Ann Leckie’s Ancillaries: Artificial Intelligence and Embodiment



We can identify two different models for the development of artificial intelligence. In the first, AIs are complex data-processing or patternrecognizing tools, lacking what we would describe as "human-like" intelligence. In this model, the ostensible reason for the lack of a specifically human-like intelligence is that the AIs are either not embodied or are "housed" in but not integrated with a body or body-like structure. In this model, the machine is the seat of the rational and intellectual, and emotion, insight, and intuition remain the product of the body. In the second model, intelligence is the result of integration of a "thinking" technology into a body of some sort, resulting in a recognizably human-like mind or intelligence. Ann Leckie's portrayal of artificial intelligence is more in line with this second model. Using characters in which AIs are integrated into biological bodies and then into technological ones, she provides us with a more complex and forward looking picture of how AIs might come to have emotional experience, intuition, and flexibility of thought and action, a model that bears similarities to both the cyborgs of science fiction and the second of the two AI models above. Her nuanced portrait of such a being can be taken as a possible end-goal for the creation of a more organismal, less constrained artificial mind.