Generalized quaternions and spacetime symmetries

1982, Journal of Mathematical Physics

The construction of a class of associative composition algebras qn on R 4 generalizing the wellknown quaternions Q provides an explicit representation of the universal enveloping algebra of the real three-dimensional Lie algebras having tracefree adjoint representations (class A Bianchi type Lie algebras). The identity components of the four-dimensional Lie groups GL(qn,l) Cqn (general linear group in one generalized quaternion dimension) which are generated by the Lie algebra of this class of quaternion algebras are diffeomorphic to the manifolds of spacetime homogeneous and spatially homogeneous spacetimes having simply transitive homogeneity isometry groups with tracefree Lie algebra adjoint representations. In almost all cases the complete group ofisometries of such a spacetime is isomorphic to a subgroup of the group ofleft and right translations and automorphisms of the appropriate generalized quaternion algebra. Similar results hold for the single class B Lie algebra of Bianchi type V, characterized by its "pure trace" adjoint representation.