Clarity and Challenges in Tissue Fibrosis

2015, Innovative Medicine

The tremendous progress in understanding the mechanisms of tissue fi brosis has led to realistic hopes for effective antifi brotic therapies in a range of diseases, including hepatic fi brosis, idiopathic pulmonary fi brosis, and renal fi brosis, as well as fi brotic disorders of muscle, heart, skin and bone marrow. Common mechanisms across these different tissues have unearthed targets that may be relevant to many organs. Best understood are pathways leading to hepatic fi brosis, which also predispose to hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatic stellate cells are the principal fi brogenic cells in the liver following their activation into myofi broblasts, and their detailed characterization has unearthed many targets for therapy. Increasingly, investigators now rely on genetic mouse models to defi ne contributions of specifi c molecules, in hopes of antagonizing these molecules as therapeutic targets. Both genomic and molecular approaches are unveiling new patterns of gene expression and molecules. A robust framework for antifi brotic drug discovery has been developed, and many agents are in clinical trials. With iterative evaluation of drug candidates in both animal models and humans, accelerated progress in bringing these drugs to patients is anticipated.