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worthy news or news value is what people are anxious to know. It is not only what people want to know, it is also what editors and reporters think is interesting and important. This study attempts to explore why the media gave only certain portion of reporting on an event and what elements of news values were used as reasons for allowing the portion of coverage for the event. The visit of King Salman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia attracted huge public and media attention. In international forums, Saudi is a frequent supporter for Indonesian aspiration, despite obstacles in the relationship, particularly on migrant worker issues. Using qualitative methods, chief editors of two leading newspapers published in Makassar and three Islamic religious leaders from South Sulawesi province were interviewed. The data obtained shows the mass media provides extensive coverage over the visit because of its magnitude, proximity, prominence, and the unusualness values that the occasion has. The ro...
News in our contemporary newspapers has come to be associated more and more with what the elites do and say. Both their deeds and misdeeds are treated as newsworthy events and in the process they become newsmakers, both actors and sources of news. Even when they are not directly involved in news events they are sought out by journalists to validate those events and to interpret the social reality to the readers as news sources. This study is about the selection of news sources in the Daily Nation, a contemporary, independent newspaper based in Nairobi, Kenya. In this study, I set out to unravel the complex processes that underlie newsmaking and source selection. This study is informed by the theory of news values and the paradigm of the role of media in democracy. Based on qualitative interviews, observations and content analysis of the front-page stories, it investigates the process of news and source selection in front-page stories. Through these approaches, I established that new...
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2020
Purpose: The study aims to identify the news values of the news published on the front pages of the Jordanian press. And also explore the news frameworks, trends, and the types of news that are published by the Jordanian press. Methodology: Data were collected by conducting à content analysis of the two major Jordanian newspapers namely Al Rai and Al Ghad. Main Findings: Results show that 64.3% of the contents of Al Rai newspaper reflects the attitudes of the individuals, coalitions and political parties of Jordan. On the contrary, only 35.7% of the content of Al Ghad newspaper reflects the same. The results further show that Al Ghad newspaper includes 60% of their news and reports on its front page compared to Al Rai’s 40%. Moreover, it is observed that Al Ghad newspaper enjoys more freedom with 60% neutrality in news publications than Al Rai newspaper which possesses 40% neutrality. Application of Study: The current study can help to realize the judgments that journalists make whe...
The study examined how the news of Islam and Muslims were portrayed in The Star and Sunday Star newspapers in year 2010. The study used quantitative content analysis method and a total of 249 news associated to Islam and Muslims in year 2010 were analysed. The result showed that criminality or violence had dominated the news theme which constituted 91 (36.5%). In terms of tone of the news, 175 (70.3%) were negative and only 47 (18.9%) were perceived as positive and the remaining were perceived as neutral. In summary, the issue on religion and faith (Islam) in the media still continuous in negative way and it needs a tremendous transformation to change the image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of people over the world.
Journal of Hunan University, 2021
After the period of reform with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the media, it is in line with the desire of the masses to elevate the media as the fourth pillar of democracy in Indonesia. This study is to know the role of the government and journalists in interpreting media freedom. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, which involved 20 informants consisting of media actors, kingdoms, academic experts, communication experts, and the crowd. The results showed that the model of media freedom and mutual understanding is to maintain media diversity with their respective functions. The two elements make an agreement in the form of mutual understanding in realizing harmonious media freedom. The roles of each, namely the government and journalists, strengthen each other to realize press freedom in accordance with the dynamics that affect the level of literacy and education in a country. The media is not only about news but also a broader understanding of what is happening in Indonesian society.
International Journal of Press-politics, 2011
Indonesia, the world's third largest democracy, has been called a template for Muslim political reform and has the potential to serve as a bridge between the United States and the Islamic world. Indonesian journalists play a vital role. Since the collapse of the Suharto regime in the late 1990s, the Indonesian media sector has experienced its own revolution. A nationwide survey of 600 Indonesian journalists finds that while the influence of Islam in the newsroom is increasing, journalists support the separation of mosque and state and reject militant Islam. Their attitude toward the United States has improved under Obama and, while skeptical of American motives, they support continued American aid. Although most reject Suharto-era government-mouthpiece media functions, they have not yet fully embraced the role of watchdog. They say that the industry as a whole, and they as individuals, are still not free, but cite their own lack of professionalism and poor ethics as the greatest threat to their industry. The echo of the development journalism model that prevailed in the Suharto years can be seen in the top priorities of Indonesian journalists.
Indonesia and Malaysia are neighbouring countries in the Southeast Asian region. The geographical position is the opposite of that in Southeast Asia. However, the number of similarities between the two countries does not necessarily make the relations between the two harmonious. After the 2000s, Indonesia-Malaysia relations often underwent ups and downs. The problem of territorial disputes, cultural claims, migrant workers, as well as the fog due to forest and land fires illustrates the ups and downs of the relations between them. The mass media that have often reported on Indonesia-Malaysia relations included institutions which influenced the perception of the society on Indonesia-Malaysia relations. How the society gives meaning to the relation between the two countries will depend on the integrity of the facts told by the media. This paper attempts to discuss how the media carry out the process of verifying facts in reporting the polemic of the Malaysian national anthem and the song Terang Boelan. This study employed a qualitative analysis using visual social semiotics. The findings of this research show that the Indonesian mass media, in this case, Metro TV and Kompas.Com, still have to put harder attempt to fully present what has happened regarding the polemic between the two songs.
This study examined the news values in the front page lead stories and thus identified types of news that frequently published in front pages of two quality newspapers and two primary tabloid newspapers from Malaysia and Britain. Sample for this research taken from March 2008 and content analysis had been used as the research method for the further development of this research. This comparative study is not merely assessing the distinction or similarity within these quality and popular newspapers in Malaysia and Britain, but also to compare the different newspaper format used in both selected countries. The findings indicating that quality newspaper from both countries are prone to report news regarding on politics, economics, and internal issues involved in the country itself. The worthiness or the values of this news consist of traits such as magnitude, surprise, bad news, and the power elite. In contrast of popular newspapers, it emphasize heavily on sensational news such as crime news stories, social illness, and so forth where these news items gripping strongly on traits such as entertainment, surprise news, bad news, and celebrity news.
Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
This study discussed the news construction of terrorism cases in the mass media of Central Sulawesi. This study employed a qualitative approach with a case study method. This study aims to understand the news construction of terrorism cases in the mass media of Central Sulawesi. The results stated that information sources regarding terrorism cases were limited to authorities and involved parties due to the nature of the high-risk operations combined with the geographical and emotional proximity and the presence of two dominant beliefs of Islam and Christianity with conflict history in Poso and Sigi. The limitation of the sources was also due to the nature of terrorism cases which are sensitive to the nation’s unity. Thus, journalists positioning and news development of the mass media of Central Sulawesi are crucial to construct the news of terrorism cases without spreading additional fear and fight radicalism with deradicalization programs through news and message stimuli.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 2018
How events become news has always been a fundamental question for both journalism practitioners and scholars. For journalism practitioners, news judgments are wrapped up in the moral obligation to hold the powerful to account and to provide the public with the means to participate in democratic governance. For journalism scholars, news selection and construction are wrapped up in investigations of news values and newsworthiness. Scholarship systematically analyzing the processes behind these judgments and selections emerged in the 1960s, and since then, news values research has made a significant contribution to the journalism literature. Assertions have been made regarding the status of news values, including whether they are culture bound or universal, core or standard. Some hold that news values exist in the minds of journalists or are even metaphorically speaking “part of the furniture,” while others see them as being inherent or infused in the events that happen or as discursively constructed through the verbal and visual resources deployed in news storytelling. Like in many other areas of journalism research, systematic analysis of the role that visuals play in the construction of newsworthiness has been neglected. However, recent additions to the scholarship on visual news values analysis have begun to address this shortfall. The convergence and digitization of news production, rolling deadlines, new media platforms, and increasingly active audiences have also impacted on how news values research is conducted and theorized, making this a vibrant and ever-evolving research paradigm.
Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)
The statement of the former Governor of Jakarta Capital City, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) about QS Al-Maidah verse 51 in his speech on Pramuka Island on September 27, 2016 caused controversy and became a national issue in Indonesia since his recording video spread in social media during October 2016. The issue then developed into an issue of religious blasphemy that caused unrest among a group of Indonesian muslims and the Aksi Bela Islam III 212 (Islamic Defense Action III 212), an action with the largest number of mass and crowded reported in various Indonesian mass media. This action was interesting because involved muslims from various regions of Indonesia to demand a fair and transparent legal process against Ahok, the first non-Muslim governor of Jakarta Capital City. Using the content analysis method with descriptive approach, this research analyzes how the agenda setting of Indonesian national newspaper to salience the issues about Islamic Defense Action III 212. Results of the study showed that, the issue salience in text news and photo news were dominated by positive-tone news, on the contrary infographics were dominated by negative-tone news.
Res Rhetorica, 2019
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2021
The Ahmadiyah conflict in Indonesia is often publicised by the Indonesian mass media at local and national level. The media plays an important role in covering conflict and there is a great interest among media and communication researchers to investigate media portrayals of these events. Most studies focused on the role of the media and journalists in the conflict. Very limited study however focused on media approach or analysing media strategies in covering the conflict. This research aims to explore strategies by two newspapers i.e: the Pikiran Rakyat (the biggest newspapers in West Java) and Republika (one the biggest newspapers in Indonesia) in reporting the Ahmadiyah religious conflict in Indonesia. Applying a qualitative approach, using a case study method, this research revealed that both media outlets applied four strategies in covering the Ahmadiyah conflict. These strategies are: (1) Building and maintaining good relations with news sources, which includes people involved...
Communications, 2000
This study depends mainly on the theory of quantitative research to analyse news in Jordan. The study also employs some quantitative analysis techniques that are needed to describe its findings and test its hypotheses. Its general goals are to identify specific factors that may constrain or facilitate the production of certain kinds of news, explore explanations of news worthiness, and identifies factors affecting news coverage. The results of the study are based on a sample of 3,352 news items that were collected from newspapers, TV and radio over a span of some 50 days. Four hypotheses about topics and dominance of certain news rather than others are tested. The study concludes that Jordanian newspapers reflect certain important issues such as political, cultural, economic and other social news more than TV which, in turn, presents these issues more often than the radio.
JOMEC Journal, Issue 1, 2012
This paper is to examine corruption figure exposed by media in Indonesia nowadays. The cases of corruption spread to all element in society, from local government official, general police to member of parliamentary. Media makes defendants as if they are celebrity who seems not really guilty. Media construct the cases to become popular but being not trusted by person who access the media. Therefore, everyone who reads news from newspaper or access the media will wonder why the defendants have been treated very special. After Soeharto era, freedom of press in Indonesia is very excessively. Sometimes, information is being formatted without considering the ethic. All media including newspapers are required to reveal and present the truth, balanced, accurate, objective and neutral, in order to facilitate the public about the truth of message as a whole, rather than making them confuse. Thus, the integrity of the media is highly required. Therefore, media can present the news in accordance to ethic and value rather than focus to defendant’s as personal. This research uses qualitative methodology and semiotic in media, meaning of meaning theory, discourse analysis and agenda setting. The result of this research found that KOMPAS media integrity rather polluted with news which not focusing to the substance in corruption as enemy for the country (Agelina Sondakh cases from 21th December 2012 to 4thJanuary 2013). Keywords: reformation era, freedom of press, the integrity of the KOMPAS
Islam is the majority religion in the country of Indonesia, with the existence of multicultural culture then Islam metamorphosed into a religion that was infiltrated by the views of several groups. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the role of journalists in reporting the issue of religious moderation. The approach used in this research is Robert Entman's framing analysis model with qualitative analysis research type. The data in this study are news stories related to religious moderation in Republika Online Media. The results of the research show that Republika Online media as information media has reported informative and balanced, but it has not been maximized in carrying out the function of media as a Watchdog in the community, as well as the lack of carefulness of Republika journalists in conducting in-depth tracing of informant statements to prevent the habit of information being loaded in the media. Keywords: Framing ; Religion Moderation ; Online Media .
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
The regional head direct election in 2017 is a democratic party that will be implemented by the Jakarta community. But, the present media has its own model in the news which is broadcasted to the public. With the power to build the public opinion, media are capable of directing the votes for political purposes. Referred to Jakarta Head Election Done Jakarta in October 2016 and April 2017 at Media In the period of Seven months there are 5 (five) big issues rose in the news. Those are: issues of electability and support, campaign issues and performance, issues of blasphemy, and issues of political promises in campaigns. The research would like to examine the ideology or political interests of and, also the works of opinion formation happened in public as well as the meanings of the news publication in the framing that is created by the media against the question of politics. This research use the qualitative approach supported by the quan...
News is a specific text of media discourse that has attracted special interest. This study gains insight into how linguistic choices shape the representation of information in news stories. Because they involve decision by definition, choices have an impact on the news angles and consequentially on the content and the message conveyed in an article. Specific structures, such as passive sentences, are not only determined by simple stylistic preference, but are also the fruit of linguistic choices. The choice of such constructions in place of factually equivalent or similar ones, gives a sentence a particular direction and indicates a linguistic strategy in the (re)presentation of the facts and the speaker’s attitude. A study on an integral aspect of language use such as linguistic choices applied to news stories is of particular interest because of the essential role language plays in media and communication in general. More specifically, the present thesis is situated in the particu...
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