Putting Classroom Grading on the Table: A Reform in Progress



In a standards-based instructional program, what does a course grade con vey? What should it convey? What is the role of homework in assigning grades? What is the role of common assessments? This case study exam ined the responses of two groups of high school teachers during a district wide reform of grading practices. The first was a focus group of seven advo cates of non-traditional grading practices aligned with specific district grade reforms: a) 50% minimal score for a failing grade, b) retesting without penalty, c) acceptance of late work, and d) course-alike, standards-based grading agreements. The second group of nine teachers, including seven randomly selected teacher leaders from across the district, participated indi vidually in semi-structured interviews. Findings confirmed earlier research on the role of individual teacher beliefs on grading practice and the empha sis that many teachers place on student effort when they assign grades. Ad ditional findings have implicati...