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2008, The Journal of Curriculum Studies
Journal of the Korean Association for Research in Science Education, 2018
One of the important competencies in knowledge and information society is the competency of Knowledge information processing. This is closely related to science education and described as one of the core competencies in the 2015 national curriculum revision. Even with a general agreement of the educational necessity of this competency, its practice in class depends mostly on teachers' will. Therefore, we surveyed science teachers' perceptions and classroom condition about the competency of Knowledge information processing, and we analyzed the questionnaires of 64 middle and high school teachers in Seoul and interviewed three teachers. As a result, all teachers shared the importance of Knowledge information processing competency and explained it in terms of social paradigm and goal of the subject. However, there were not many cases of actual practice in class. The teachers answered that time for Knowledge information processing competency is not enough in class and they also lack of PCK on this competency. About half of the teachers had experiences in teacher training about Knowledge information processing competency but most of their experiences are related to information utilization literacy. The importance of Knowledge information processing competency was very high in three factors (collection, analyzation, and utilization), among which information analysis was the highest. Middle school teachers showed higher scores in most questions even though the differences were not significant, and high school teachers showed higher scores in the importance of information sources at a significant level. In order to cultivate competencies, it is necessary to expand the meaning of science inquiry so as to cover this competency and to consider ways of linking with other subjects and develop methods of teaching and learning.
Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology, 2016
This study investigates successful university life of university students by examining the impact of student study methods of learning strategies on class satisfaction. For this purpose, 867 out of 900 surveys of university students enrolled at N university located in Chungnam were analyzed. The survey was comprised of 18 questions regarding the respondent's basic personal information, their perception of their current studying circumstances and time spent studying, and 5 questions regarding class satisfaction. The analysis results show that out of a 5-point scale, learning strategy stands at 3.36, and the sub-factor of class attitude was highest with 5.85, and time management was the lowest at 3.06. On the 5-point scale, class satisfaction was 3.37, with general education classes at 3.24 and major classes at 3.45. It appeared that university students' learning strategies have an impact on class satisfaction, and of the learning
Science of Emotion and Sensibility, 2012
The purpose of this study is to test the effect of pedagogical agent realism and expertise on persona effect. There were two perspectives of the pedagogical agents' social interaction. Self-identification hypothesis argues that complexity of agent image is better to increase social interaction. Subjective identification insists that simplified image is more helpful to facilitate social interaction. However, from the cognitive load theory perspective, learners' expertise can be a major factor to determine persona effect. Sixty-eight college students (male=19 and female=49) participated. The independent variables were the degree of realism of pedagogical agent (detailed vs. simplified image) and the expertise (high prior knowledge group vs. low prior knowledge group). The dependant variables were comprehension test and the agent persona instrument (API). There was no significant difference in comprehension test score; however, there were significant interaction effect on the most constructs of API: 1) facilitating of learning, 2) credible, and 3) human-like. The follow-up analysis of simple main effect revealed that high expertise group showed significantly higher perception of the three construct with high realism of pedagogical agent. The results of study show that learners' expertise plays a key role of perception of persona effect.
Korean Society for Engineering Education, 2015
Engineering education accreditation, such as by ABEEK in Korea or ABET in USA, centers around outcomes-based education (OBE). Outcomes are the abilities or competencies which students are expected to achieve by the time of graduation. Engineering programs must design the curriculum, educate their students, and assess the performance of them in accordance with the program outcomes. Consequently, sound understanding of the program outcomes is crucial to the successful implementation of OBE. Most of the 12 outcomes of ABEEK KEC2005 criteria came from ABET criteria written in English. It means that, apart from sound understanding of the outcomes, we need to care about the correct translation of the ABET outcomes from English to Korean. The translation of them as in KEC2005, however, leaves something to be desired. This paper tries to present the correct translation of some program outcomes as well as sound understanding of a few outcomes difficult to define.
Chodeunggwahakgyoyuk, 2014
This study was conducted to examine the effect of elementary science class using name card method on scientific learning motivation and academic achievement of elementary students. Two sixth grade classes were divided into experimental group and comparison group to treat the experimental group with elementary science class using name card method. General class according to teacher manual was implemented for the comparison group. Elementary science class applying name card method was conducted for 10 sessions throughout the experimental period of 8 weeks. The results of this study were as follows. First, elementary science class with name card method was effective in improving scientific learning motivation. Second, elementary science class with name card method had significant effect on improvement of scientific learning academic achievement. The study results showed that elementary science class with name card method was effective for scientific learning motivation and academic achievement of elementary students.
The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, 2014
The Journal of Cognitive Science, 2020
Psychological properties of learners have influence on learning behaviors in various ways. The purpose of this study was to examine how the goal orientation of learners affected the learning time distribution method. Regulatory focus and theories of intelligence were measured and manipulated in order to differentiate participants' goal-oriented state. Two variables are known to be key variables influencing learner 's goal orientation, inducing the approach-avoidance strategy and mastery-performance oriented attitude. In the experiment, the control focus was divided into two groups based on the inclination test score (regulatory Focus Questionnaire, RFQ), and TOI(theory of intelligence) was temporally induced through manipulation to confirm the interaction between the two variables. Participants were able to determine the order of learning freely by learning a set of Spanish-Korean word pairs and then selecting the items they would like to re-learn. Word pairs consisted of difficult or easy items, and learners could learn the same word many times if they wanted to. In the results, promotion-incremental group showed allocating difficult word-pairs in early time.
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 2015
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of elementary science teaching program strengthening aesthetic experiences on science learning motivation and achievement. The subjects of this study were divided into two groups. The experiment group practiced elementary science teaching program strengthening aesthetic experiences, while the control group practiced teacher guided-based instruction. The results of this study were as follows. First, science teaching program strengthening aesthetic experiences gave a significant influence on increasing the science learning motivation. Second, science teaching program strengthening aesthetic experiences gave a significant influence on increasing the science achievement. In conclusion, this study showed that elementary science teaching program strengthening aesthetic experiences gave a positive influence on the science learning motivation and science achievement in elementary school science.
Chodeunggwahakgyoyuk, 2016
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of science based enrichment STEAM gifted program on the creative thinking activities and emotional intelligence of elementary science gifted students. The study subjects were two science gifted classes of the 5th grade of local Office of Education in B Metropolitan City. One class including 20 students was experimental group and the other including 20 students was comparison group. For the purpose of study, the lesson unit 'The world of light through science' was practised, the science based enrichment STEAM gifted program was applied to experimental group, whereas comparison group was taught traditional gifted lesson. The results of this study were as follows. First, science based enrichment STEAM gifted program influenced significantly the improvement of the creative thinking activities of elementary science gifted students. Second, science based enrichment STEAM gifted program was showed to enhance the emotional intelligence of elementary science gifted students significantly.
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction, 2019
In this study, we developed a computer program for analyzing research articles through automatic content analysis, and analyzed International Journal of Science Education and Journal of Research in Science Teaching research articles from 2008 to 2015. The existing studies only analyzed the frequency of specific factors such as research topics, authors’ nationality, and research methods, but this study not only analyzes the frequency of research topics but also analyzes a correlation between them. As a result, we can see what the most studied topics are, and figure out what the research topics with the highest correlation are. The most studied topics were inquiry, literacy, assessment, attitude, and nature of science. The most correlated topics were inquiry and curriculum, primary school and inquiry, classroom and language, literacy and socioscientific.
korean language education research, 2014
This paper investigated the types of research methods in Korean Language Education(KLE) and related issues. The research methods involved many elements such as data collection, position and viewpoint of researcher, research purpose, researcher’s intention, time, degree of controlling, utilizing, and using machine. Based on these elements, research methods of KLE could be classified and contrasted. Those are conceptional and empirical research, pure and action research, longitudinal and cross-sectional research, experimental and ethnography, introspection and discourse analysis, case study and survey study. Any research itself has multiplicity and complexity. So we should understand that there are many aspects of any one research. To advance research methods of KLE, it is needed to know the complimentary of conceptional research and empirical research. Theoretical research and action research develops dialectically. Teacher’s inquiry is important, and the concept of ‘teacher researcher’ should be established. Key words : Korean Language Education, research method, conceptional research, empirical research, dialectic, teacher researcher
Elementary Science Education, 2014
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of science lesson applying STEAM education on the creative thinking activities and emotional intelligence of elementary school students. The study subjects were two classes of the 3 th grade of S elementary school in B Metropolitan City. One class including 26 students was experimental group and the other including 27 students was comparison group. For the purpose of study, the lesson unit 'The world of animals' was practised, the reorganized unit applying STEAM was applied to experimental group, whereas comparison group was taught traditional science lesson. The results of this study were as follows. First, the science lesson applying STEAM education influenced significantly the improvement of the creative thought activities of elementary school students. Second, the science lesson applying STEAM education influenced significantly the improvement of the emotional intelligence of elementary school students.
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education, 2016
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of small group learning using smart devices in science classes on students' achievement, learning motivation, attitude toward science lessons, and perception of small group learning using smart devices. Four 11th-grade classes (N=133) at a coed high school in Seoul were randomly assigned to a control group and a treatment group. The intervention of small group learning using smart devices emphasized collaborative writing on activity sheet. The students were taught about acid, base, and neutralization reaction for six class periods. After the instructions, an achievement test, the learning motivation test, the attitude toward science lessons test, and a questionnaire on the perception of small group learning using smart devices were administered. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that there was a statistically significant interaction effect by their previous chemistry achievement in the achievement test scores. Only low-level students in small group learning using smart devices significantly improved their achievement probably by having the opportunities to get help from high-level students. The adjusted means of the treatment group were significantly higher than those of the control group in learning motivation and attitude toward science lessons. Students' perceptions of small group learning using smart devices tended to be positive. Educational implications of this study are discussed.
Korean journal of medical education, 2009
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 2016
The purpose of this study was to analyze preschool teachers' observation experience and their pre and post degrees of preferences in observing underground and water living things, fungus, insects, flowerless plants and sea lives. Based on the analysis, their pre-observation experience in living things were insects, ocean creatures, underground living things, flowerless plants, fungus and water living things in order. The degree of preferences in flowerless plans based on their gender, the female pre-service teachers showed higher scores than the average in both pre and post test. The male, however, responded higher scores in underground living things in both tests. Their background such as liberal arts or science or arts and physical major affected their preferences scores in water living things, insects and flowerless plans in the post test, and the science major pre-service teachers showed the highest degree of preferences in insects among the liberal arts, science or arts and physical major pre-teachers in the post test. In conclusion, there were different degree of their preferences affected by the pre observation experience, gender difference, their present majors such as the liberal arts, science or arts and physical major, the categories of living things but not in their high school background such as liberal arts or science.
Journal of Korean Medicine
Objectives: There should be an objective analysis on the academic competency for incorporating Computer-based Test (CBT) in the education of traditional Korean medicine (TKM). However, the Item Response Theory (IRT) for analyzing latent competency has not been introduced for its difficulty in calculation, interpretation and utilization.Methods: The current study analyzed responses of 390 students of 8 years to the herbology test with 14 items by utilizing Rasch model, and the characteristics of test and items were evaluated by using characteristic curve, information curve, difficulty, academic competency, and test score. The academic competency of the students across gender and years were presented with scale characteristic curve, Kernel density map, and Wright map, and examined based on T-test and ANOVA.Results: The estimated item, test, and ability parameters based on Rasch model provided reliable information on academic competency, and organized insights on students, test and ite...
수학교육학연구, 2020
In this study, 218 highschool mathematics teachers were surveyed to identify their perceptions and reading of curriculum materials. As a result, the majority of teachers emphasized the agency of teachers in enacting the curriculum and regarded conceptual understanding as crucial in teaching conditional probability. Nevertheless, the analysis of reading of the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum showed the lowest frequency of responses using the teachers' knowledge and experience. Among the major changes in the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum related conditional probability, teachers mentioned in the order of attitude and practice, information processing, reducing the burden of learning, improving evaluation methods, and reasoning. When teachers mentioned reasoning, they were more likely to evaluate or interpret the curriculum materials using their knowledge and experience. But most of teachers stated that the other changes as particular features were included. Thus, opportunities must be provided to improve teachers' professional development based on the concrete methods that can enact the intention of the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum.
Chodeunggwahakgyoyuk, 2015
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of free inquiry lessons utilizing flipped learning with smart devices on digital literacy, 21 st century skills and scientific attitude of 5 th graders of elementary school. The subjects of this study were two different 5 th grade classes in J elementary school located in B metropolitan city. Free inquiry lessons utilizing flipped learning with smart devices were applied to experimental group, whereas comparison group was taught general free inquiry lessons using ordinary teaching materials. The results of this study were as follows: First, free inquiry lessons utilizing flipped learning with smart devices were statistically meaningful on students' digital literacy. Second, free inquiry lessons utilizing flipped learning with smart devices were not statistically meaningful on students' 21 st century skills. Third, free inquiry lessons utilizing flip teaching with smart devices were not statistically meaningful on students' scientific attitude. Fourth, free inquiry lessons utilizing flipped learning with smart devices caused an effectiveness on students' interests.