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2017, Acta Didactica Napocensia
12 pages
1 file
Student population in Romanian higher education has been decreasing in the last years. The dropout is quite high. Such data force the universities to look for concrete solutions to widen the participation, the retention and the completion rate. Informed decision about academic studies, clear academic and career goals are prerequisite for study success. Thus, at the West University of Timisoara (WUT) was carried out a pilot study, on 900 students enrolling for higher education, to find out about the way they have chosen their academic studies and about their expectations. Their views and suggestions for easier and clearer options are ground for tailored policy measures within our university and beyond. The initial evaluation on the new students is a basis for a better focused interaction with them during their first year of studies. Also, the data suggests possible specific measures to improve retention rates, such as: diversified student services, covering academic guidance services, not only career guidance services, as well as a stronger collaboration between universities and highschools, for a better orientation and guidance of the pupils for their possible academic studies.
paper, 2019
As a consequence of the expansion in higher education, the number of students hasincreased and the academic population has diversified but at the same time the university dropout has become a general problem since the last century (Trow,2005;Kozma,2010; Barro &Jong,2013;Stanciu,2014;Berei,2018).In this paper, I proposed to analyze the persistence of students from 5universities fromRomania. We examine at institutional and individual level the perspective of their willingness to finish their studies. In partnership with the Center for Higher Education Research and Development-Hungary, named CHERD –H, from the Universityof Debrecen, was collected dates among students in 2012 (N=1323) and in 2014-2015 (N=323). Through a quantitative analysis, on a longitudinal perspective, I used SPSS statistical program to analyze data. The question of the research was: isthere anydifference betweenstudents` intentions to graduateonprivate and state institutions?Who is intending to finish and who is preparing to abandon his study? I concluded that students with unfavorable family background havenearlytwotimes lowerchance to enroll at state universityand in private institutionsstudentsintention to enter into possesion of diploma wassignificant lower. With logistic regression I found also, that low financial status or low schooling of parents isnot a significant obstacle on student academic path if they makeevery effort to participate in educational programs, submit assignments on time and are able to prepare for exams.
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
In today’s world, the choice of a profession and professional career planning are becoming very important processes in young persons’ life, during which they make a decision, influencing their future. The first real encounter with the problem of the career choice takes place at school, when a student has to choose study subjects or an educational profile. Later, future students analyse what study programme or higher education institution to choose. There are numerous reasons and factors determining graduates’ choice. The aim of the conducted study is to disclose prospective students’ motives, choosing the study programme and the higher education institution (in this case, Siauliai University in Lithuania). The applied research method is an online survey, using a semi-structured questionnaire. Research results also disclose the quality of providing information about studying possibilities. According to the research results, prospective students clearly knew in which higher education ...
Vadyba, 2020
Increasing global competition, globalisation of markets and the global economic downturn encourages the search of ways to maintain the stability and growth of industrial enterprises. Nowadays, when business environment is rapidly changing, enterprises have to increase constantly their competitive advantage. Human resources are crucial in addressing these issues. Motives of human behaviour energy and direct it to a certain direction. Needs, preferences, and interests are by far the strongest reasons for choosing the path of further learning. This article seeks to answer how motivation influences young people to choose a profession and what factors are the most important in this choosing. On the one hand, motivation has explained under structural point of view as a factor or set of reasons. On the other hand, motivation has interpreted as a dynamic phenomenon, process, and mechanism. Development of industrial psychology and especially behaviourism made very big influence on the development of psychological motivation theories since 1990. The field investigation of this psychology is the subject of human behaviour in the choosing of the studies. One or another treatment is depending on environmental conditions. A survey reveals that in order to motivate a person, it is necessary to enable them to meet theirs basic needs in such a way that helps achieving the objectives of all institution. The article also presents the most important criteria influencing the choice and their relative weight. The results of the research carried out by the authors have compared with the results of similar investigations by other authors. There are focused on the main factors encouraging choosing particular higher education institution and studies at it. Based on the results of the research, it was made these conclusions. A survey showed that two factors are most important when students are choosing to study. These factors are the desire to acquire higher education and the desired specialty, as well as the personal desire to develop, expand knowledge, achieve the goal. 57 % of respondents indicated that opinions of parents, relatives, friends or teachers were not relevant to them. When it comes to choosing a higher education institution, the most important are the city were person wants to study and where the institution is located, higher education institution prestige and quality of the studies.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
It is a well-known fact that in modern societies educational systems are inseparably tied to the labour market. Individuals invest in their own economic potential through education and training; therefore, they increase their labour market value and their future earnings, according to human capital theory. The primary objective of this paper was to examine the decisions made by young people studying in Hungary on continuing their education and selecting the appropriate institution and degree programme, as well as their expectations for their degree. The examination was conducted by means of a questionnaire in seven Hungarian higher education institutions. The findings revealed that students' decisions on going on to higher education are largely influenced by the prospect of a better job in the future, as well as the likelihood of career and financial success.
Every year, students who complete the high education, and who intend continuing their post-secondary education, are faced with the problem of selecting the direction of studies. The selection process of conducting studies usually starts years ago, and many factors are involved in this process. Identification and analysis of factors that influence the selection process of direction of studies by students was the purpose of this research. To identify the factors that have greater weight in determining the direction of studies by students, 1345 high school students in Kosova were surveyed using a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. These data provided descriptive information, quantitative and statistical interpretation. The statistical analysis of the data is made by using the SPSS software. Findings from this study indicate that a significant number of factors are taken into account by students during this process. Economic factors proved dominant during data analysis. Also a qua...
Bu calisma ogrencilerin universite tercih donemlerinde secimlerini etkileyen faktorleri arastirmak amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirma verileri, bu calisma kapsaminda arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen olcegin, Turkiye’nin kuzey-batisinda yer alan iki farkli devlet universitesinde 1. sinifta ogrenim gormekte olan 630 ogrenciye uygulanmasi ile elde edilmistir. Bu calismada nicel arastirma yontemlerinden betimsel tarama modeli kullanilmistir. Arastirmada kullanilan “Universite Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktorler Olcegi”ne iliskin yapilan acimlayici faktor analizi sonuclarina gore olcegin alti alt-boyuttan olustugu ve toplam varyansin % 59.58’ini acikladigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, ogrencilerin universite tercihlerini etkileyen en onemli faktorlerin “gelecek kariyer beklentileri” ve “universitelerin egitim kalitesi ve populerligi” oldugu ortaya cikmistir. Ote yandan “sehrin tanidik olmasi ve sehirde tanidiklarin olmasi” altboyutunun universite tercihlerinde en az etk...
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series V Economic Sciences
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on many industries and sectors around the world. Education was no exception, having suffered a lot during this period. The changes in the Romanian education system have affected all environmental participants/ stakeholders in this field: students, teachers, businesses, public authorities, and the government. Perhaps one of the most provocative changes during the emergency was the shift to online education, which affected all students and teachers around the world. The purpose of the research is to perform an analysis of the problems and challenges in Romanian higher education.
Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 2013
The students motives of enrolment to tertiary educational institutions crucially influence their academic achievement and behaviour during studies. This research focuses on the Hungarian students’ reasons for choosing university in Hungary and in Serbian Vojvodina: whether they decide on their own or are influenced by other factors. The quantitative research also examines whether there is valid similarity or difference between the tertiary educational decisions of Hungarian people and those living in a neighboring country as the latter share a lot of common roots with their mother country. The results show that there are similarities between the choices of young people from both areas, regardless of their mother country. Young people typically seem to choose further education on their own, and their surroundings or material considerations are only secondary motivational factors in their decision. However, it is also true that direct social factors and financial conditions have a con...
This article’s aim is to identify which factors influence the decision-making process of undergraduate students in social sciences. The data will be sorted in five categories: direct, indirect, background, personal and external factors. Each factor may act in different ways depending on the context it has been found in. Also three attributes are added to the equation depending on the factor’s ability to limit other factors and to be perceived or unperceived, or are hidden from the individual.Also, another purpose of this article is to purpose a new model for studying students choice in which the factors are treated as being volatile, acting differently in different contexts. The model, named the interconnected model, is three-stage model, more complex than some of the existing models(e. g. Chapman, 1981; Hossler and Gallgher, 1987), however not as complex and intricate as other models ( e.g. Mbawni and Nimako, 2015) being flexible enought to support both simpler and more complicated cases.
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Central European Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Higher Education in Romania: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities, 2022
Study in Romanian Universities: how to improve the recruitment process of international students with policy recommendations, 2024
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2015
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2020
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020
Practice and Theory in Systems of Education
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2017