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The aim of the study is the potential use of YouTube in Developing English Reading Comprehension at universities students, to draw the attention to the importance of YouTube as a new medium for teaching and education in general. The researcher used descriptive analytical method of analysis: the researcher has utilized of descriptive statistical method in the first step and inferential statistical method "T-test" to code and analysis data collected. The test was carefully constructed, and then it was distributed among the study which comprised of (20) students who were purposively selected. The researcher used SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) program to analyze the data yielded from the focus group. The study showed that: YouTube has great role on enhancing the skills of reading comprehension. YouTube helps students to address their difficulties and problems of reading comprehension.
The aim of the study is the potential use of YouTube in Developing English Reading Comprehension at universities students, to draw the attention to the importance of YouTube as a new medium for teaching and education in general. The researcher used descriptive analytical method of analysis: the researcher has utilized of descriptive statistical method in the first step and inferential statistical method "T-test" to code and analysis data collected. The test was carefully constructed, and then it was distributed among the study which comprised of (20) students who were purposively selected. The researcher used SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) program to analyze the data yielded from the focus group. The study showed that: YouTube has great role on enhancing the skills of reading comprehension. YouTube helps students to address their difficulties and problems of reading comprehension.
This thesis is written to 1) identify whether or not and in what extent YouTube video through KWL method enhance Students" Reading comprehension, and 2) describe the classmate when YouTube video through KWL method are implemeted in reading class. This study was conducted on the basis of the preliminary study in SMA N 2 Boyolali in which I found that almost all of the students of the tenth grade got difficulty in understanding such text. They got difficulties catch the main idea of the text, explisit and implisit information, guess the meaning of word and find the reference in the text. Their reading comprehension score in the pre-test were below the passing grade of 75,0 which was 60,8. The research was conducted from 6 April until 18 May at the SMA N 2 Boyolali. The research was conducted in two cycles, in which the first cycle there were four meetings and in the second cycle there were two meetings. Every cycle consist of four steps: planning, implementing, observation and reflection. The data were collected by using technique of qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative method consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. The quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean scores of the pre-test and post-test. The research finding shows that the use of YouTube video through Know-Want-Learn (KWL) can enhance the students" reading comprehension and the classroom situation in teaching and learning activity. The improvement of students" comprehension includes: 1) students can understand word meaning; 2) students can understand detail information or explisit information; 3) students can get the implisit information; 4) students can guess the meaning of word; 5) students can find the reference in the text. In addition, the students" mean score also improve: pretest 60,8; post-test 1 70,6; post-test 2 77,6. The improvement of classroom situation includes: 1) students enjoyed and interested in the classroom situation. 2) students were not noisy during teaching learning English in the classroom. 3) students tended to be active learner. This research shows there are improvements in students" reading comprehension and situation of the class. For that reason, it is recommended that the English teacher should apply certain effective technique and create an enjoyable situation in the teaching and learning process so that the students can learn effectively and involve actively in class. By using YouTube video through KWL method, the process study can run effectively and the students will not be bored.
Proceedings of the ICECRS, 2017
In Thailand, YouTube has not been widely used for educational purposes especially in Narathiwat. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using YouTube on EFL reading comprehensionamong vocational students. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. Two groups of first year vocational students at Narathiwat Technical College were purposefully assigned to the experimental and the control groups. The instruments used in this study were pre-test and post-test. Students in the experimental group were taught reading comprehension using YouTube and the students in the control group were taught using conventional method. The results showed positive effects of using YouTube. Therefore, YouTube should be considered as an effective instructional tool for improving English reading comprehension and as an important teaching resource in English classrooms.
Jurnal Pendidikan
Technology continues to develop so that it causes changes in the pattern of human life without exception, also in education. This technological advancement requires teachers to develop and adjust additional competencies, one of which is using new technology in the learning process. Learning media can be interpreted as learning process aids that include subject matter information. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of the use of YouTube videos on improving students' English learning outcomes. The method used in this study is a quantitative approach with a type of Quasi Experiment with a form of nonequivalent control group design. This research uses data analysis techniques, namely descriptive statistical analysis, analysis prerequisite tests, hypothesis tests, and n-gain analysis. The results of the hypothesis test in this study obtained the sig value. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected, this show...
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2021
The research objective is to see eight grade students’ perception of the use of interactive learning media based on YouTube in giving English subject material. The reason of researcher did this research is because the educators at the junior high school use YouTube as a learning medium which is expected so that students can understand the material being studied, so that students can continue to follow the teaching and learning process during the pandemic, especially in English subjects. This study used a qualitative research with narrative inquiry approach and thematic analysis to see the response of the use of YouTube. In order to get accurate results, the researchers used questionnaire and interviews. The subjects of this study were 8th grade students in one of junior high school in Karawang who are familiar with using YouTube as a media. Based on the results of the study, that had been conducted on the use of YouTube-Based interactive media to giving English material was that 4 o...
This research shed light on how students' use YouTube for learning English and also try to explore their technology-based approach. This research conducted at State Islamic Institute of Sorong which involved six participants from English Education Program. The researcher used purposeful sampling to select the participants who actively engaged learning with YouTube. To collect data and information the researcher used descriptive qualitative approach. To validate data the triangulation technique was used using observation, interview, and document instruments. The researcher also used data code for analyzing data. The results showed that YouTube can be use as tool for learning English to support students in learning English independently in informal situation as well as giving a wider opportunity to improve their English skills. The study also found that YouTube can be used as educational technology which supports students' technology-based approach by facilitating learning that are more independent along with give an experience to learn more fun, interesting, motivating, and learning more effectively and efficiently. However, students' level of improvement and cultural exchanged are important issues that the researcher suggest for further research.
This study aims to identify the level of YouTube application usage to teach Arabic listening skills and identify respondents’ perceptions on categories of materials in YouTube application that have been selected and collected. This study was a survey study using a questionnaire instrument to measure the level of YouTube application usage to teach Arabic listening skills to students and to investigate students’ perceptions on the selected materials. The research sample was 70 students of one public university in Malaysia who were selected using random sampling method. The data collection was done using a set of questionnaires covering various items of YouTube application usage in T&L Arabic language skills. The questionnaire was modified and adapted from Aziah Abdol Aziz & Parilah Mohd Shah (2014) study and has gone through the validity process with high alpha Cronbach value of 0.98. The findings show that the level of YouTube application usage in teaching Arabic listening skills is ...
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya
Vocabulary mastery is a crucial skill for English language learners. It will be much simpler for students to communicate verbally and in writing if they have a strong command of the English language's vocabulary. Considering this issue, this research aims to investigate the correlation between how often Senior High School students watch English content on YouTube and how well they know their vocabulary. In this research, the method is quantitative and the design is a correlation. This research population was eleventh graders of a Senior High School in Sidoarjo, while the sample was 45 students majoring in science. The first data collection instrument was a questionnaire used to collect data on student habit of watching English YouTube content. The second instrument was a vocabulary test used to collect data on students’ vocabulary mastery. Both results of data collection were analyzed and calculated using Microsoft Excel 2013 and SPSS version 26. This research found that the r-c...
Nowadays, English has been spoken globally around the world. Therefore, mastering English speaking skill is very important for the students especially who study English as a Foreign Language. Because of that, the demand of the students who want to study English were getting higher over time. However, students tend to struggle in mastering English speaking skill since English was not their mother tongue. Moreover, at the moment, students studied English speaking skill online due to the pandemic of Covid-19. Therefore, regarding to the facts above, this research aimed to investigate the students’ perception on the use of YouTube as their means to learn English speaking skill. In this study, the researcher used qualitative approach with the descriptive design. The participants of this study were 30 English students of second semester of the English Education Department at UNISMA. However, there were only 10 students to be interviewed as the representatives of 30 responses. The instrume...
Covid-19 caused a transformation in the educational aspect. Teachers have difficulty implementing online learning. This is due to the lack of learning media that can facilitate students in learning. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Youtube as an online learning medium. This type of research is qualitative research. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The research subjects were three elementary school teachers. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research is the analysis technique before being in the field and the analysis of the Miles and Huberman model. The result of this research is that Youtube can be used as a learning medium that helps students learn independently. Parents feel helped by YouTube learning media. Youtube can be accessed easily. In addition, Youtube learning media can be accessed anytime and anywhere so that parents can still accom...
The purpose of this study is find how students’ perceptions of using YouTube in Vocabulary Mastery. YouTube is online Video sharing platform which allows users to upload, view, and share video from all over the world therefore can also as media online learning especially in mastering vocabulary. The researchers use quantitative research and the sample of this research is 37 students in seven semester of English Education Department, Universitas Negeri Manado. Researchers use questionnaire as instrument in collecting the data. Questionnaire is one of research instrument, which aims for collecting data in survey research and also can be thought of as kind of written interview. The type of questionnaire that used in this research is closed-ended questionnaire. It is used like scale questionnaire in data collection and analyzed in statistical descriptive. Optional for the questioner measuring from strongly agrees, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. The result in this resear...
Indonesia's low literacy rate makes Indonesia lagging behind several other countries. The purpose of this study is to improve technological literacy in school students. This study uses the YouTube application as a medium to improve technological literacy. The method used is descriptive quantitative with an approach using a pre-experimental method in the form of a one-group pre-test post-test design. The results of this study an increase in knowledge of technological literacy by 42%. The pre-test result of 28% increased to 70% after being given treatment. YouTube media is proven to be able to improve technological literacy in elementary school students and can be used as a technology literacy media.
Journal on English Language Teaching, 2021
The research objective is to determine the use of interactive learning media based on YouTube and also to see the response of educators and students regarding the use of YouTube. This study used a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach to see the response of the use of YouTube. In order to get accurate results, the researchers used interviews and observations. The subjects of this study were 7th semester English education students who are familiar with the YouTube. The data analysis technique used in this research is thematic data analysis techniques with instruments in the form of observation and direct interviews with students. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the use of interactive multimedia learning media based on YouTube for English language education students of UMN AW was mainly for accessing information media. Educators and students' responses in using YouTube also showed how YouTube has become as an alternative media in lea...
Education, Language, and Culture Journal, 2023
Technological developments in this modern era have made many people accustomed to using technology that is fast and easily accessible anywhere as an information space, especially in the world of technology. One of the information technologies used by researchers in this research is online social media, namely the YouTube application media. This research aims to determine the impact of YouTube English videos on students' listening skills at SMA Negeri 10 Gowa. This research is quasiexperimental research using the Control class and the Experiment class. The sample for this research consisted of 30 Experiment class students and 30 Control class students at SMA Negeri 10 Gowa. The results of this research show that the post-test results for the Experiment class have an average score of 78.50 and the pre-test is 69.07, while the post-test for the Control class has an average score of 51.57 and the pre-test is 34.97. The results of the data were analyzed using the Paired t-test, which showed that Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000 lower than 0.05 so that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. These results show the Impact of YouTube Videos on Listening Skills Student. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the YouTube application media is effective and has an impact on the listening skills of class X SMA Negeri 10 Gowa.
International Journal of Linguistics, 2012
This paper explores the use of YouTube as a supplementary resource in teaching English novel at Al-Majma'ah Community College/Al-Majma'ah University. This study conducted on the second semester 2009/2010, At Al-Majma'ah community college/English language and literature Department. The researchers find that the use of YouTube in studying English is an interesting; beneficial, and give students the chance to get more understanding of the novel and its events. The effect of the YouTube program was measured by using an achievement test, which comprises 10 questions based on the novel comprehension. The sample of the study consists of 10 students. The present study aims at investigating the effect of method of teaching English novel on the students' achievement, and examining whether YouTube program improves students' achievement. The results showed that students wrote positive comments regarding the use of YouTube in a literature course, and use this learning tool effectively. This study recommends the use of YouTube as a supplementary source for teaching literature.
The aim of this study is to find out whether there is a correlation between students’ frequency of using YouTube content and speaking skill at 4 th semester of English Department of IAIN Bengkulu. This study was conducted in correlational research which involved 21 students. A questionnaire was used to obtain students’ frequency of using YouTube content and test was employed to obtain students’ speaking skill. Both data were calculated using Pearson Product Moment Formula and SPSS Program. The result of this study showed that the coefficient correlation (r count ) was higher than the r table (0,852 > 0,433). It can be said that there is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of using YouTube content and their speaking skill at 4 th semester of English Department of IAIN Bengkulu. The interpretation of correlation coefficient 0,852 was high correlation. The hypothesis accepted in this research was alternative hypothesis (Ha), whereas the null hypothesis (Ho) was rej...
Journal of English Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Literatures (JETALL), 2021
The aim of this research was to know perception of watching English movie on Youtube at the second semester the second semester of English department Islamic University of Kalimantan of the 2018/2019 academic year. The subject of this research is the students of class regular A. The instrument used in the data collection was a questionnaire that consist of two part, the first part to find out the students who ever watched English movie on Youtube and the second part to know students’ perception use of watching English movie on Youtube. The data were analyzed using statistical and shown in tables of frequency.The finding showed that by watching English movie on Youtube English movie has an influenced for those students in improving their English achievement, then help them to learn new vocabulary and could be one of the effective media in learning English Achievement. Keywords : learning english, English movie, Youtube
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature
In order to create effective teaching-learning process teacher must find appropriate method and media. Lately, the use of technology as a media in teaching-learning process has become a very common thing to do. Nowadays, YouTube is one of the social media platform that most used in teaching-learning process. This study aims to find out how does the teacher use YouTube in teaching English speaking skill at SMK Miftahussalam and also how is the students’ perception in using YouTube as media to Enrich English speaking skill at SMK Miftahussalam. The design of this research was qualitative. The subjects that has examined in this research are teacher and students of SMK Miftahussalam. The findings show that not all of the material/chapters are suitable to use YouTube as the media, so the teacher must determines whether the material is suitable or not. Then, the teacher searches for the most attractive video. Then, the teacher bought a link to the students. After the students watch the v...
The objective of this research was to know the effect of "YouTube Video" on students' writing abilities, especially in writing analytical exposition texts in eleventh grade students at SMA Swasta Umum Sentosa. In this research, the researcher used quantitative research. The sample was taken from eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta Umum Sentosa, with the total 50 students. The researcher chosen two classes, one as an experimental class and one as a control class, each class with 25 students. The experimental group will be given treatment "YouTube video", while the control group will be given textbook. The research instrument was in the form of two tests in the form of essays. During the data collection stage, three phases must be completed: pre-test, treatment, and post-test. After analyzing the data researcher found that the results of post-test in experimental class showed that the average score of was 80.64, while in the control class it was 71.44. Where at the significance threshold 0.025, the t-test (8,4) outperforms the t-table (2.063). It means that the hypothesis is defined as follows: t-test > t- table , 8,4 ≥ 2.068. As a result, Ha is accepted, while Ho is not. In order words, it could be concluded that there was the effect of using YouTube video on the eleventh grade students’ ability in writing analytical exposition texts at SMA Swasta Umum Sentosa. Keywords : YouTube video, Writing, Analytical Exposition Text
Borneo Educational Journal (Borju)
As one of the most popular social media in this modern era, YouTube is also playing a role in education. Technology, which is part of student life, can offer useful feedback, especially in facilitating, increasing knowledge and English skills. An audio-visual model that can be accessed anywhere can make students feel more open about thoughts, opinions, questions, and be more comfortable and motivated in learning English. This article reports a qualitative study that finds out students' perceptions of English learning through YouTube are beneficial and help them learn English. 5 students who use the YouTube application as a media for learning English in SMK Negeri 17 participated in this study, and data were collected through interview-based on case study design. The results of this study find out all of the students have many benefits to improve their English skills, and very easy to access in almost every student's gadget and it can be used in every situation for help and m...
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