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The article entitled-Poetry Writing in EFL Classrooms: Learning from Indonesian Students' Strategies‖ written by Rahmah Fithriani, a journal published in 2021. This article discussed about strategies of Indonesian students' in writing poetry. It is evident from the abstract of the article that EFL students could enjoy writing poetry as espressive pedagogy and could eliminate negative assumptions about lack of interest and appreciation of EFL students in writing poetry. The author mention that there are three strategies that Indonesian students' used in writing poetry. Writing poetry helps build student awareness and enables connection with self, others, and world. In addition,
In this article, Rahmah Fithriani examines Poetry Writing in EFL Classes: Learning from Indonesian Student Strategies for sixth semester students at a university in North Sumatra. The author provides some evidence that teaching poetry writing through the strategies mentioned in the article can refute some statements which say that students will find it difficult to write poetry in a second language because they always think that writing poetry must use a predetermined grammar. Facts was discovered by data gathering methods such as observation, recording, and surveys, which looked into how 171 Indonesian EFL students were able to complete their poetry book in creative writing class. Most English teachers in Indonesia do not include poetry writing subjects because there are no such subjects in the syllabus or in books and some teachers also think that poetry writing is a very demanding and difficult task for EFL students to achieve. And the author also provides several strategies so that it is easier for students to use one of the strategies they think is easy to complete their poetry book and this strategy can also be used by Indonesian teachers who still very rarely enter poetry subjects because these teachers think that students will find it difficult to write poetry in a second language. This study aims to determine whether the strategies used are successful in attracting students' interest and success in writing poetry. The findings of an ethnographic case study suggest that students utilize the following tactics when producing English poetry: (1) Use popular poetry templates to generate ideas; (2) build a vocabulary library for rhyming poetry; and (3) build emotions by sharing personal stories and then channeling them via poetry. This study discovered that EFL students may enjoy writing poetry as a form of expression, refuting misconceptions about EFL students' lack of interest in and respect for poetry.
Ahmad Husein Nst, 2021
In this article, “Poetry Writing in EFL Classrooms: Learning from Indonesian Students’ Strategies” my opinion is that there are still many teachers who do not really like teaching in EFL classes to ask their students to write poetry in English. This is because there are still many students who find it difficult and complain about writing poetry assignments in English. But it really fits what the article locks in. If the method and method used by a teacher is right about writing poetry, it will make students enthusiastic in writing poetry in English. Writing poetry will be an interesting thing for students, to calculate the contents of their minds. However, the delivery method used by the teacher is not effective so that it makes the perspective of writing poetry in English sound difficult. With the articles that have been read, they strongly agree with the contents of the writing because by applying the poetry writing method, the students can choose which method they like the most.
In this article, “Poetry Writing in EFL Classrooms: Learning from Indonesian Students’ Strategies” my opinion is that there are still many teachers who do not really like teaching in EFL classes to ask their students to write poetry in English. This is because there are still many students who find it difficult and complain about writing poetry assignments in English. But it really fits what the article locks in. If the method and method used by a teacher is right about writing poetry, it will make students enthusiastic in writing poetry in English. Writing poetry will be an interesting thing for students, to calculate the contents of their minds. However, the delivery method used by the teacher is not effective so that it makes the perspective of writing poetry in English sound difficult. With the articles that have been read, they strongly agree with the contents of the writing because by applying the poetry writing method, the students can choose which method they like the most.
Hanuer's Meaningful Literacy has been used as a major justification for including poetry writing as part of pedagogical practices in second and foreign language contexts. Unfortunately, within the EFL context, many teachers are still reluctant to include poetry writing in their teaching practices due to the common assumption that writing poems in a second language is too difficult for students to deal with and therefore will be out of their reach and interest. This qualitative research which collected data through observations, documentation and surveys, investigated how 171 Indonesian EFL students successfully write their poetry books in creative writing classes. This study concludes that EFL students could enjoy poetry writing as expressive pedagogy and thus, debunks the negative assumption related to EFL students' lack of interest and appreciation in poetry writing.
Strategies". I agree with the contents of this article because Hansen (2011) and Brian (2008) contended than speech from verse do a part within the enthusiastic advancement of understudies because it bring through them involve genuine life associations and take an interest in profound considering. There are four skills that must be mastered by students, namely: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Of the four skills, according to most language teachers, teaching writing skills is the most difficult. because second language learners not only write down the ideas that are in their minds but they must arrange them according to the provisions or patterns in writing a second language, different from their first language. (Hanauaer, 2012: 105) argues L2 learners are difficult to write because there is a contractual agreement in what they are required to write against the establishment of some abstract or textbook standard to be assessed on the basis of outer standardized tests. Writing poetry is one of the most effective educational approaches to significant literacy. Studies have shown that including poetry when writing lessons has several advantages. Hughes argues that writing poetry raises students' awareness and helps them connect with themselves, others, and the world. Similarly, Hansen and Brian argue that. The language of poetry do an important character in students' tempramental expansion because it enable learner to impression real-life relation and engage inside reflection. To ever the potency advantage of integrating poetry
Nada Anisa, 2021
Scintific Writing
KnE Social Science, 2021
Writing requires communicative objectives as the ultimate accomplishment by involving problem understanding as the dispersal techniques. So that most of English teachers giving
Sobihannur, 2021
This is a critical reading article review “Poetry Writing in EFL Classroom: Learning from Indonesian Students’ Strategies”. This article about how to write poetry strategies in EFL class. and this article will help English teachers develop alternative strategies to teach EFL students how to write poetry. Also, EFL students may find it interesting, even though writing poetry is not that difficult.
Poetry is a literary work that contains expressions of the heart or feelings, thoughts, experiences, criticisms or advice, which has rhythm, lyrics, and rhythm in each line. Poetry is packaged in a beautiful and meaningful language. Poetry can also be a person's response to various things. Poetry can represent the author's thoughts or feelings expressed through the power of language. Suriamiharja (1996:2) says that poetry is a writing skill where a person
This study aims to analysis creative writing poetry in EFL students when creative writing for EFL students will found a lack in writing process. This study belongs to qualitative research with case study approach. This study belongs to qualitative research with case study approach. According to Bogdan and Taylor (1975) in Moleong (2004: 3) qualitative methods is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and behaviors that can be observed. This research taken place in Islamic University of Labuhan Batu. There are one classes registered from students of VII semester. The essay question from this study are 1) get inspired in writing poetry, 2) students lack in writing poetry is think about rhyme. So from this study, the researcher will know what are the problem and will know how to solve the problem in this study. This study will useful for English Department student or EFL students. A. Introduction English is a general language for communication. People can use English in every place of the world. English can contribute for people in communicate and interact. English as an international language, get a special attention in every country in this world. English put in a lesson of school, although English not the first or second language in Indonesia. Students who are studying English called EFL students. EFL is English for foreign language also EFL is the teaching of English to people whose first language is not English. English itself has four skills. They are reading, speaking, writing and listening. EFL students' writing can produce a good writing grammatically. Students also can produce a writing with good level of vocabulary. In the other hand, the importantly is students can gain the writing with critical thinking.
Journal on English as a Foreign Language
In learning and teaching English as a foreign language, poetry has been used in several non-literary classes but in relatively small proportions, and the foci were mainly not on the students' self-expression and individual creative process. This research aims to understand the experiences of student-teachers majoring in English in using poetry as a means of self-expression and their creative process. This study was conducted with a qualitative approach involving six student-teachers enrolled in the English Language Study Program of a Southern Yogyakarta University, Indonesia. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed through coding. The results show that poetry became a place for self-reflection, sharing personal experiences, a place for self-awareness, and freedom of expression. Meanwhile, the creative process that the students experienced consists of receiving examples, reliving memories, free writing, finding the right place and atmosphere, writing and re-w...
The present study examines the extent to which Poetry Writing 2.0 can create an expressive and creative Eng-lish language learning environment. Drawing on ethnographic online posting and interview data, qualitative findings show the following main benefits of blended poetry writing: (1) this blended instruction builds an engaging writer and reader community; (2) it allows for negotiating topics of poems; (3) pictures or photographs as visual artifacts bring poetry writing to life; (4) Poetry Writing 2.0 can provide further impetus for peer and teacher scaffolding as dialogic support for students; (5) Facebook is seen as a social networking site for enacting expressive and creative language instruction; and (6) students prefer having their poems assessed in a humanistic way in order to experience the joy of poem writing. The contribution of the study is to enhance a better understanding of how poetry as a creative writing genre could be a catalyst for expressive and meaningful language instruction. The ultimate goal of the instruction is to help students engage in poetry writing as a platform for learning to write creatively.
Syarifah Aini Pane, 2021
This journal discusses the application of poetry writing strategies for creative writing for Indonesian EFL students, but it will be very difficult for students who do not know the language first. But the students can imagine and express themselves through the writing of the poem. This article is very good because the
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal
The increasing usage of creative writing strategy in a poetry writing classroom can nevertheless answer the question which has been empirically explored throughout the decade; Can second language learner write a poem in their non-native tongue? This study aimed to answer whether the creative writing strategy can facilitate novice writers who are the third year of English Department undergraduate students to be able to write an English poem. The strategies cover written prompts dealing with their personal experience and memory. After conducting two series of creative writing workshop, the result conveys that second language novice writers demonstrate the ability to communicate their personal experience dealing with their significant others. Repetition of words and grammatical error exist, yet most writers can produce longer poems with complexities. Also by providing the novice writers with written prompts, students find themselves more enthusiastic and eager to write.
Writing is one of the most important aspects in English language acquisition. Teaching writing has its own challenges since there are some steps and requirements that teachers should prepare to undertake in the classroom. This article is aimed to discuss teaching and learning writing in the classroom based on theoretical conceptualisation. In addition, curriculum of teaching writing will be another important factor to consider as well as research and practice in teaching writing. Based on comparison to many theoretical concepts from various researchers, it shows that most of Indonesian students still struggle to figure out their problems of grammatical area. The biggest challenge is derived from the difference in cultural backgrounds between the students' mother tongue and English, so it is possible to know the production of their writing does not 'sound' well in appropriate culture of English. Several problems also occur when the teachers have big classes to teach and the result of teaching writing to the students may be defeated. In this case, time also being a big challenge for the teachers to have the students' writing improve because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex steps such as brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and editing. However, new techniques in teaching writing are needed to develop the students' writing outcomes.
TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English
The present article reports our reflections on how to teach an introductory course on poetry in an Indonesian tertiary educational institution where English is a foreign language. The reflections are made on the basis of our experiences of teaching the course, the main challenge of which centres on students’ wronged perception of what poetry is; students tend to have an entrenched idea that poetry must be perplexing. The reflections have led us to a teaching strategy which we call “prosing poem.” Applying the strategy, we help students by providing made-up prosaic forms of the poems. This strategy has proven to help demystify students’ idea on poetry as a difficult subject. It allows students to unpack the poetic texts in a less daunting way as they can rely on their English mastery without having cognitive block.
Laila Anggraini, 2021
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