To Study Physical Properties of Self Compacting Concrete


Concrete is one of the versatile construction materials which are used worldwide. Self-compacting Concrete is a type of concrete which is capable of flowing into the form work uniformly under its own weight, without segregation and bleeding, better finishes, easier placement, thinner concrete sections, no vibration, safer working environment without any application of vibration. Due to many advantages like faster construction, reduction in site for thinner concrete sections, improved durability, concrete. This study mainly focuses on the self-compacting concrete which is prepared by partially replacing cement with industrial by-products. To understand the behavior of the selfcompacting concrete, the fresh properties along with the durability characteristics have been discussed. IINTRODUCTION Self-compacting concrete (SCC), also known as selfconsolidating concrete, is one of the most widely used concrete types, mainly because of its self-compacting characteristics and strength. SCC i...