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10 pages
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The paper shows, that the hopes associated with globalisation, which were also supposed to overcome the effects of the ecological crisis, have not been fulfilled. This situation is associated with the fact that nowadays the biggest influence on the functioning of the global ecosystem is by man himself, who exists simultaneously in two envi-ronments: social and cultural. According to the author, all crises are global and furthermore embrace both envi-ronments in which man functions. Therefore, people are most at risk to pay for every crisis, including the ecolog-ical one. Human communities would be able to function in any environment, if they accept and implement sus-tainable development, which includes the functioning of the anthroposphere and the biosphere at the same time. Communities which were unable to do so, collapsed and even disappeared. In conclusion, the author claims that even today there is such a requirement. Today’s advocated sustainable development ensues from our spe...
The paper shows, that the hopes associated with globalisation, which were also supposed to overcome the effects of the ecological crisis, have not been fulfilled. This situation is associated with the fact that nowadays the biggest influence on the functioning of the global ecosystem is by man himself, who exists simultaneously in two environments: social and cultural. According to the author, all crises are global and furthermore embrace both environments in which man functions. Therefore, people are most at risk to pay for every crisis, including the ecological one. Human communities would be able to function in any environment, if they accept and implement sustainable development, which includes the functioning of the anthroposphere and the biosphere at the same time. Communities which were unable to do so, collapsed and even disappeared. In conclusion, the author claims that even today there is such a requirement. Today’s advocated sustainable development ensues from our species...
Our attitude towards the Environment has been changed since Industrial Revolution because our civilization is characterized by the overconsumption of natural resources, resulting in the appearance on health problems while millions of people have also condemned into poverty. In order to change this harmful model of economy we need to change our way of thinking by realizing our unity with the Environment. In such a case it is obvious that a new model of economic growth will arise which is based on Sustainable Development. This type of development combines the protection of natural environment with the improvement of quality of life, especially for poorer countries whose population suffer from poverty.
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education, 2019
The survival of the planet Earth in its entire reality is the major problem we face today. Both scientists and all Christians are concerned about the evolution of the ecological crisis. That is why, both at the level of the whole of human society and at the level of the Church, the evolution of life, the slippage of the present ecosystem has become a main point on the agenda. The joint efforts of the competent institutions of the world’s states, Christian Churches, environmental organizations have succeeded, at some points, in the adjustment of pollution and the implementation of policies to protect the environment. In this context, we can say that in some points the human desire and the survival of the earth are similar. In any case, no human desires or desires can be realized as long as the earth no longer exists. On this paper I will try to emphasis some aspects of ecological crisis and how they affect us. Also, I will try to underline the Christian points of view, as the solutions proposed for that.
Se discuten los factores determinantes del concepto de socioecosistema. Para ello, en esta investigación se plantea que es indispensable reforzar la ligazón que une lo ecológico y lo social, para afrontar los grandes retos que ofrece una realidad inédita como la actual, reconociendo que la crisis ambiental global exige nuevas perspectivas transdisciplinarias, debido a las evidentes limitaciones del pensamiento ambiental y social fragmentado; así como sus correspondientes expresiones políticas.Asimismo, se explica que en el ecosistema los cambios evolutivos son lentos, mientras que en el socioecosistema son en general mucho más rápidos, porque implican acciones humanas que pueden corresponder a la conservación o bien aceleración de los espacios naturales. Esto como consecuencia de las tendencias presentes hacia la exogeneidad frente a la endogeneidad y, por lo tanto, la dependencia hacia factores externos que impiden la integridad ecosistémica.Así pues, se revisó el socioecosistema, ...
Civitas , 2019
Development plans at different levels-from local to global-aspire to eliminate poverty, famine, to make health care accessible, to create better access to education, to improve transportation, employment, and the quality of life, all within next decades. Yet, these plans collide with the reality of climate change, more precisely the Anthropocene, which already creates high-dimensional conflicts. These will only intensify within decades because climate change and other consequences of the environment global devastation lead to a real decrease of resources. These resources enable not only development but also an elementary reproduction of the essential preconditions of life. The current model of development has substantially contributed to the intensification of unequal accessibility to resources and existing conflicts have thus heightened and new ones have emerged. Water as an essential resource will cause new conflicts. Growing population, expansion of deserts and a sea level rise then increase conflicts for the land. Heat waves occur more often which strengthens conflicts for land suitable for human life, meaning that inhabitable areas are spreading. Therefore there is a need to re-evaluate the character and hierarchy of resources and their accessibility, and also concepts of development. The existing development of humankind has been done at the expense of others in many cases and mainly at the expense of the environment. The current situation raises a question of climate justice from both historical and systematic viewpoints. It opens a need to reformulate the concept of human rights from the perspective of their essential environmental preconditions and to define the status of environmental migrants. Resumo: Os planos de desenvolvimento em diferentes níveis-do local ao global-aspiram eliminar a pobreza, a fome, tornar acessível a assistência médica, criar melhores acessos à educação, melhorar o transporte, o emprego e a qualidade de vida, tudo nas próximas décadas. No entanto, esses planos colidem com a realidade da 1 Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia). author_biographical_data
The article contains a reflection on the role of the idea of sustainable development in supporting the existence of human species. The problem is not easy and raises many questions. The contemporary social context does not favor sustainable development. Firstly, it is too firmly rooted in anthropocentrism, which is supported by the religion, and by the traditional European philosophy. Both make people think more about heaven than about the Earth. Thus, people are focused more on the soul than on the body; they are caring more for the favor of God than for their environment. Secondly, the ideology of consumptionism transforms people into wasters who increasingly over-exploit the Earth’s resources. Thirdly, people – the social masses and the ruling elites – intensely stupefied, are not driven by reason or intellect. That is why, there is little hope that the degradation of environment will be stopped and future generations will be given the chance to survive as a result of the impleme...
The aim of this article is to reveal the ecological education’s perspectives at the present stage of the globalization processes’ deployment and their influence on the formation of the environmental consciousness of both an individual and the society as a whole. A wide variety of methods were used in the research, in particular, general scientific, special scientific and philosophical methods and approaches, including structural and functional analysis, synthesis, comparative, systemic, as well as synergetic approach, which allowed considering education as a complex and opening system. The authors have proved that theorganization of the ecological education is important at all levels of an individual’s socialization, especially in the process of enculturation. The individual simultaneously forms responsibility for his or her actions at the local level (within the city, region, or state) as well as on the planetary scale, as the modern humankind faces global ecological problems, whic...
Sociedad y Ambiente, 2016
El presente trabajo se propone discutir sobre la crisis ambiental actual y los argumentos que enmarcan la naturaleza del problema como crisis social de magnitudes planetarias y que involucra diversos ámbitos: cultura, educación, instituciones, historia, sociedad, ecología, política, gobierno, economía, etcétera. Las causas de la crisis en el ámbito global tienen los mismos orígenes, pero no las mismas consecuencias, según sean países desarrollados o en vías de desarrollo. Algunas posturas teóricas consideran que el desarrollo se alcanza transitando etapas, entre ellas la degradación ecológica para aspirar al desarrollo. Sin embargo, el presente cuestiona el paradigma actual de desarrollo y enmarca las etapas en formas de relación, consumo-degradación ambiental, planteando formas alternativas bajo pautas que apoyan la reflexión para la construcción de sociedades sustentables. Se ilustran las formas básicas de dicha relación (crecimiento económico/consumo y calidad ambiental); y bajo ...
The historical-natural process training of humanity and the very nature of man are due to the biological evolution and should be studied with biological means because the biologic is a primary aspect of humanity, while the activity of the human is nothing but a ring of biological evolution, during which is the reproduction of genetic material. In the course of evolution, living organisms grow in relation to the environment in which they live; when adaptability and self-purification of the ecosystems is exceeded determines an environment emergency that connects the community in ecological crisis. In nature, a species not evolved independently of the other species with which it shares the habitat; in the mechanism of natural selection adapting or not adapting the environment is crucial for the life of an
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