Developing And Implementing Planning Heuristics In Prolog



The present paper is based on an implemented planning system running in Quintus Prolog under SUN/OS on Sparc Stations. This one has been developed to compete another system previously implemented in Allegro Common Lisp. There have been three essentially di erent prototypical applications for generating technical therapy plans: a ood prevention system, a chemical bre production installation, and a ballast tank system for o-shore platforms. This work on planning has been embedded in a comprehensive approach towards knowledgebased process supervision and control within the joint project Wiscon which has been funded by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology under grant no. 413{4001{01 IW 204 B. The paper developes a collection of planning algorithms lucidly derived by formalizing algorithmic ideas and heuristics within the logic programming paradigm. This is based on the second author's student's project work.