Albigensian Crusades (XIIIe siecle)


The Albigensian Crusades (1209-1229) began as a religious struggle against a heresy present in the South of France (its first diocese was in Albi), dangerous by its extension to a part of the vassals of the Counts of Toulouse. After failure of predication, a military conquest, lead by French lords of the North, was the unique option left to the Pope Innocent III. [...] It is difficult to judge the atrocities committed by both sides without anachronism. Victims were Christians, heretics or not. Rules of the time authorized the massacre of a garrison which had refused to surrender. Execution of captured lords was justified in case of treason. To burn a heretic who refused to abjure, was probably more considered as an act of purification than of punishment. Ferocity of war, religious or not, was then a common thing, indeed…