Popular secrecy and occultural studies

2007, Cultural studies


Is cultural studies becoming-strategic in accordance with its context? In this era where traditional conceptual tactics have not provided the desired results, perhaps we can experiment with new techniques. This essay explores one such tactic and commitment, namely the faith in publicity as a truth-telling strategy to expose, and ultimately neutralize, power’s machinations. We are witnessing a regime-oftruth change, one that requires us to rethink our own notions and attachments to truth, insofar as it is tied to revealing and concealing, to secrecy and publicity. Recent events compel us to revise our conceptions of publicity, secrecy, and activist strategy. How can cultural studies recognize its own commitment to transparency and publicity, and make it alterable? By turning an eye towards secrecy, justly, cultural studies can become a strategic craft that enhances its capacities to remake its context.