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9 pages
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The objective of this research was to develop an expert system which chooses the optimum two-dimensional steel structural systems, capable of transferring loads from their points of application to the ground level. This tool will choose from such structural systems as beams, trusses, moment-resistant frames. The type of structures studied in this research are one story buildings which include factories, warehouses, and residences. Several types of loading condition will be considered such as gravity loads (dead, live), lateral loads (wind load, and earthquake). The governing criterion in the choice of the of the most suitable structural system will be to minimize the weight of structure. The study combines analysis, and design of steel structures in a package that chooses the structural system and considers it as a an important variable that affects the optimization of the structure's weight. The choice of the most suitable structural system will be based on using an expert'...
IJEAST, 2022
Pre-Engineered Building which has been gaining popularity over the past few years employs builtup sections for members as against hot rolled steel sections. The members' section profiles match closely with the bending moment diagram across the frames as the depth of the sections is greatly dependant on the moment across the sections and hence we see tapered section profiles in such building systems. A detailed study is carried out on the final optimized section profiles and the analysis results for the present paper. As a part of research paper "Comparitive Study of Pre-Engineered Building and Truss Arrangement Building for varying spans", models of industrial pitched roof steel building which were designed as both Pre-Engineered building system and conventional steel truss building system were analyzed and designed for dead loads, live loads and lateral load. The study focuses on the variation of member strength with respect to its dimensions,optimized section profile characteristics for a certain critical load combination and ways to reduce member forces by floating columns, lateral bracings etc.
The purpose of this work is twofold. The first objective is to present robust and efficient methodologies for performing structural optimum design of steel frames under seismic loading with deterministic and/or probabilistic constraints. The second objective is to consider the impact of future earthquakes on the design adopted using an estimation of the life cycle cost of the structure.
This paper presents the optimized version of a steel structure used in civil engineering obtained thru a process of structural optimization using Finite Element Method. The main advantage of this optimized structure is the cost which is 50% smaller then the cost of a standard version of this steel structure. The optimization process was made using Finite Element Method and Ansys program. The paper presents the results of structural analysis of this optimized steel structure in two load cases: the snow weight and the seism simulation.
REM - International Engineering Journal
Seeking to define more robust and executable structures, this article presents a computational framework for the optimal design of steel truss frames, which integrates two software of great prominence in structural engineering, MATLAB and ANSYS. Computational interfaces were created to enable the automation of the iterative optimization process. The optimization algorithm and computational interfaces were developed on the MATLAB platform, while structural analyses were performed with the ANSYS Mechanical APDL platform. Some details of the computational implementation are presented herein. The objective is to minimize the cost of structures by determining the optimal positioning of nodal coordinates and the optimal choice of commercially available structural profiles-shape and size optimization, respectively. For shape optimization, a computational model was defined to automatically generate the geometry of the structure, maintaining some intrinsic relations of symmetry and collinearity between elements. The design constraints are critical nodal displacements, stresses, and slenderness of elements, following the requirements of ABNT NBR 8800:2008. To exemplify the application of the proposed methodology, this article presents the optimal design of trusses for roofs of industrial sheds, considering its non-linear geometric behavior, typical of this type of structure.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
Structural design optimization is a mathematical approach that concerns in finding the maxima and minima function subject to some constraints. This involves various optimization technique to find the best possible design in terms of weight, reliability and thus the overall cost. Various researchers have worked on different optimization techniques in finding out the efficient and light weight structures that are essential for the actual design of tall structures. This paper summarizes the various techniques of optimization of steel truss or towers that have been used till now. For this purpose, different optimization techniques have been studied which involves the various geometric constraints like changing the base width, bracing pattern, area of cross section. By reviewing the literature of the works done, the common objective emphasizes the need for finding the minimum weight of the structure. From studies we see optimization using metaheuristic algorithm are effective in order to solve truss problems. Metaheuristic algorithms are nature-inspired and most widely used due to its applicability and feasibility to various types of structures with many numbers of design variables. In this paper a 25-bar space benchmark truss has been considered for demonstrating the performance of various optimization algorithm. A comparative study is done based on the performance in lowering the weight of the total truss. Results shows that optimal weight of the truss structure can be obtained effectively using Whale optimization algorithm and it proved to be robust and efficient than other algorithms.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 1998
In this paper a micro-level optimization is applied to tall steel buildings. In order to achieve the optimum structure the Fully Stress Design technique is used to get the full section response. With this technique is possible to find the correct position of the horizontal stiffening that minimizing the structural weight. The restrictions on horizontal displacements must be taken into account during all the analyses.
Abstract: Designing an automated procedure for the optimal design of any structural system poses special challenges. Converting this methodology into a practical tool is even more challenging. In this research, a point-and-click software system is developed for the optimal design of roof truss systems. The starting point is a roof template containing minimal user input-outline of the truss, truss spacing, load information, and cost figures. A ground structure is constructed as the starting point of the design iterations.
A modern technique in structural optimization known as genetic algorithm was implemented in this paper to optimize a plane steel truss structure under point loadings and is subject to stress and displacement and buckling constraints. The genetic algorithm was developed in the MATLAB software. The genetic algorithm was run thrice on the plane truss structure and the run with the best result was picked as the final optimized truss structure. For each run a minimum of 500 initial population was set. The optimized truss structure gotten from the algorithm were analyzed and designed under dead and imposed loadings to compare and determine the percentage weight reduction and check the feasibility of the optimized truss structure. The software used to analyze and design according to British standard for steel design, BS 5950 was the SAP 2000 software. The results of the analysis and design in the SAP 2000 software showed the feasibility of the optimized truss as it passed all stress and di...
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University, acquiring a Bachelor Degree of Science in Engineering Technology, focus on Mechanics and Automation. Momen also minored in Mathematics, as he desired to be versatile and knowledgeable in the Engineering world. His research interest are in structural engineering, bridges, and aspires further education in those fields.
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Journal of Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems, 2017
Transstellar Journals, 2019
Passer journal of basic and applied sciences, 2024
The Scientific World Journal, 2014
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015
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Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
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Proceedings of the ICE - Structures and Buildings, 2014