Identidad docente rural y urbano



The research project entitled RURAL AND URBAN TEACHING IDENTITY is framed in the line of research "educational, pedagogical and didactic knowledge", and seeks to recognize the construction of identity of the teacher in the rural school pleasure in Marquetalia Caldas, and in schools Urban Educational Center Los Andes, Birmingham Liceo and Greater Campestre College of England of Bogotá, from the teaching experience. The conceptual foundations were extracted taking into account categories such as identity, experience and pedagogical knowledge, proposed by; Giménez, G. (1992) author of "Culture, identity and processes of individualization", Ferreiro, E. (2008), which affirms that knowledge obtains its truth character in the historicity of the teacher, and Zambrano, A. ( 2002) with its focus on pedagogy, educability and teacher training. This research is developed under the qualitative method, which allows to understand and interpret the realities that arise in the co...