On semiderivations in prime gamma rings

Let M be a prime Γ-ring satisfying a certain assumption (*). An additive mapping f : M → M is a semi-derivation if f(xαy) = f(x)αg(y) + xαf(y) = f(x)αy + g(x)αf(y) and f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) for all x, y∈M and α∈Γ, where g : M→M is an associated function. In this paper, we generalize some properties of prime rings with semi-derivations to the prime Γ-rings with semi-derivations. 2000 AMS Subject Classifications: 16A70, 16A72, 16A10. 1. Introduction J. C. Chang [6] worked on semi-derivations of prime rings. He obtained some results of derivations of prime rings into semi-derivations. H. E. Bell and W. S. Martindale III [1] investigated the commutativity property of a prime ring by means of semi-derivations. C. L. Chuang [7] studied on the structure of semi-derivations in prime rings. He obtained some remarkable results in connection with the semi-derivations. J. Bergen and P. Grzesczuk [3] obtained the commutativity properties of semiprime rings with the help of skew (semi)-derivations. A...