A Structural Design Optimization PackageUsing An Expert System



The objective of this research was to develop an expert system which chooses the optimum two-dimensional steel structural systems, capable of transferring loads from their points of application to the ground level. This tool will choose from such structural systems as beams, trusses, moment-resistant frames. The type of structures studied in this research are one story buildings which include factories, warehouses, and residences. Several types of loading condition will be considered such as gravity loads (dead, live), lateral loads (wind load, and earthquake). The governing criterion in the choice of the of the most suitable structural system will be to minimize the weight of structure. The study combines analysis, and design of steel structures in a package that chooses the structural system and considers it as a an important variable that affects the optimization of the structure's weight. The choice of the most suitable structural system will be based on using an expert'...