Energy crops for ethanol: a processing perspective


Global production of bioethanol for fuel is over 13 billions gal per year. Continued expansion of ethanol production will necessitate developing lignocellulose as an alternative to today’s use of starch and sugar producing crops. Dedicated energy crops are one such option. In the U.S., it has been estimated that enough perennial crops can be grown to supply 9–23 billion gal of ethanol/yr – assuming a yield of 60 gal/ton. However, further research is needed to understand the roles that agronomic practices and genetics play in affecting realizable ethanol yields. Biochemical conversion of biomass following thermo-chemical pretreatment is currently the leading technology for producing ethanol from these feedstocks. We compared a warm season grass (switchgrass), cool season grass (reed canary grass), and legume (alfalfa stems) for sugar production. To introduce further variation in this sample set, each species was harvested at 2 or 3 different maturities. Both species and maturity sign...