Roman funerary sculpture: catalogue of the collections

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A good deal of the preparatory work on this catalogue was completed during my two-month stay at the Getty Museum as a guest scholar in the spring of 1982. My thanks for this invitation go to the Trustees, to the director at that time, Stephen Garrett, to the former curator of antiquities, Jiff Frel, and to the Department of Education and Academic Affairs, especially to Laurie Fusco. Particular thanks are owed to Dr. Frel, who entrusted the publication of the imperial funerary monuments to the author as part of a planned catalogue of the sculpture at the Getty Museum; he also read the texts, provided many hints and suggestions, and discussed the dating and inscriptions as well as many other problems. Thanks also go to Donald Hull and Penelope Potter for the numerous photographs, to Marit Jentoft-Nilsen and Renate Dolin for their help, to Melanie Richter-Bernburg for the excellent translation, to Sandra Knudsen for her solicitous care of the manuscript, to Jane Crawford Frischer and Sylvia Tidwell for attentive editing, to Faya Causey, to Marion True and Andrea P.A. Belloli for seeing the book through to completion, and, finally, to Heidemarie Koch for her critical scrutiny of the texts and translations. For information, help, and photographic materials, I also wish to thank B.