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Journal of Computational Physics
We describe a high order technique to generate quadrilateral decompositions and meshes for complex two dimensional domains using spectral elements in a field guided procedure. Inspired by cross field methods, we never actually compute crosses. Instead, we compute a high order accurate guiding field using a continuous Galerkin (CG) or discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spectral element method to solve a Laplace equation for each of the field variables using the open source code Nektar++. The spectral method provides spectral convergence and sub-element resolution of the fields. The DG approximation allows meshing of corners that are not multiples of π/2 in a discretization consistent manner, when needed. The high order field can then be exploited to accurately find irregular nodes, and can be accurately integrated using a high order separatrix integration method to avoid features like limit cycles. The result is a mesh with naturally curved quadrilateral elements that do not need to be curved a posteriori to eliminate invalid elements. The mesh generation procedure is implemented in the open source mesh generation program NekMesh.
We describe an adaptive version of a method for generating valid naturally curved quadrilateral meshes. The method uses a guiding field, derived from the concept of a cross field, to create block decompositions of multiply connected two dimensional domains. The a priori curved quadrilateral blocks can be further split into a finer high-order mesh as needed. The guiding field is computed by a Laplace equation solver using a continuous Galerkin or discontinuous Galerkin spectral element formulation. This operation is aided by using $p$-adaptation to achieve faster convergence of the solution with respect to the computational cost. From the guiding field, irregular nodes and separatrices can be accurately located. A first version of the code is implemented in the open source spectral element framework Nektar++ and its dedicated high order mesh generation platform NekMesh.
This paper describes a scheme for finite element mesh generation of a convex, non-convex polygon and multiply connected linear polygon. We first decompose the arbitrary linear polygon into simple sub regions in the shape of polygons.These subregions may be simple convex polygons or cracked polygons.We can divide a nonconvex polygon into convex polygons and cracked polygons We then decompose these polygons into simple sub regions in the shape of triangles. These simple regions are then triangulated to generate a fine mesh of triangular elements. We propose then an automatic triangular to quadrilateral conversion scheme. Each isolated triangle is split into three quadrilaterals according to the usual scheme, adding three vertices in the middle of the edges and a vertex at the barrycentre of the element. To preserve the mesh conformity a similar procedure is also applied to every triangle o f the domain to fully discretize the given convex polygonal domain into all quadrilaterals, thus...
IOSR Journals , 2019
This article includes an automatic mesh generation scheme foran arbitrary convex domain constituted by straight lines or curves employing lower or higher-order quadrilateral finite elements.First, we develop the general algorithm for hand p-version meshes, which require the information of sides of the domain and the choice of the order as well as the type of elements.The method also allows one to form the desired fine mesh by providing the number of refinements. Secondly, we develop the MATLAB program based on the algorithm that provides all the valuable and needful outputs of the nodal coordinates, relation between local and global nodes of the elements, and displays the desired meshes. Finally, we substantiate the suitability and efficiency of the scheme through the demonstration of several test cases of mesh generation. We firmly believe that the automatic hand p-version mesh generation scheme employing the quadrilateral elements will find immense application in the FEM solution procedure.
In this article, we give an overview of a new technique for unstructured curvilinear boundary layer grid generation, which uses the isoparametric mappings that define elements in an existing coarse prismatic grid to produce a refined mesh capable of resolving arbitrarily thin boundary layers. We demonstrate that the technique always produces valid grids given an initially valid coarse mesh, and additionally show how this can be extended to convert hybrid meshes to meshes containing only simplicial elements.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020
In this work we present an algorithm to construct an infinitely differentiable smooth surface from an input consisting of a (rectilinear) triangulation of a surface of arbitrary shape. The original surface can have non-trivial genus and multiscale features, and our algorithm has computational complexity which is linear in the number of input triangles. We use a smoothing kernel to define a function Φ whose level set defines the surface of interest. Charts are subsequently generated as maps from the original userspecified triangles to R 3. The degree of smoothness is controlled locally by the kernel to be commensurate with the fineness of the input triangulation. The expression for Φ can be transformed into a boundary integral, whose evaluation can be accelerated using a fast multipole method. We demonstrate the effectiveness and cost of the algorithm with polyhedral and quadratic skeleton surfaces obtained from CAD and meshing software.
Spectral methods for mesh processing and analysis rely on the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, or eigenspace projections derived from appropriately defined mesh operators to carry out desired tasks. Early works in this area can be traced back to the seminal paper by Taubin in 1995, where spectral analysis of mesh geometry based on a combinatorial Laplacian aids our understanding of the low-pass filtering approach to mesh smoothing. Over the past ten years or so, the list of applications in the area of geometry processing which utilize the eigenstructures of a variety of mesh operators in different manners have been growing steadily. Many works presented so far draw parallels from developments in fields such as graph theory, computer vision, machine learning, graph drawing, numerical linear algebra, and high-performance computing. This state-of-the-art report aims to provide a comprehensive survey on the spectral approach, focusing on its power and versatility in solving geometry processin...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1988
Numerical techniques such as fi nite elements, generalized finite differences and moment method for the solution of two dimensional field boundary value problems pose different constraints as far as the dis cretization of the solution domain is con cerned. A general-purpose two-dimensional grid generator is described, which, starting from a novel approach, can lead to region tri angularizations well suited to each of the afore mentioned numerical methods. Finally, some results of application are presented.
We present a new algorithm for the automatic one-shot generation of scattered node sets on irregular 2D and 3D domains using Poisson disk sampling coupled to novel parameter-free, high-order parametric Spherical Radial Basis Function (SBF)-based geometric modeling of irregular domain boundaries. Our algorithm also automatically modifies the scattered node sets locally for time-varying embedded boundaries in the domain interior. We derive complexity estimates for our node generator in 2D and 3D that establish its scalability, and verify these estimates with timing experiments. We explore the influence of Poisson disk sampling parameters on both quasi-uniformity in the node sets and errors in an RBF-FD discretization of the heat equation. In all cases, our framework requires only a small number of "seed" nodes on domain boundaries. The entire framework exhibits O(N) complexity in both 2D and 3D.
This paper describes a quadrilateral mesh generation algorithm ideally suited for transition subdomain meshes in the context of any domain decomposition meshing strategy. The algorithm is based on an automatic hierarchical region decomposition in which, in the last level, it is possible to generate quadrilateral elements with a conventional mapping strategy. In two dimensions, a subdomain is usually a triangle or a rectangle. In this algorithm, a subdomain with two boundary curves may also be allowed. Templates impose restrictions on the number of boundary curve segments of a subdomain to be meshed. The proposed hierarchical template scheme eliminates these restrictions, requiring only an even number of boundary segments. Other algorithms in the literature present similar characteristics. However, the implementation of the hierarchical decomposition and its templates presented here is quite simple compared to other approaches. Six high-level templates are considered for a subdomain, depending on the number of boundary curves and the number of segments on each curve. Several examples demonstrate that this simple idea may result in structured meshes of surprisingly good quality. We also show the possibility of obtaining different meshes for a subdomain with fixed boundary discretization by changing the corners between curves.
preprint, 2017
This work concerns with the following problem. Given a two-dimensional domain whose boundary is a closed polygonal line with internal boundaries defined also by polygonal lines, it is required to generate a grid consisting only of quadrilaterals with the following features: (1) conformal, that is, to be a tessellation of the two-dimensional domain such that the intersection of any two quadrilaterals is a vertex, an edge or empty (never a portion of one edge), (2) structured, which means that only four quadrilaterals meet at a single node and the quadrilaterals that make up the grid need not to be rectangular, and (3) the mesh generated must be supported on the internal boundaries. The fundamental technique for generating such grids, is the deformation of an initial Cartesian grid and the subsequent alignment with the internal boundaries. This is accomplished through the numerical solution of an elliptic partial differential equation based on finite differences. The large nonlinear system of equation arising from this formulation is solved through spectral gradient techniques. Examples of typical structures corresponding to a two-dimensional, areal hydrocarbon reservoir are presented.
Springer tracts in mechanical engineering, 2018
The quality of a mesh is crucially important if FEM solutions are to be deemed acceptable. Too coarse a mesh will lead to inaccurate FEM solutions. The finer the mesh, the better the convergence of the numerical solution. However, finer meshes tend to be expensive in terms of computing resources. The experienced user of FEM would have, over time, developed the skills required for creating just the right mesh for a given problem. Becoming proficient users of FEA, with the ability to create representative meshes of the idealized physical problem will serve as a motivation for this chapter. This chapter presents fundamentals of finite element meshes by defining nodes and elements, and the different types of elements. The chapter also describes the principle behind meshing algorithms in commercial FEM solvers. This chapter concludes by presenting reflections on quality of meshes and the type of meshes needed for different type of practical problems. It is expected that at the end of this chapter, readers should have developed a holistic understanding of the effects of meshes to the FEM process.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Many real world problems may be represented with mathematical models. These models often set complex mathematical, namely partial differential equation (PDE) problems hard to solve analytically and will often require computational approach. Definition of such computational problems will usually imply having a geometry model and initial conditions set on, in or around this model. Computational techniques have to deal with discrete space and time in order to approximate large and complex PDEs with ready to calculate simple arithmetical equations. Discontinuous or discrete space is called mesh. The scope of this article is problems of mesh generation and ways of their solution.
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 2015
It is now well-known that a curvilinear discretization of the geometry is most often required to benefit from the computational efficiency of high-order numerical schemes in simulations. In this article, we explain how appropriate curvilinear meshes can be generated. We pay particular attention to the problem of invalid (tangled) mesh parts created by curving the domain boundaries. An efficient technique that computes provable bounds on the element Jacobian determinant is used to characterize the mesh validity, and we describe fast and robust techniques to regularize the mesh. The methods presented in this article are thoroughly discussed in Ref. , and implemented in the free mesh generation software Gmsh .
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 1979
A method for automatic generation of triangnlar finite element meshes for starshaped domains is introduced. The mesh is simply obtained by inputting, besides the data defining the boundary of the domain, a positive integer parameter p for specification of the wished degree of refinement. It is proved that, for a very wide class of starshaped two dimensional domains, the following necessary condition for convergence of the finite element method is satisfied: There exists a strictly positive constant c, independent of p. such that: minm>c T m(T) vp, p=l,Z,... p(T) and h(T) being respectively the dieter of the inscribed circle and the largest edge of a generated triangle T.
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2006
Spectral element approximations for triangles are not yet as mature as for quadrilaterals. Here we compare different algorithms and show that using an integration rule based on Gauss-points for simplices is of interest. We point out that this can be handled efficiently and allows to recover the convergence rate theoretically expected, even with curved elements.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2002
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2000
This work is devoted to the description of an algorithm for automatic quadrilateral mesh generation. The technique is based on a recursive decomposition of the domain into quadrilateral elements. This automatically generates meshes composed entirely by quadrilaterals over complex geometries (there is no need for a previous step where triangles are generated). A background mesh with the desired element sizes allows to obtain the preferred sizes anywhere in the domain. The ÿnal mesh can be viewed as the optimal one given the objective function is deÿned. The recursive algorithm induces an e cient data structure which optimizes the computer cost. Several examples are presented to show the e ciency of this algorithm. E cient automated meshing techniques are expected to have certain features in order to ensure its applicability in a wide scope of cases, which can range from regular domains with uniform element sizes to non-singly connected domains with large boundary curvatures and non-uniform element sizes. Haber et al. present an excellent discussion of such features: precise modelling of the boundaries; good correlation between the interior mesh and the information prescribed at the boundary; minimal input e ort; broad range of applicability; general topology; automatic topology generation; and favorable element shapes. Some of these features can be easily implemented; for instance, BÃ ezier or B-splines interpolation curves allow a precise modelling of the boundaries. Others, such as minimal input e ort and broad range of applicability are much more di cult to obtain. Therefore, all the developed techniques for mesh generation should include most of the previous features and this is the goal of the proposed algorithm.
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2016
A new method is presented for subdividing a large class of solid objects into topologically simple subregions suitable for automatic finite element meshing with pentagonal elements. It is known that one can improve the accuracy of the finite element solution by uniformly refining a triangulation or uniformly refining a quadrangulation. Recently a refinement scheme of pentagonal partition was introduced in [31,32,33]. It is demonstrated that the numerical solution based on the pentagonal refinement scheme outperforms the solutions based on the traditional triangulation refinement scheme as well as quadrangulation refinement scheme. It is natural to ask if one can create a hexagonal refinement or general polygonal refinement schemes with a hope to offer even further improvement. It is shown in literature that one cannot refine a hexagon using hexagons of smaller size. In general, one can only refine an n-gon by n-gons of smaller size if n ≤ 5. Furthermore, we introduce a refinement scheme of a general polygon based on the pentagon scheme. This paper first presents a pentagonalization (or pentagonal conversion) scheme that can create a pentagonal mesh from any arbitrary mesh structure. We also introduce a pentagonal preservation scheme that can create a pentagonal mesh from any pentagonal mesh. This paper then presents a new numerical integration technique proposed earlier by the first author and co-workers, known as boundary integration method [34-40] is now applied to arbitrary polygonal domains using pentagonal finite element mesh. Numerical results presented for a few benchmark problems in the context of pentagonal domains with composite numerical integration scheme over triangular finite elements show that the proposed method yields accurate results even for low order Gauss Legendre Quadrature rules. Our numerical results suggest that the refinement scheme for pentagons and polygons may lead to higher accuracy than the uniform refinement of triangulations and quadrangulations.
Procedia Computer Science, 2011
Domain decomposition methods are commonly employed within the context of parallel numerical algorithms. Most often, the domain decomposition is performed before the main computation begins. Within the context of mesh generation, parallel mesh generation is desired when the goal is to mesh a very large geometric domain or if very high accuracy is required. In this paper, we propose a novel technique, which we call the MeTiS-based Domain Decomposition (MDEC) technique, for the decomposition of geometric domains into subdomains for use in parallel 2D mesh generation. Our technique is based upon discrete domain decomposition [1]. The algorithm proceeds by first constructing a background mesh which satisfies a minimum angle constraint of 30 degrees and second partitioning this initial coarse mesh or background mesh into subdomains. Finally, adjustments are applied to the triangles with small boundary angles so that all subdomains in the final decomposition contain boundary angles no smaller than 60 degrees which is a guaranteed property of the domain decomposition algorithm. We prove this guarantee for the boundary angles of the MDEC domain decomposition. Our results show that, in comparison to the medial axis domain decomposition (MADD) algorithm [2], our method provides a better balance of subdomain areas, better boundary angles, and a faster decomposition time. In addition, when the MDEC and MADD subdomains are used in conjunction with a parallel constained Delaunay mesh generation technique (PCDM) [3], the meshes are generated in approximately the same time and have very similar element quality.
Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, 2013
In this paper, we present an algorithm for partitioning any given 2d domain into regions suitable for quadrilateral meshing. It can deal with multi-domain geometries with ease, and is able to preserve the symmetry of the domain. Moreover, this method keeps the number of singularities at the junctions of the regions to a minimum. Each part of the domain, being four-sided, can then be meshed using a structured method. The partitioning stage is achieved by solving a PDE constrained problem based on the geometric properties of the domain boundaries.
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