Kurshiburu : a rocK art site of eastern india


Kurshiburu: a rock art site of Eastern India A large number of cupule marks are found on a big triangular shaped stone slab on top of a hillock known as Kursiburu. It is located near the village Patratuli, about 12 km east of Khunti township, Ranchi district in the state of Jharkhand in Eastern India at 83o24’EL and 23o5’NL. The site is on the eastern plateau area of Indian subcontinent. The entire region is undulating, intersected with numerous streams and rivers, forested, studded with low rocky hills (Monadnoks) and some isolated peaks of igneous origin. The cupule marked stone is associated with microliths and haematite nodules. The surface of the nodules showed marks of rubbing for colour. The assemblage is dated to late Pleistocene to early Holocene on the basis of geology. It appears that the cupules were connected with some fertility rites of the prehistoric times. The shape and size of the slab on which the cupules are engraved, nature of the cupules and above all location ...