewish consumption from the historical perspective. Roemer and Reuveni present a very compelling volume, comprised of ten chapters that examine a broad spectrum of specific contexts related to Jewish consumption. The chapters themselves are wide-ranging and take the reader through an array of venues, ranging from prewar Germany to the present-day United States. In this regard, the editors have shown the dynamic nature of Jewish consumer culture in the modern, globalized landscape.
Oxford Handbook of Consumption (2018), eds. Frederick F. Wherry and Ian Woodward, Oxford University Press., 2017
In this chapter, we aim to describe some of the disciplinary fault lines—to use Alexander and Phillips’s (2001) metaphoric framing of disciplinary tensions—that have shaped the intellectual contours of CCT, profile the primary theoretical motifs that have defined this pluralistic research tradition, and discuss the intellectual trajectories that are being marked out by recent CCT research. We will conclude by reflecting on the dilemmas and opportunities posed by the fairly rapid institutionalization of CCT.
The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries
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