
In studying neurobiological signals, it has always been a challenge how to gain information from them. It is important to find what is happening in the supposed frequency and time related components of those signals. The results of combined timefrequency domain analysis are very challenging. There are procedures which can give us only time information and those which give only frequency information, but the best methods for non-stationary signals are time-frequency procedures. These can be the most useful procedures for analyzing EEG signals. As we know, the EEG signals are usually nonlinear and non-stationary signals. To analyze them, we need more complicated (or the way to an acceptable solution is complicated) methods then methods based on Fourier transform. The combined procedures of classical methods (up to second order statistical methods, Fourier transform based procedures, correlations, coherence based analysis) and new approaches (DTWDynamical Time Warping, HOSA Higher Orde...