The Quran and the Development of Arabic Linguistics



Profoundly influenced by the sacred text of the holy Quran, the knowledge of Arabic grammar emerged in the second half of the first century after Hijra. The reasons behind such a development might be traced in the spread of a phenomenon called Lahn (or errors in speech) in eloquent Arabic, the accuracy in reading, and text comprehension. The central role of the holy Quran in the instruction of this knowledge and the development of Arabic grammar is known to everyone; nevertheless, this paper is an attempt to find plausible answers to the question whether the emergence of Arabic grammar and linguistics was a consequence of the need to read the holy Quran accurately or (as it is often referred to) was it an effort to prevent accent cultivation and speaking errors. The results of the study do not limit the predisposing causes for the development of Arabic language to non-Arabic accent syndrome prevention.