Loading patterns in varved Pleistocene sediment in the NYC area



In 1976 James Parsons of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers described the engineering characteristics of the varved silts and clays found in the New York City area. Over the years MRCE has conducted extensive testing of the local soils, including work for numerous NYC housing projects, which was the source for much of Parsons’ data. The test programs included consolidation tests. A consolidation test can be used to determine the maximum load to which a given soil has been subjected. In his study, Parsons determined that the varved soils of New York City were highly overconsolidated, meaning that the sediments had settled under weights significantly greater than the present overburden. He concluded that, although there was no known visible geologic evidence of later glacial advances, a younger advance was the only way to explain such high loads over an area.