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This paper presents a contextual online learning model that aims to enhance the educational experience by adapting to individual learning styles and preferences. It explores the applications of adaptive hypermedia in education, discusses ongoing research in grouping strategies for Computer Science students, and emphasizes the significance of integrating various content analysis tools to support collaborative learning and constructionist approaches. The paper concludes by highlighting the necessity of understanding different dimensions of learning styles to foster effective online learning environments.
Many challenges of the contemporary world bring prospective teachers in a position to interrogate their own conceptions about the image that will educate the children. Teachers with experience of new generations of pupils speak with delight but also with fear. There are other children, should be treated otherwise? Their world is not the world we are trained to educate. Our study hypothesis is the fact that to begin a training program for future teachers should have a good knowledge of the general profile of the child today, in the context of a complex and dynamic social context. The study findings are built as prerequisites to substantiate initial training of teachers, who need to reflect deeply. They can respond to new categories on which training needs most times I reflected in philosophical manner. The content of teacher training should focus on the role of virtual environments to create situations of training, design and exploitation creative educational software, evaluation assisted digital educational management, investigation-internet communication on issues of education, psycho-pedagogical and career Computer-Assisted, etc .. Also, teacher training must take into account the experience gained through the implementation of the agreements between traditional education and practice or knowledge of the entire teaching obvious transformations that are generated by harnessing information and communication resources of computers. By integrating students will be trained in intelligence gathering activities on the Internet to solve problems, they will communicate and collaborate. Using a blog and not a simple web page, the teacher may receive comments and questions from his students and they can answer. This Communication aims to support students; information, useful contacts for further in-depth study can be posted on forums or on a learning platform specially created.
Title Analysis of online climate change games: exploring opportunities Análisis de juegos online de cambio climático: explorando oportunidades Abstract Online games have been proposed as a promising tool for communication and education. Taking into account the new communicative paradigm of youth and that climate change is one of the main threats to their future, this paper presents a checklist of validated indicators through the Delphi method to analyze communicative elements of online climate change games and it illustrates its use and usefulness with a qualitative analysis of a sample of games produced in Spain. This exploratory study maintains that online climate change games are shaping themselves as innovative strategies, thanks to their immersive narrative and interactivity among other features, by facing the communicative and educational challenges regarding climate change: causes are made visible, actions are portrayed as local, uncertainty is avoided, contextualized information is provided with positive and pro-action tone, and a critical thinking approach is encouraged through decision-making. Resumen Los juegos online han sido propuestos como herramientas prometedoras para la comunicación y la educación. Teniendo en cuenta el paradigma comunicativo de los jóvenes y que el cambio climático es una de las principales amenazas en su futuro, este artículo presenta un checklist con indicadores validados a través del método Delphi para analizar los elementos comunicativos de juegos online de cambio climático, e ilustra su uso y utilidad mediante un análisis cualitativo de una muestra de juegos producidos en España. Este estudio exploratorio mantiene que los juegos online sobre cambio climático se perfilan como estrategias innovadoras haciendo frente a desafíos comunicativos y educativos en torno al cambio climático: la causas se hacen visibles, las acciones se presentan en una escala local, la incertidumbre se evita, la información se contextualiza con un tono positivo y proactivo, y el pensamiento crítico se estimula a través de la toma de decisiones.
Rezumat E-learning este o modalitate moderna de educatie cu ajutorul IT&C (Information Tehnology and Comunication) si care se bazeaza pe WWW(World Wide Web). E-learning este definit ca o reţea sau învăţare online care are loc într-un context formal şi foloseste tehnologiile multimedia. Acesta este în esenţă un sistem de învăţare care este susţinut de hardware şi software, fie online (sincrone), fie offline (asincrone). Învăţarea se realizează fie individual sau bazată pe un grup mic sau mare şi poate fi folosită ca un hibrid al formatului faţă-în-faţă sau exclusiv în învăţământul deschis şi la distanţă. Prin urmare, e-learning-ul nu se limitează la formatul online dar include şi formatul offline care foloseşte orice formă de media electronică pentru a facilita procesele de predare şi învăţare. În această lucrare vom încerca prezentarea câtorva argumente în favoarea utilizării e-learning-ului ca metodă de predare foarte eficientă.
Higher Education in Europe has undergone massive changes due to technological advancements and adjustments resulting from the Bologna Process, by which learning should be accessible for all regardless of social exclusion reasons, such as imprisonment. The resulting massification of access to Higher Education requires flexible and inclusive training provision focused on the student. These are the primary aims of Distance Learning at the Open University of Portugal. The aim of this paper is to understand the viewpoints of twenty-six respondents (students, applicants to courses and senior rehabilitation technicians) on the reality of Higher Education in Distance Learning and e-Learning in a Portuguese prison. This study occurs in a context of a non-positivist paradigm, placing the emphasis on the perception of individuals through a qualitative methodology. The results obtained from interviews show that the education process has many weaknesses and limitations mostly due to the lack of facilities, educational and technological resources, and support from teachers. The conclusion is that it is essential to provide better conditions for prisoners receiving this type of education, as it can be an opportunity for obtaining professional qualification and for personal development, thus increasing their prospects of success in the future. RESUMEN La enseñanza superior en Europa ha venido experimentando grandes transformaciones gracias a los avances tecnológicos y a los cambios derivados del proceso de Bolonia, que prevé la creación de condiciones para que todos tengan acceso al aprendizaje, independientemente de factores de exclusión social, como la reclusión. La subsiguiente masificación del acceso a la Enseñanza Superior exige una oferta educativa flexible, centrada en el estudiante e inclusiva: son estas las prioridades de la Educación a Distancia de la Universidad Abierta en Portugal. Este artículo tiene como objetivo conocer las impresiones de veintiséis individuos (estudiantes, candidatos a estudiantes y técnicos superiores de reeducación) sobre la realidad de la Enseñanza Superior en la modalidad de Educación a Distancia y aprendizaje virtual (e-Learning) en una cárcel portuguesa. Este estudio se encuadra en un paradigma no positivista y hace hincapié en la percepción de los individuos, recurriendo a una metodología de carácter cualitativo. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante entrevistas, revelan la existencia de enormes debilidades y limitaciones en el proceso educativo, debido, sobre todo, a la falta de instalaciones y medios, recursos pedagógicos y tecnológicos, y apoyo de los profesores. Se ha concluido que es fundamental crear mejores condiciones de asistencia a distancia en las cárceles, porque esta formación superior puede ser una oportunidad de cualificación profesional y desarrollo personal, que incrementa sus perspectivas de éxito en el futuro.
REZUMAT:E-learning-ul poate fi un instrument foarte eficient pentru organizaţiile care doresc să contribuie la formarea profesională a angajaţilor, oferindu-le posibilitatea perfecţionării în ceea ce priveşte noutăţile în domeniul activităţii acestora. Tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor poate fi folosită ca o resursă care oferă un punct de acces la informaţii în funcţie de cerinţele din lumea reală. Aceasă lucrare oferă informaţii despre unele din software-urile gratuite, care ajută la crearea de cursuri on-line şi eficientizează procesul de predareînvăţare.
This work presents part of a study on the analysis of the use of laptop for educational purposes in Brazilian public Elementary schools, situated in different regions of the country, as participants of the project one Computer per Student-UCA, of the Ministry of Education-MEC. The schools received low-cost laptops, assigning one computer for each student, teacher, principal, pedagogical coordinator and other professionals. The package also included internet connection, Wi-Fi infrastructure, and continued education development focused on the pedagogical use of this technology and on the technological immersion aimed to create the digital culture at the school. The present study is part of a broader research whose focus is on the integration between technology and curriculum, analyzing the process of development in action and the practices of laptop use in seven public schools of the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Goiás and Tocantins. The focus of this work is on the school teachers' view as registered in the analysis of the answers given to an online questionnaire with closed format questions. The analyzed questions refer to the improvements pointed out by the teachers regarding the development of their students who use laptops in curricular pedagogical activities. Data analysis is performed through two methodological approaches: conventional descriptive statistics and Implicative Statistical Analysis-ASI with the use of CHIC (Hierarchic, Implicative and Cohesive Classification) to identify the association between the answers provided by the teachers. The replies are displayed in hierarchical trees of similarity, which highlight the most significant levels of interrelation between the answers in terms of similarity.
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 2004
Tapio Varis gives a speech in relation to the use and progress of e-learning in the European education system. He begins by expressing a need for the combination of new technologies and traditional working methods at university, despite the existence of theses new technologies in our everyday lives. He argues that this is important at a national and global level. However, professor Varis also argues that cultural identities and traditions must be maintained with the use of the new technologies in the European educational sphere, and yet unifying European educational standard. He continues by discussing the lack of e-learning not only at university level but also in the education system as a whole, and questions whether secondary education is providing students with the necessary skills required for today's society. As a consequence there also needs to be greater support for teachers and professors in order to deliver these changes. He concludes by saying that universities should lead the way in educating the new technologies as the providers of information at a national and local level, as e-learning has become the only method of sharing knowledge in modern society. Keywords e-learning, cultural identity, pedagogical philosophy, higher education, european progress Tapio Varis * Speech given within the framework of UNESCO Chair's International Workshop of e-Learning 'A Social Perspective of e-Learning in Higher Education: University and Development in the Information Age', held in Barcelona (29 May 2004).
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