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Depleting oil and gas reserves, combined with growing concerns of global warming, have made it inevitabl e to seek energy from renewable energy sources such as wind. The utilization of energy from wind is becoming increasingly attractive and is being widely used/disseminated for substitution of oil-produced energy, and eventually to minimize atmospheric degradation. Quantitative assessment of wind resource is an important driving element in successful establishment of a wind farm/park at a given location. More often than not, windenergy resources are relatively better along coastlines. In the present study, hourly mean wind-speed data of th e period 1986-1997 recorded at the solar radiation and meteorological station, Dhahran (26°32′ N, 50°13′ E, eastern coastal plain of Saudi Arabia), have been analyzed to present different characteristics of wind speed in considerable depth such as: yearly, monthly, diurnal variations of wind speed, etc. The long-term monthly average wind speeds for Dhahran range from 4.2-6.4 m/s. More importantly, the study deals with impact of hub height on wind energy generation. Attention has also been focussed on monthly average daily energy generation from different sizes of commercially available wind machines (150, 250, 600 kW) to identify optimum wind machine size from energy production point of view. It has been found that for a given 6 MW wind farm size, at 50 m hub height, cluster of 150 kW wind machines yields about 48% more energy as compared to 600 kW wind machines. Literature shows that commercial/residential buildings in Saudi Arabia consume an estimated 10-40% of the total electric energy generated. So, concurrently, as a case study, attempt has been made to investigate/ examine the potential of utilizing hybrid (wind+diesel) energy conversion systems to meet the load requirements of hundred typical 2-bedroom residential buildings (with annual electrical energy demand of 3512 MWh). Th e hybrid systems considered in the present case-study consist of different combinations of wind machines (of various capacities), supplemented with battery storage and diesel back-up. The deficit energy generated from th e back-up diesel generator and the number of operational hours of the diesel system to meet a specific annual electrical energy demand of 3512 MWh have also been presented. The diesel back-up system is operated at times when the power generated from wind energy conversion systems (WECS) fails to satisfy the load and when the *Corresponding author. battery storage is depleted. The evaluation of hybrid system shows that with seven 150 kW WECS and three days of battery storage, the diesel back-up system has to provide 17.5% of the load demand. However, in absence of battery storage, about 37% of the load needs to be provided by the diesel system.
Renewable Energy, 2005
The analysis of recently collected wind data at five sites in Saudi Arabia namely, Dhulum, Arar, Yanbu, Gassim and Dhahran is presented. The five sites represent different geographically and climatologically conditions. The data collected over a period spanned between 1995 and 2002 with different collection periods for each site. Daily, monthly and frequency profiles of the wind speed at the sites showed that Dhulum and Arar sites have higher wind energy potential with annual wind speed average of 5.7 and 5.4 m/s and speeds higher than 5 m/s for 60 and 47% of the time, respectively. The two sites are candidates for remote area wind energy applications. The costal site's, i.e. Yanbu and Dhahran wind speed data indicated that the two sites have lower annual wind speed averages and wind blows at speed higher than 5 m/s during afternoon hours. That makes the two sites candidates for grid connected wind systems for electrical load peak shaving. The data of Gassim site showed that the site has the lowest wind energy potential compared to the others. The annual energy produced by a Nordex N43 wind machine is estimated to be 1080, 990, 730, 454 and 833 MWh for Dhulum, Arar, Yanbu, Gassim and Dhahran, respectively. The analysis showed that the estimated annual energy produced by the machine based on 10 min averaged data is 2.5% higher than the estimated energy based on 30 min averaged data. q
Energy Conversion and Management, 2004
The paper presents long term wind data analysis in terms of annual, seasonal and diurnal variations at Yanbo, which is located on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The wind speed and wind direction hourly data for a period of 14 years between 1970 and 1983 is used in the analysis. The analysis showed that the seasonal and diurnal pattern of wind speed matches the electricity load pattern of the location. Higher winds of the order of 5.0 m/s and more were observed during the summer months of the year and noon hours (09:00 to 16:00 h) of the day. The wind duration availability is discussed as the percent of hours during which the wind remained in certain wind speed intervals or bins. Wind energy calculations were performed using wind machines of sizes 150, 250, and 2500 kW rated power. Wind speed is found to remain above 3.5 m/s for 69% of the time during the year at 40, 50, 60, and 80 m above ground level. The energy production analysis showed higher production from wind machines of smaller sizes than the bigger ones for a wind farm of 30 MW installed capacity. Similarly, higher capacity factors were obtained for smaller wind machines compared to larger ones.
Energy Procedia, 2014
In the present study, the economic feasibility of development of 15 MW wind power plant (wind farm) at Taif, Western Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (K.S.A) has been investigated by analyzing long-term wind speed data. Western province has relatively better wind energy resources. Data analysis indicates that monthly average wind speeds of Taif (21 29' N, 40 32' E) range from 3.1 to 4.8 m/s at 10 m height. The wind farms simulated consist of different combinations of 600 kW commercial wind machines (50 m hub-height). NREL's (HOMER Energy's) HOMER software has been employed to perform the techno-economic assessment. The study presents monthly variations of wind speed, cumulative frequency distribution (CFD) profiles of wind speed, monthly and yearly amount of energy generated from the 15 MW wind farm (50 m hub-height), cost of generating energy (COE, $/kWh), capacity factor (%), etc. The CFD indicates that the wind speeds are less than 3 m/s for 46% of the time during the year. This implies that wind electric conversion systems (WECS) will not produce energy for about 46% of the time during the year. The annual energy produced by 15 MW wind farm (50 m hubheight) has been found to be 19939 MWh. The cost of wind-based electricity by using 600 kW (50m hub-height) commercial WECS has been found to be 0.0576 US$/kWh. With the development of 15 MW wind farm, about 453 tons/year of carbon emissions can be avoided entering into the local atmospheric. The paper also attempts to address various aspects (such as: effect of hub-height, etc.
This paper presents the wind data analysis for five coastal locations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, namely Dhahran, Yanbo, Al-Wajh, Jeddah, and Gizan. The data analysis utilized hourly mean values of wind speed and wind direction covering a period of almost 14 years between 1970 and 1983. The data were validated in terms of completeness, continuity, erroneous values, etc. The analyses include seasonal and diurnal changes in wind speed values. Energy calculations and capacity factors were also determined for wind machines of different sizes between 150 and 2500 kW. It was found that Yanbo is the best location, among the sites analyzed, for harnessing the power of wind, while Dhahran is the next best location. The other three locations were found to have more or less the same results. #
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011
Climate change, global warming, and the recent worldwide economic crisis have emphasized the need for low carbon emissions while also ensuring economic feasibility. In this paper, the status and wind power potential of the city of Shahrbabak in Kerman province in Iran was investigated. The technical and economical feasibility of wind turbine installation is presented. The potential of wind power generation was statistically analyzed. The mean wind speed data of three-hour interval long term period from 1997 to 2005 was adopted and analyzed in order to determine the potential of wind power generation. The numerical values of the dimensionless Weibull shape parameter (k) and Weibull scale parameter (c) were determined. Annual values of "k" ranged from 1.725 to 1.930 with a mean value of 1.504, while annual values of "c" were in the range of 4.848-6.095 with a mean value of 5.314 (m/s). With the average wind power density of 100 W/m 2 , it is found that the city is not an appropriate place for construction of large-scale wind power plants, but is suitable for employment of off-grid electrical and mechanical wind driven systems. An economic evaluation was done in order to show feasibility of installing small wind turbines. It was concluded that it costs 18 cents for 1 kW h which is 5 cents more than the market price. Each turbine of 10 kW can supply power for icebox, washer, water pump, TV, lighting, electrical fan, charger, and air conditioning units for small houses. In order to utilize wind energy in the region, it is recommended to install small size wind turbines for electricity supply of public and public buildings and private houses.
2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, 2013
Renewable energy is one of the essential elements of the social and economic development in any civilized country. The use of fossil fuels and the non-renewable form of energy has many adverse effects on the most of ecosystems. Given the high potential of renewable energy sources in Yemen and the absence of similar studies in the region, this study aimed to examine the wind energy potential of Hodeidah-Yemen Republic by analyzing wind characteristics and assessment, determining the available power density, and calculate the wind energy extracted at different heights. The average wind speed of Hodeidah was obtained only for the data currently available for the five years 2005-2009 (due to the current economic and the political situation in Yemen). The results show that the average wind speed in the five years is (25.2 W/m2 at 10 m, 93.9 W/m2 at 30 m, and 173.5 W/m2 at 50 m). The average yearly wind power density (25.2 W/m2 at 10 m, 93.9 W/m2 at 30 m and 173.5 W/m2 at 50m), and the average yearly energy density (220.8 KWh/m2/year at 10 m, 822.6 KWh/m2/year at 30 m and 1519.9 KWh/m2/year at 50 m). This research is a preliminary assessment of the potential of wind energy in Hodeidah, which provides useful information for developing wind energy and an efficient wind approach. According to the International Wind Energy Rating criteria, the region of Hodeidah falls under 'Class 2' and is classified as 'Marginal' for most of the year.
Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
The increasing use of fossil fuels has a significant impact on the environment and ecosystem, which increases the rate of pollution. Given the high potential of renewable energy sources in Yemen and other Arabic countries, and the absence of similar studies in the region. This study aims to examine the potential of wind energy in Mokha region. This was done by analyzing and evaluating wind properties, determining available energy density, calculating wind energy extracted at different altitudes, and then computing the capacity factor for a few wind turbines and determining the best. Weibull speed was verified as the closest to the average actual wind speed using the cube root, as this was verified using 3 criteria for performance analysis methods (R2 = 0.9984, RMSE = 0.0632, COE = 1.028). The wind rose scheme was used to determine the appropriate direction for directing the wind turbines, the southerly direction was appropriate, as the winds blow from this direction for 227 days per year, and the average southerly wind velocity is 5.27 m/s at an altitude of 3 m. The turbine selected in this study has a tower height of 100m and a rated power of 3.45 MW. The capacitance factor was calculated for the three classes of wind turbines classified by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and compared, and the turbine of the first class was approved, and it is suitable for the study site, as it resists storms more than others. The daily and annual capacity of a single, first-class turbine has been assessed to meet the needs of 1,447 housing units in Mokha region The amount of energy that could be supplied to each dwelling was around 19 kWh per day, which was adequate to power the basic loads in the home
With increasing demand for energy usage and decreasing fossil fuel resources, more attention has been made to the renewable energy resources such as wind energy. Wind map of Iran has indicated a good potential to use this resource. In this paper, the wind energy potential for four cities: Abadeh, Joyum, Eqleed, and Marvdasht are assessed in the province of Fars in the south of Iran. Wind speed at 10 m, 30 m and 40 m heights and wind direction at 30m and 37.5m have been recorded in ten minutes intervals for one year period from 20 June 2006 to 20 June 2007. Since data from this period was complete and also available to authors, so data for last year was not used in this research because were not complete. Wind energy characteristics has been statistically analyzed to determine the potential of wind power generation. It is found that Abadeh has better potential for using wind energy among other cities studied in the province of Fars. Statistical analyses for the 40m height at Abadeh i...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Wind energy is one of the renewable energy that has been widely used round the world which is abundant, renewable, and generally available. The present paper established to study the possibility of generating electric power by wind turbines for three important cities in Iraq located in terms of altitude from sea level and climate, namely (Mosul in north, Baghdad in middle and Basra in the south of Iraq). The calculations depend on the hourly meteorology data’s like wind speed, wind direction and air temperature taken from (Iraqi meteorological organization and seismology) since 2005 to 2015. Noting that, the calculations had been done for three variable types of wind turbine found in global markets which differ in capacity, cut-in velocity, cut-off velocity, blade diameter and initial cost. The main aims for present paper can be divide in three stages. First, it studies the possibility of using wind turbines for the selected cities. Then, it estimates the amount of annual electric p...
The annual monthly and yearly mean wind speed variations in King Saud airport, Al-Aqiq, KSA are collected and studied to investigate the feasibility to generate electrical power. Average wind speeds and wind power have been determined daily, monthly and annual. The parameters of the shape and scale of the Weibull density distribution function and the scale of the Rayleigh distribution function have been calculated. Comparison of the Weibull model with Rayleigh's distribution of wind power densities. The comparison revealed that the Weibull distribution function well reflects wind data as compared to Rayleigh density distribution. The mean wind speed for the Al-Aqiq region is about 3.39 m/s over a 38-year time period with a main direction of southwest. The diurnal study showed that the wind speed remains above 3.0 m/s from 09:00 AM to 10:00 PM and below it during the rest of the day's hours. A seasonal analysis shows that in summer, the wind speed is highest (4.41 m/s with a mainly northnorthwest direction). The generation of wind energy by Aeronautica Windpower, Dewind, Enercon, Soyut Wind, Nordex and SouthWest at a hub height of 50 m has been considered for 15 wind machines of various sizes. The highest capacity factors (35.31%) were calculated for Soyut Wind 250 (773.370 MWh/Year). These results indicate that it is feasible to generate power from wind energy in the Al-Aqiq region for providing energy demands.
During the last decade, there has been an increased interest to develop renewable energy technologies that could contribute to ever-increasing energy needs. This paper proposes a new PV array-wind-diesel generator hybrid system model to determine the optimal configuration of power systems relevant to different regions in Yemen, Sana'a and Aden. Various renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, energy storage and their applicability in terms of cost and performance are discussed. The collected data for the wind, solar radiation and diesel price were obtained from Civil Aviation & Meteorology Authority in Yemen. The Sensitivity analysis was carried out using Homer program. The results show that wind-dieselbattery model is the most suitable solution for both regions in term of the economic performance.
J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 2012
This paper introduces a computer program to choose the most suitable wind turbine for each site according to technical and economical assessment. The criterion for choosing the most suitable wind turbine for each site is according to which wind turbine and site give a maximum capacity factor and minimum cost of energy($/kWh). This criterion is used because the decision of matching which depends only on maximum capacity factor is not enough because capacity factor is independent of rated power of wind turbine. Therefore, two wind turbines with the same performance parameters but different rated power get the same capacity factor for the same site but it does not get the same cost of energy($/kWh). The computer program has been applied on five locations in Saudi Arabia. The five locations are Yanbou, Dhahran, Douhlom, Riyadh and Qaisumah. The wind turbine parameters such as hub height, rated power, cut-in, rated, and furling wind speeds for ten commercial wind turbines are collected. The Weibull parameters have been estimated numerically and graphically for these five locations. The values of Weibull parameters obtained graphically are similar to the numerical one. Three methods have been used for estimating the cost of energy. The results from these three methods have been compared and the suitable one for Saudi Arabia economics has been selected.
CIRED 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2009
This paper presents the cost reduction of electricity generation using hybrid system at Island network in Sultanate of Oman. Case study has been carried out for Masirah Island having installed capacity of about 9 MW by diesel generators. Load characteristics of island are considered to determine the necessary demand to be met by hybrid system, which eventually increase the degree of reliability. A wind turbine model is developed to determine the potential of electric power available for wind generators at Masirah Island based on its daily wind speed profile. To generate the output power profile of wind generator, doubly feed induction generators are modelled and MATLAB codes are developed for this study. The cost of wind and diesel power generation is determined by considering three factors viz. capital cost, running cost and maintenance cost. Ten Enercon-44 (E-44) turbine units of rating 900 kW each are considered for wind power generation. The case study shows that overall cost of electricity generation by hybrid system is considerably less compared to the cost of diesel generation alone. The paper addresses the benefits of wind-diesel hybrid system in terms of reduction in overall generation cost, carbon emission, and suggests the use of wind power to remote communities and facilities that are not linked to a power grid like Masirah Island.
An exponentially growing global population, power demands, pollution levels and, on the other hand, rapid advances in means of communication have made the public aware of the complex energy situation. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has vast open land, an abundance of fossil fuel, a small population but has always been among the front-runners where the development and utilisation of clean sources of energy are concerned. Several studies on wind, solar and geothermal sources of energy have been conducted in Saudi Arabia. Solar photovoltaic (pv) has been used for a long time in many applications such as cathodic protection, communication towers and remotely located oil field installations. Recently, a 2MW grid-connected pv power plant has been put online and much larger solar desalination plants are in planning stage. Wind resource assessment, hub height optimisation, grid-connected wind farm and hybrid power system design were conducted in this study using existing methods. Historical daily mean wind speed data measured at 8 to 12metres above ground level at national and international airports in the kingdom over a period of 37 years was used to obtain long-term annual and monthly mean wind speeds, annual mean wind speed trends, frequency distribution, Weibull parameters, wind speed maps, hub height optimisation and energy yield using an efficient modern wind turbine of 2.75MW rated power. A further detailed analysis (such as estimation of wind shear exponent, Weibull parameters at different heights, frequency distribution at different heights, energy yield and plant capacity factor and wind speed variation with height) was conducted using wind speed measurements made at 20, 30 and 40metres above ground level. As a first attempt, an empirical correlation was developed for the estimation of near-optimal hub height (HH = 142.035 * (α) + 40.33) as a function of local wind shear exponent (α) with © © U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y o of f P Pr re et to or ri ia a iii a correlation coefficient of 97%. This correlation was developed using the energy yield from a wind turbine of 1 000kW rated power and wind speed and local exponent for seven locations in Saudi Arabia. A wind-pv-diesel hybrid power system was designed and specifications were made for a remotely located village, which is being fed 100% by diesel power generating units. The proposed system, if developed, will offset around 35% of the diesel load and therefore will result in decreased air pollution by almost the same amount. The developed wind speed maps, the frequency distributions and estimated local wind shear exponents for seven locations and energy yield will be of great help in defining the further line of action and policy-building towards wind power development and utilisation in the kingdom. The study also recommends conducting a wind measurement campaign using tall towers with wind measurements at more than one height and estimating the local wind shear exponents and developing a wind atlas for the kingdom. The study further states that a gridconnected wind farm of moderate capacity of 40MW should be developed using turbines of varying rated powers. The wind speed data was also analysed using wavelet transform and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to understand the fluctuation in wind speed time series for some of the stations. It is also recommended that policy-makers should take firm decision on the development of hybrid power systems for remotely located populations which are not yet connected with the grid. There are two challenges which need research: one is the effect of dust on the moving and structural elements of the wind turbines and the second is the effect of high prevailing temperatures on the performance and efficiency of the same.
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007
This paper, presents the analysis of wind speed data and available energy in Rafha area using wind machines of 600, 1000 and 1500 kW sizes from three manufacturers. The long-term annual mean values of wind speeds were found to vary between a minimum of 2.5 m/s in the year 2002 and a maximum of 4.9 m/s in 1990. The frequency distribution showed that wind remained silent for 7% of the time on an average during 24 years of data period and 35% between 0 and 3.5 m/s. Wind speed remained above 3.5 m/s for 65% of the time and only 20% of the times above 6.5 m/s. The annual wind energy production and plant capacity factors, obtained using different methods and wind machines of three sizes and from three manufacturers are also discussed and compared. r
Energy, 2010
In this paper, the statistical data of eleven years' wind speed measurements of the capital of Iran, Tehran, are used to find out the wind energy potential. Also, other wind characteristics with the help of two methods of meteorological and Weibull are assessed to evaluate of which at a height of 10 m above ground level and in open area. For this purpose, a long term data source, consisting of eleven years (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) of three-hour period measured mean wind data, was adopted and analyzed. Based on these data, it was indicated that the numerical values of the shape and scale parameters for Tehran varied over a wide range.
The emerging environmental consequences of overdependence on fossil fuels have pushed many countries to invest in clean and renewable sources of power. Countries like Iran where these sources can be found in abundance can take advantage of this potential to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. This study investigated the feasibility of the standalone use of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) to power buildings in the Bostegan village in the Hormozgan province of Iran. Technical, economic, and environmental assessments were performed with the help of the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software, and the optimal configuration for the system components was determined accordingly. The results showed that the simultaneous use of wind and solar systems with a converter and a backup system comprised of a diesel generator and batteries will be the most economic option, offering electricity at a cost of 1.058 USD/kWh and with a renewable fraction of 64%. Aft...
International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources , 2020
The energy potential of wind in four sites located in different parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is investigated in the present work. A statistical analysis of recently collected hourly wind data over a period of 7 years between January 2012 and December 2018 at 10 m height by using Weibull distribution function has been presented. It was found that the annual mean wind speed at 10 m AGL for Dhahran, Jeddah, Al-Hofuf and Rafah are 4.35 m/s, 4.12 m/s, 4.23 m/s and 3.86 m/s respectively, while the annual wind power density are 66.77 W/m2, 43.58 W/m2, 72.75 W/m2 and 53.27 W/m2,respectively. The mean annual values of the most probable wind are 5.41 m/s, 5.63 m/s, 5.83 m/s and 5.36 m/s for Dhahran, Jeddah, Al-Hofuf and Rafha, respectively. The resultsrevealed that at 10 m height, the four studied sites fall under Class 1 (poor) since the highest reached values of the mean annual wind speed and the mean annual power density were 4.35 m/s and 68 W/m² respectively, registered in Dhahran city. The performance of selected commercial wind turbine models (with rated power between 500 kW and 200 kW)) for electricity generation and small scale application has been carried out.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2007
Since the maturing of the wind farm industry, attention has been focused on the use of wind turbines for electricity production in remote areas. Generally, remote villages are driven by diesel generators. However, introduction/dissemination of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) into the existing diesel systems results in the reduction of the diesel fuel consumption and eventually allows atmospheric pollution to subside. A short-term energy storage integrated with wind-diesel system may compensate for fluctuations in the power output of the wind turbine and raise the fuel saving potential. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's (K.S.A) area is large, with large number of villages/settlements scattered all over the Kingdom. In the present study, hourly mean wind-speed data recorded at an airport, K.S.A., has been analyzed to investigate the technical and economic feasibility/viability of utilizing off-grid hybrid (wind-diesel-battery) power systems to meet the load requirements of a typical remote/isolated village with annual electrical energy demand of 13,244 MWh. The airport is located in the vicinity of the candidate settlement. The hybrid systems simulated comprise of various combinations (wind farms) of 600 kW commercial WECS supplemented with diesel generators and a short-term battery storage. The amount of battery storage capacity has been varied from 0 to 60 load minutes (equivalent to 0-60 min of average load). National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) HOMER software has been used to perform the technical and economic analysis of hybrid wind-diesel-battery power systems. The investigation indicates that for a hybrid system consisting of 3.6 MW (six 600 kW wind machines, 50 m hub-height) wind farm capacity together with 4.5 MW diesel system (three 1.5 MW diesel units) and a battery storage of 30 load minutes (equivalent to 30 min of average load), the wind penetration is 24%. The cost of generating energy from the above hybrid configuration has been found to be 0.078 US$/kWh (assuming a diesel fuel price of 0.1 $/liter). The simulation results highlight that the number of operational hours of diesel generators in wind-diesel system decreases with increase in wind farm capacity. The study also illustrates that for a given hybrid wind-diesel system, the decrease in diesel run time is further enhanced by inclusion of battery storage capacity. An attempt has been made to address the effect of wind penetration, effect of hub-height on energy production, cost of wind-diesel-battery systems, cost of energy production, excess electricity, un-met load, percentage fuel savings and decrease in carbon emissions, etc (for different scenarios such as wind-diesel without storage, wind-diesel with storage, as compared to diesel-only situation).
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