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11 pages
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Professional philosophy in sport coaching directly impacts coach behavior in practice and competitions. The coaching effectiveness in enhancing athlete performance, stimulating the individual and team potential, and supporting athlete personal growth changes across coaches’ professional careers. Such changes are frequently grounded in information from other sister disciplines that support the world of sport, such as, sport psychology. In this article, we discuss the perspective of positive sport (PS) and present a number of practical principles for coaches’ consideration. These principles were grouped together into catchy phrases as follows: inspire (inspiruj), explain (wyjaśniaj), expect (wymagaj), support (wspieraj), reward (wynagradzaj), appreciate (wyrozniaj), grow (wzrastam) and win (wygrywam) (in short: i7W). These recommendations deal with four time perspectives: one task, one training session/competition, one season, and an entire athletic career. For the development of the ...
Sport and excercise psychology is definded as the study of psychological influences on performance and participation in sports, exercise and other forms of athletic activity. It is divided into three sections: (i) sport psychology; (ii) exercise psychology and (iii) human performance. The positive psychology is a new scientific area in psychology, emphasizes the study of human strengths, positive emotions and well-being. Applied positive psychology is the application of positive psychology research to the facilitation of optimal functioning (Linley and Joseph [1]). It focuses on factors that enable people to feel good and flourish using their natural strengths to bring out the best in themselves.So that, in the last decade, more and more of studies combine positive and sport psychology for physically active people. In this paper, firstly, we present some recent publications confirming this combination. Secondly, we present findings for only two positive psychology topics applied in sport and physical activity field. They would be: 1) the optimistic explanatory style and 2) the subjective well-being. We conclude that it is time to birth a new practical branch of positive psychology applied in exercise and sport field. In first step, findings of this new science must be now concluded and taught for players, coaches and fans. It would be also taught for physical education students, teachers and professionnels in sport field.
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 2019
For 20 years, Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) has trained adults who are currently involved in youth sport as coaches and parents to help young athletes have positive sport experiences. This article describes a new approach PCA is piloting, whereby they have partnered with a university sport psychology program to train college students in principles of positive coaching so that they may benefit directly during their college sport involvement and also leave college equipped to enhance the youth sport culture as they become youth sport coaches and parents in the future. Specifics of the partnership are presented.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2019
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2020
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 21520704 2011 584246, 2011
This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Annual Review of Psychology, 2009
47 The article is based on the common idea in sport psychology that the coach, besides his/her athletes, is the key figure in sports. Our goal was to test this idea in Slovene sport and examine the way Slovene coaches work with their athletes. Systematic study should result in scientific insight on the role and work of coaches in sport, and provide relevant information about importance of coaches in the development of sport. Authors of numerous books single out a coach as a crucial person in athletes’ sports career progression (Tušak & Tušak, 2001; Krevsel, 2001; Chelladurai, 1990; Martens, 1990; Gummerson, 1992; Sabock, 1985). Solomon (2001) found that the coach’s estimate of athlete’s self-confidence is the best predictor of athlete’s performance in competitions. Dick (1997) defines coaching as “more an art than a science”. The process of training consists of two components: the first, skill improvement, regards knowledge transfer, and the second is the development of a relationsh...
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 2010
The purpose of this article is to offer a tool both for identifying the qualities of effective coaches and for facilitating the professional development of youth sport coaches. We have labeled this tool the Pyramid of Teaching Success in Sport (PofTSS) to reflect the widely held position that effective coaching is dependent upon teaching success. The PofTSS draws on multiple sources: (a) the authors' experiences across diverse careers in sport psychology, educational psychology, collegiate and professional sport, coaching, business performance and occupational stress, (b) four decades of coaching research, and (c) firsthand experience studying, playing for, and working with legendary sport coach John Wooden. The PofTSS, which includes 15 blocks and 10 pieces of mortar, focuses coaches on improvement of their teaching skills. This emphasis on self-improvement rather than measuring oneself against the performances of others is consistent with current views on how best to develop human potential across domains.
ICSSPE Bulletin
thank you for asking me to be your first HDR student, you have been a great friend and mentor to me for nearly 10 years. You came to me with an idea and it has become so much more, thank you for all of your help and support. Pamm, you turned this thesis on its head and although I was reluctant at first, I look at my thesis now and could not envisage it any other way, so thank you. Your brains and passion have made the writing process a much easier ride, 2012 has been a great year! To my fiancé, Chris, you came into my life at a time when I was lacking the stability and motivation to undertake a PhD. You gave me the time, space, love and support for completion-thank you most of all, however, for making me laugh. I look forward to becoming your wife and enjoying the next phase in our life which hopefully will involve much more time together rather than with our laptops. To my two best friends and bridesmaids, Amanda and Jo-thank you for providing me with a welcome outlet to my PhD. To Dad, thank you for always being there for me, I hope this thesis shows you I'm on the right track! To my sister Steff, thank you for your support. To my Mum, I hope you are proud of me. And, to my adopted family-Barb, Steve, Jenny, Kate and Michelle-thank you for accepting me and treating me as one of your own. Finally, without the support of those coaches who participated in this research, there would be no thesis. As a volunteer coach myself, I know how rewarding being a coach can be-I thank you for contributing to what I believe to be important research.
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Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2019
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 2008
Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 2021
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
Journal of sports sciences, 2003
ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review
International Sport Coaching Journal, 2022
Journal of Coaching Education, 2012
Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 2014
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2019