Quiénes son los maestros rurales de Cundinamarca


The current research project was developed in four rural schools located in the department of Cundinamarca in the connections bordering of San Juan de Río Seco, San Bernardo y Caqueza Municipals. Through this work the rural teacher of Cundinamarca, his practice and the environment in which it is performed were characterized. On the other hand, the purpose was to narrate the teachers’ live stories, tell about their didactics experiences and identify the current difficulties in their work. In order to accomplish the research, the teachers were addressed with generic questions that allow a fluent conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee. These interviews were accomplished by producing six narratives employed as information for our research analysis. For the production of the narratives we used the narrative research understood as a way to construct reality. Finally, through the triangulation phase, six narratives were elaborated showing the findings which gave response ...