Detection and Prevention of Stack Buffer Overflow



ATTACKS How to mitigate remote attacks that exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities on the stack and enable attackers to take control of the program. The July 2005 announcement by computer security researcher Michael Lynn at the Black Hat security conference of a software flaw in Cisco Systems routers grabbed media attention worldwide. The flaw was an instance of a buffer overflow , a security vulnerability that has been discussed for 40 years yet remains one of the most frequently reported types of remote attack against computer systems. In 2004, the national cyber-security vulnerability database ( reported 323 buffer overflow vulnerabilities, an average of more than 27 new instances per month. For the first six months of 2005, it reported 331 buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, security researchers have sought to develop techniques to prevent or detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities. Here, we discuss what buffer overflow attacks are and survey the v...